Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1160 Journey to Valhalla (Part 2)

According to ancient etiquette, the host must provide food to the guest and promise not to harm him. The guest must also swear not to draw weapons in the hall after receiving the food. This is the ancient law of the old night. No one can break it or else there will be a curse. Rude grunts came from all around, and the warriors whispered among themselves, seeming very angry at Salomon's rejection. Some warriors with weapons squeezed through the fur-clad crowd and aging human servants and stood behind Salomon, seeming to be waiting for the order of the king on the high platform. The ghostly creatures living in the shadows on both sides of the hall whispered to each other eagerly, making disbelief. of whispers.

"You refuse the meat that is offered to you!" A warrior with a great axe was closest to Salomon, closing in on the mystic until Salomon could smell the stench of rotting blood in his hair and animal hides. A low roar came from the warrior's throat, revealing his non-human fangs, and he was covered in the wolf skin of the wild wolf Salomon had seen before, "Are you insulting us, human king? You followed me here, Are you looking down on our meat now?"

Salomon did not look at him, but looked around with suppressed anger. At this moment, he was sure that these warriors were not human beings. Both their souls and the projection reflected by the fire were twisted into some kind of evil creature with a long snout. "I have already received good hospitality. Your king has provided me with shelter and warmth. How can I ask for more?" He gathered his emotions and said in a polite tone, "This is meat that can make warriors stronger. , I am just a foreigner, how can I take away this delicious delicacy?"

"Then drink!" the warrior said fiercely. "If you refuse the mead, you will insult our hospitality etiquette."

He summoned an old and frail human servant, who tried his best to drag a huge wine glass that was hammered out of lead. Some gold and gemstones were randomly rolled on the wine glass as decoration. Even so, it could not cover up the poor workmanship of this wine glass. The warrior placed the nearly overflowing wine glass filled with liquid as dark as night heavily in front of Salomon, and raised his eyebrows maliciously. Even though the warrior acted roughly, the liquid in the wine glass remained motionless. When Salomon reached out to get it, he realized that the wine glass was so heavy that he had to stretch out both hands to hold it up.

Salomon looked at the warrior, then raised the cup to his lips and drank.

The mead, which was as thick as night, was extremely cold, but it almost set him on fire when he took it in. The boiling sour liquid surface filled with thick smoke and entered his nose. Salomon closed his eyes reddened by the smoke and endured the pain. The pain in throat and lips keeps drinking. He didn't know how much he drank or how long he drank until the liquid level dropped by less than a finger when he put down the glass.

"You actually let the liquid level drop." The soldier showed his fangs in surprise, "You actually drank so much!"

"Nice wine." Salomon burped and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Then continue!" the soldier roared.

"Sorry, I'm full. Thank you for your generosity."

"You are insulting me!" The warrior rushed towards Salomon and waved the giant ax in his hand. Salomon immediately stood up from the chair, dodged the sharp blade that split the bench, then turned around and smashed his fist into the warrior's ear. With just one blow, the warrior with an inhuman physique was smashed onto the long table, and the plate containing meat and bones was pushed to the ground. The ghosts in the darkness cheered and rushed up to gnaw the shreds of meat on the bones. Until the soldier stood up dizzy, he still maintained an expression of disbelief. The warrior shook his head angrily, roared and rushed forward again.

"That's enough, Freddy!" the king roared. "No matter how much you dislike him, this human king is our guest. He politely refused meat but drank enough mead. He observed fireside etiquette." , no one can harm him, otherwise he will be expelled from the hall." Frech lowered his head, then exposed his throat, expressing his surrender to the king, as did other warriors in the hall. The king handed the spear to the priest wearing antlers, leaned down and looked at Salomon below, "Since our guest is powerful enough to drink our mead, is he interested in accepting another challenge?"

"Of course, you have to have some fun during the long night." As soon as these words came out, the warriors at the long table cheered noisily. The warriors holding the wine glasses used the long table as a drum and the wine glasses as hammers. The soldiers without the wine glasses smashed Use your fists. "I wouldn't mind taking part in a challenge just to figure something out."

"You have given me some interest, inhuman human king." The king said with interest, "Since you want to seek my wisdom, then I will give you three challenges. If you fail to drink all the mead, then The first challenge has failed, and there are two more waiting for you. To be fair, as long as you successfully complete one, I will grant your wish. If you fail all, you will have to stay here to serve me forever. , the living cannot stay in Valhalla, so you must give up your life. Since you can knock down Hermod with one punch, it means that you can join my undead hunting group and fight for me."

"Okay, we have a deal." Salomon straightened his back, "If I win the challenge, you have to tell me why I came here."

"Then, the second challenge!" The voices of the soldiers knocking on the long table became more and more urgent. "The next test of strength, human king. Do you see the beast in front of the throne? You must make him move, no matter what method you use. How about, do you accept this challenge?"

Salomon walked towards the giant wolf that was still sleeping by the fire. He knew that this wolf was the king's loyal pet and helper, and no one could order it. Therefore, he did not waste his words on this wolf, which was as high as the roof of a long house. He ordered it in Julang's ears, but directly hugged the giant wolf's belly with both hands. The fur of the giant wolf was soft, and the warm fur wrapped Salomon's frostbitten arms, but he could not lift the giant wolf above his head.

"Have you given up?" the king asked.

"Not yet, I haven't even started yet!" said Salomon. "You allow me to use any method, don't you?"

"I suggest you start with the claws." The king said with interest. "If you can't move it, at least move its claws!" His humor made the soldiers laugh. "I want you to move it, not just pick up a paw. Every warrior here can throw this wolf onto the roof. If you can't even do that, how can you stay here and join the hunting pack?" Fight for me?"

Salomon took a deep breath, bent down and stretched out his hands to hold the wolf's legs, and then began to exert force. His back was tense and his face was red, the blood vessels in his arms burst due to excessive exertion, his crossed knuckles turned white, and a large amount of sweat fell from his forehead. The yellow granite floor near the high platform made a heartbreaking cracking sound under his feet. Salomon let out a roar, and then the giant wolf's claws were slowly raised at a speed that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye. Finally, the whole wolf finally The wolf's claws left the ground. A distant loud noise came from the horizon, as if huge rocks were rubbing against each other, and the mountains were complaining because of pain. This sound made the soldiers in the hall whisper uneasily.

Salomon panted and dropped his wolf claws, making an earth-shattering noise.

"Ha! Well done, inhuman human king, but you failed!" The king nodded appreciatively, "There is another challenge. If you fail again, as a living person you must give up your life to join us and join the undead. hunting pack. Are you ready to take on the last challenge?”

Salomon stood up unsteadily. "accept."

"I won't bully you. Give him a glass of mead first to let him regain his strength."

The king waved his hand, and a servant immediately brought the horn cup. Salomon took the wine glass and drank deeply. The cool mead gradually cooled down his overheated body. Even at a disadvantage, he still stared at the dark corridors on both sides of the hall with vigilant eyes. "The third challenge is very simple." Following the king's order, an old woman limped out from among the slaves and stopped in front of Salomon. She raised her cloudy eyes with cataracts and looked at The face of the mystic. She looked shriveled and wrinkled, as if a breeze could blow her away. The thin, dry hair on the top of her head made it difficult to judge her age.

"You can wrestle with my old maid. She is the mother of the wolves and taught us wrestling. Even in her old age, I believe she has not forgotten her past skills. Don't show this look. She once defeated someone who looked better than you. A strong guy, this is what I have seen with my own eyes." The aging king had a sly expression, "Don't underestimate the enemy, human king, if you want to join the hunting group, then you must defeat her first!"

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