Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1158 Dropnir (first update)

When strong spiritual power creates ripples in the sea of ​​soul due to intense emotions, it often rolls up a huge wave on the endless ocean of biological subconscious collections. Consciousness, one of the three elements of alchemy, has always been the focus of research by all schools of spellcasters. Many spells that can affect the minds of groups guide the generation and extinction of emotions by instilling emotions and ideas into the sea of ​​souls, possessing powerful spiritual power. The actions of people will unconsciously affect the people around them, and every move will involve the emotions and thoughts of countless people.

So what is the Sea of ​​Souls? No one can tell clearly. Even the casters with second vision have completely different descriptions of the scenes they observe, not to mention the millions of books in the Kama Taj Library from different civilizations and in different languages. Descriptions in written tablets, scrolls, and books indicate that almost all phenomena observed by spellcasters are inextricably linked to civilization memes.

Some describe it as pitch-black space, where the soul lights of intelligent creatures are densely packed together to form an undulating bright galaxy, with ferocious predators lurking beneath the ocean surface; others describe it as endless and invisible. At the same time, it exudes a dizzying shimmering world of mist. Anyone who enters it can only stagger, stumble, and finally be kidnapped by deformed limbs protruding from the suffocating fog. No matter what the expression is, whether it is called the sea of ​​souls, ether, star realm, supreme sky, heaven, or hell, the consensus among all spellcasters is that the spiritual dimension is too dangerous for creatures in the real plane.

"I knew this day would come sooner or later." When Casilios got off the car at the farm parking lot, his emotions became extremely heavy due to Salomon's influence, as if they were about to face a battle. A near-death battle rather than a daily visit. "I was present when you were born, child, and I know that the destiny arranged by His Holiness for you is the ultimate destiny of Karma Taj, allowing human beings to gain free will. Now you have the ability to fulfill this destiny, but this does not mean that we The Mystic is useless, I can do more than that. Give me that thing..."


"It's what you summoned at the United Nations Headquarters. I know you have been carrying that thing with you. I have read the technical details and the documents written by His Holiness. In addition to controlling combat robots, mystics can also control war engines."

"This is the last resort." Salomon took out the summoning scroll from his briefcase, "and it's only a special model."

Giant war engines with a height of more than 60 meters have a large number of crews used for maintenance and control. However, the crews of some special types of war engines are all replaced by hardware and intelligent components, and are almost completely automated. Only the control center It still uses the artificially cultivated biochemical wetware of the fortress-type combat robot and is directly connected to the synaptic sensor, allowing the mystic to sink his consciousness into the circuit of surging energy and the violent plasma core to interact with the semi-intelligent operating system, such as Manipulating the engine of war like a body. Although the technical routes are different, it can be regarded as realizing Salomon’s dream of flying a Gundam from the side.

Cassilios took the scroll, opened it and took a look. "Item summoning, be creative."

Although he had expected it, Salomon's construction of this spell still amazed Casilios. Streamlined, smart and very stable at the same time. The four-dimensional topological structure diagram and dense mental structure points on the parchment were all made and written by him, which corresponded one-to-one with the transmission beacon numbers and energy radiation waveforms on those special models of war engines. . Casilios used his more than ten years of experience as a mystic to judge that it would take an ordinary mystic at least two to three years to complete such a scroll from design to writing, not including subsequent calibration and adjustments. And testing and other links - if you include the time of designing the war engine, testing and establishing laboratories, etc., the data on this scroll needs to be adjusted at any time, then this alone is enough for an ordinary mystic to study for half a lifetime.

"I thought you would shrink the war engine into a toy and bring it over." He said, "It would be more scientific."

"Witchcraft is just a science that humans are temporarily unable to use, just like..."

"It's like Asgard's science, I know, you've said it many times." Cassilios folded the scroll and put it in the inner pocket of his suit, then pointed to his ear, indicating that he had not forgotten Salo. Meng's thoughts. "Adjust your emotions. It's time for us to face Frigga and Odin. Don't let them see that you are ready to fight."

Starting from the parking lot, walk forward along the path with ankle-deep grass on both sides. After passing through the canyon and the rushing stream, you will enter a wide pasture less than 200 meters away. Lead-gray dark clouds gathered on the ridge in the distance. The familiar cabin was located at the foot of the mountain, overlooking the entire green pasture. The further we walked, the colder the air became. Salomon and Casilios saw Frigga in palace attire sitting in a lounge chair in front of the porch from a distance, holding a book that seemed to have been ravaged by time while waiting for them. 's arrival

In the secret vision, every rock and every piece of grass here is engraved with golden runes. Even the endless waves, the rocks standing in the sea, and the seagulls flying in the sky have become the symbols of this spell. part. The constantly rotating witchcraft spread from the ground to the sky, like the interlocking gears in a huge machine. Salomon and Cassilios even thought they heard the long lamentation of the runes rubbing against each other and singing in the sea of ​​souls.

"I suggest you accept that personal gift. After all, this room belongs to you, and we have disturbed you for too long." Frigga moved her eyes away from the ancient-looking book and looked at the person standing there. Salomon under the porch. Even though the inevitable death was coming slowly, there was no sadness in her expression, as if this was just an ordinary, uneventful afternoon. She said unhurriedly, "This is a gift. Short-lived people long for life, while long-lived people hate life. Although your lifeline is blurry, I can still see the long future. I hope you can Find the meaning of living in this long life. Go in, he still wants to talk to you."

Salomon nodded, passed by the lounge chair, opened the wooden door and walked in.

Cassilios initially wanted to follow him in, but Frigga shook his head, and he had to stay outside the porch, nervously waiting for the conversation in the cabin to end. During this process, Cassilios kept his hand near the inner pocket of his suit, and Frigga glanced at it with interest. It seemed that even the perception of time was lost after entering the barrier created by Frigga. Cassilios was worried that the giant gunship in the sky would suddenly land after losing contact, or that the missile suspended high in the orbit would Missiles would suddenly launch, forcing him to take hostile measures—or worse, a conflict had already broken out in the cabin and he didn't know it. This worry made Casilios feel that he was falling continuously. He saw the dark cliffs and the roaring poisonous dragons. The old petrified roots spread to every corner of the universe, and what was revealed under the petrified surface was a bright rainbow. Light.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when Casilios couldn’t help but wanted to rush in and take a look, Salomon with a solemn expression opened the door and walked out. The stench of death wafting out of the dim room made Casilios shudder. The temperature around the wooden house dropped sharply. The large green grass that was originally swaying under the breeze was covered with a layer of white frost, and the two dark A raven stood on the wooden roof, making shrill calls all the time, and two giant wolves with gray fur appeared and disappeared in the vast pasture.

Casilios didn't know what happened in the wooden house, but when he came out, Salomon's long black hair was also braided into a warrior braid around his ears, and his whole body exuded the smell of burning animal fur and the smell of blood. , the originally clean skin and shirt were stained with sweat and ashes. What is even more eye-catching is his finger. The hand that already wears many rings has a golden ring with a strong Asgardian artistic style. The ring surface is engraved with the world tree using meticulous relief techniques. With roots, evil dragons and a large number of war blessings written in runes, he could tell at a glance that this was Asgard's treasure Dropnir.

"Are you willing to take this oath?" Frigga raised her head and glanced at Salomon, who exuded a fierce aura. "Are you sure you are ready?"

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