Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1154 Void Training (First Update)

When the bullet is pushed away from the muzzle by high-pressure gas, the plan has been roughly formed.

As a transportation artery connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, Istanbul has always been on the expansion plan, and geographically important countries such as Greece and Turkey are the key to Latovinia's future. Although there is an excuse, it will take a long time to complete this plan. It requires more genetically modified warriors, more advanced equipment, and the mortal army also needs more training. The law enforcement department of Latovinia is based on The mechanized infantry of the NATO army is trained to the standard, while the regular army must learn from scratch the tactics needed for large-scale wars with the help of political commissars. At the very least, they must develop the discipline and courage to fight in conjunction with genetically modified warriors.

During the first expansion war, Latovinia faced opponents who used NATO security warfare tactics. Because of this, during the war, the NATO army retreated steadily when facing the Hell Knights. The Hell Knights' ability to attack tough battles It far exceeds the limit that the personnel and equipment of the security warfare army can withstand. In the research meeting before the start of the war, both the Eternal City and Latovinia expected this result. The security warfare army with rich experience in dealing with IDE and snipers could do nothing when faced with the artillery fire of the regular army. On the contrary, It was the second-line armies of Southeast European countries with no combat experience and stationed in the mainland that carried the war for a longer period of time. The former suffered heavy casualties and were deleted after the war and reorganized into law enforcement security forces. The latter became the main force of the mortal auxiliary army after the first expansion war and possesses the most advanced war equipment.

However, they still need adequate training.

"This is the first batch of mortal auxiliary army void combat training. While you were performing other tasks, I selected a group of elites to participate in void combat training. They are equipped with individual sealed exoskeleton combat suits. After training, they can achieve What you'd expect from a mortal army. It's a pity that their brains can't accept spiritual infusion, otherwise we could mass-produce soldiers with professional knowledge like we produce Hell Knights."

Victor von Doom walked in front holding an electronic staff representing his status, followed by the Emperor of Latvinia, Hammurabi and Natasha Romanov. The Tianjian Space Station has been transformed to have many functions that it did not originally have. Artificial gravity is one of them. The principle is similar to the hyperlight engine that is being reversed. It is a product of the scientific research department of the Immortal City.

He placed his hand on the alloy explosion-proof door, and the genetic code stored in the long staff was authorized to open it. Very few people are able to come here, and for the first time Natasha Romanoff comes into contact with a small part of Latvinia's vast secrets. On a protruding platform outside the armored glass porthole, Natasha Romanov saw the huge steel cannon flashing under the starlight. A group of soldiers in black closed combat uniforms were running along the wide circular maintenance track of the space station. It was dark. The laser rifle is magnetically locked onto their belt.

"This is to adapt to combat needs in low gravity environments." Victor von Doom noticed Natasha Romanov's gaze and took the initiative to introduce these soldiers to her. "Although the void combat suit is not as powerful as powered armor, the technical content in it is still astonishing. The space suits of other countries in the world need to be extremely bloated to compress the blood flow to the ends of the limbs, but the void combat suit can free up other spaces for soldiers to carry Add other equipment to improve combat flexibility. In fact, this equipment can also be used on the ground, and 50-heavy machine gun bullets cannot deal with this kind of composite armor."

"It's amazing," Natasha Romanoff said. "It's hard to imagine these soldiers going to the ground to fight."

"It's not strong enough." The Emperor of Latovinia said, "If there are no heavy weapons, a team of genetically modified warriors can defeat them, and the opponents we face in the future will not be weaker than the genetically modified warriors, so these auxiliary soldiers The most important task is to provide heavy firepower so that the genetically modified warriors can exert their real advantages. Even the Asgardians will be afraid of plasma, but science and technology can equal the advantage of evolution. This is a common law in the entire universe."

"Are you saying Thor would be afraid of plasma weapons?"

"No, the Asirs and civilians are not the same species. I am talking about ordinary Asgardians." The Emperor of Latovinia waved his hand, indicating that he did not want to get entangled in this topic. Romanov was keenly aware of the secrets hidden in it, but she did not continue to ask further questions. The previous inquiry on the assault transport boat had already aroused the vigilance of Victor von Doom, and also made the emperor suspicious. . She was sure that the emperor's behavior was completely different from that of the young man many years ago. According to what he said, he had spent more time on alien planets than on Earth. Although she didn't know what he had done on alien planets, she was certain. This will definitely have an impact on his mind.

"Where is the Secret Corps?" Natasha Romanoff told the secret she knew. "The Secret Corps is also a mortal army. I have seen their organization in the Eternal City and have also read the battle information in which they participated. "The regent's eyes cut through her emotions like a blade, and Natasha had to lower her head and admit, "It's the small part that is allowed. I don't even know why they went to that town."

After hearing this, the regent's stern eyes moved away from her face, and then turned to the emperor who was whistling and pretending that it had nothing to do with him. Hammurabi turned away embarrassed, wanting to say something but couldn't. This kind of leakage was naturally not allowed unless it was the emperor's own idea. The regent didn't know why the emperor trusted this woman so much that he actually let her watch a small part of the intelligence about the Battle of Finbul.

"The secret regiment is being expanded and trained. The courses have already covered the training items of these soldiers, and even the courses that these soldiers have not been exposed to are included." The regent said with a cold face, reluctantly, "Now we still have no idea about the internal affairs. There is a huge demand. The Ministry of Justice alone cannot monitor internal work, because not everyone can resist the temptation of power and money, so an executioner who is free from the administrative system is very important. The secret group can be controlled by internal affairs Departments are used to hold the back of the administrative system, or become special operations teams on the battlefield. They are severed from all administrative systems, incorruptible, and determined. Throwing them into large-scale battlefields in an organized manner is a waste of talent."

"You said that not everyone can resist corruption."

"They are different. They are all orphans raised by us. Some boys will join the secret corps, some girls will join the sorority, and the rest will become officers, soldiers, officials and other people they need to be." Victor von Doom shook his head, "Indeed, not everyone can resist corruption, but I believe that the vast majority of them can resist the temptation that ordinary people can't resist. Their training methods are different from ordinary soldiers. They have no worries except responsibility. , because this is the kind of education they received. And...their organization and use are far more flexible than you imagine, madam."

The emperor and the regent chatted for a while in front of the armored glass porthole about the naval establishment and the legion-building work of these mortal auxiliary armies. Although Latovinia's mortal army also attaches great importance to ideological education, improving combat capabilities is the most important task. Each of these mortal soldiers who come to participate in training has taken drugs that can affect the brain, reduce their fear and other Extreme Threshold - Such drugs have long been used in the early education stages of secret orders and sororities to free those children from the fear of pain, so that they can face the most brutal battlefields like genetically modified warriors. Stay calm and avoid the possibility of PTSD.

No matter how powerful the Latvian army is, establishing a system that can cope with most situations requires intense discussions and a lot of research. The tedium of this is a real situation that the emperor and regent face every day. Not everyone can be immersed in a large number of documents and meetings like the emperor and regent every day. Just discussing the establishment work requires bringing together the staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs, which is expected to take more than twelve hours. Only then can we come up with a rough plan. This is still with the participation of two special humans, the emperor and the regent. If it is done by ordinary people, it will probably take a long time to find the appropriate answer from endless research reports.

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