Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1168 Common Sense Issues

Sherlock Holmes's welcome was a brief interlude in a long meeting.

The Emperor of Latovinia, who briefly left the meeting site, traveled thousands of kilometers in a blink of an eye and arrived at the Royal Castle with the Imperial Guard. Since many missions have great demand for the vertical take-off and landing, personnel carrying and ground support capabilities of armed helicopters and transport helicopters, but because helicopters are not capable of frequent ultra-long range missions, Mars Foundry and Immortal City Scientific Research The department designed an atmospheric vehicle that was versatile, comparable to the Quinjet, and could do almost any ground aviation job.

Like the Quinjet, this aircraft is generally used to deploy quick reaction forces. However, due to its powerful firepower and protective armor that far exceeds that of the Quinjet, this aircraft can also be used as a deployment force while taking into account the deployment of quick reaction troops. Anti-tank, anti-armor, and anti-infantry ground support attack aircraft, even variants without the crew compartment, can carry light vehicles instead of infantry.

With the ability to obtain intelligence in modern warfare, commanding regular troops to fight guerrillas in the field can complete the task in a very short time. On the battlefields of annihilating the religious resistance forces in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the roar of this aircraft engine became a powerful weapon. It was the last sound heard by many rebels during their lifetime, and several aircraft continued to fly smoothly after encountering attacks from Stinger missiles and RPG-7s during the war until the mission was completed.

To transport Sherlock Holmes from London to Latvinia, the First Secret Regiment used this aircraft instead of the Quinjet because it was more reliable and safer. The aircraft landed on the tarmac twenty minutes ago. It seemed that the pilot had too much trust in the maneuverability of the aircraft, which made the untrained crew feel even more uncomfortable. When the engineering loading and unloading mecha unloaded all the cargo from the aircraft, the criminal consultant from London still could not step off the aircraft with weak legs. Until the accompanying soldiers of the First Secret Regiment held his arm and dragged Sherlock Holmes off the ramp and put him into the armored troop carrier heading to the military camp near the Royal Castle, the criminal consultant was still pale and looked At any moment he could be on the floor vomiting again.

"Where are we going? I know we are going to Latovinia, but where is Latovinia? Where in the world is it?" The criminal consultant, who smelled sour of vomit, wiped his fingers with a handkerchief. , turned to face the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment beside him, "You refused to communicate with me along the way. Now that we have arrived at our destination, you are still unwilling to talk. Are you robots?"

Sherlock Holmes lacks common sense about the normal world unless that knowledge helps him solve mysteries.

Prior to this, Latovinia was just a little-known small country. After the expansion war, Latovinia occupied most of the territory of the Balkan Peninsula. Sherlock Holmes, whose knowledge base has not been updated, has no idea that it has long been disclosed to the world. The location of the royal castle. Escorted by soldiers of the First Secret Regiment, Sherlock Holmes finally arrived at the rebuilt Royal City. Thanks to Wakanda's advanced construction machinery, all traces of the war have been erased from the land of the royal city. A strong transportation network is beginning to take shape. Factories and biochemical farms scattered at the foot of the mountains are helping this city to move towards the future. , expanding outwards and swallowing up the entire province of Latvinia, the super city provided all the products needed.

What he saw was a city full of art, a majestic city built by the cooperation of Latvian people, craftsmen and machinery from the Lost City. The once low stone and brick houses turned into buildings with reliefs engraved on the outer walls. , you can occasionally see suspended speeding cars speeding along the spacious streets that can accommodate war engines, and the giant space elevator under construction soars into the sky. Newspapers with photos of the emperor and huge news screens can be seen everywhere, which broadcast news about the establishment of a car factory invested by Wakanda's industrial sector and the regent's trip to the Romanian province to resettle "sewer children".

The plan that was once on paper is now being gradually realized. Even though the emperor once led an army to attack the royal city, Latovinia is the province with the highest loyalty. The rigid, closed-minded but also full of romantic feelings of the Latovinians are the first. Once again, I felt a future that I could look forward to.

Standing next to the white marble statue of Isaac Newton at the side entrance of the castle, the golden-armored Guardsman Hammurabi holding a halberd greeted the Law Enforcer troop carrier armored vehicle of the First Secret Regiment. Sherlock Holmes has not yet recovered from the sights he saw along the way. He has never seen a war engine dozens of meters high, nor has he seen soldiers wearing power armor. Now he has been beaten by a three-meter-tall man. The Praetorian Guards were startled. Obviously, Latovinia's advanced level was beyond his expectation, and his poor common sense prevented him from understanding the real world outside the British Isles, let alone why the world was changing so fast.

"I want to see you." Hammurabi took off his helmet, "Don't be nervous, this is just a conversation."

"You always say this." Sherlock Holmes shook his head, pretending to be relaxed, "Take me to see him."

"My time is very tight, so I can only talk long and short." In a spacious office filled with many electronic devices, he met the Emperor of Latovinia again, but he was interrupted before he could speak. "Here's your cake, bacon rolls and champagne. You can stay here and enjoy your meal, but you must listen to me."

"I'm listening. Can you bring me a cup of tea?" Sherlock Holmes sat calmly on the sofa in the living room, looking at the furnishings in the office. However, he found that apart from the decoration style, he didn't recognize any of the electronic equipment. "I haven't had a sip of tea since your men killed the smuggler until now. I'm dying of thirst, and champagne is obviously not a good choice."

"Of course, the service staff in the royal city can meet all your needs." The Emperor of Latovinia magically took out a cup of hot black tea and sugar from the drawer. Sherlock Holmes was very sure that the drawer was not what it looked like. shallow. "I put them in the drawer and take them out when necessary, so that they will not affect the office work." As if aware of his gaze, the emperor made a wisecrack, but this did not provoke Sherlock. ·Holmes' smile. "In any case, you are bound to come into contact with the larger world. I believe that your sense of justice and intelligence will be qualified for this position. You are a kind person, Holmes, and we need this kind of humanity very much."

"I don't understand." Sherlock Holmes took the tea cup and added a lot of sugar to it. After tapping the teaspoon on the rim of the cup, he sipped the tea contentedly, "I thought you wanted me to be some kind of supernatural crime consultant, but if that was the case you wouldn't need to take me away from London. I'm still here Europe?”

The emperor did not answer this stupid question, but turned to look at the empty chair beside him.

Sherlock Holmes blinked and was surprised to see a man in khaki robes sitting there. He had never realized this before. Although this man looks young, his single eyes reveal the vicissitudes and pain brought by the years. In just a moment, Sherlock Holmes felt a headache because his subconscious could not understand the strong feeling in the man in front of him. contradiction. It's like constantly pulling on a knotted nerve. The pain of this nerve dissolving on its own is indescribable.

"Teacher, this person is more stubborn than Stephen Strange. Should we follow the original plan or take him directly to the headquarters for education?" A sly smile appeared on the face of the Emperor of Latovinia, concerned about Holmes' pain Turn a blind eye. In the end, the Supreme Mage used the same technology as the Emperor to actively weaken the sense of existence and reduce the burden on Holmes' brain. "My suggestion is the former, that's the only way we can go, isn't it?"

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