Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1170: Compassion does not command troops (first update)

"Teacher, don't let him bite your tongue."

"I have done this thousands of times. Who do you think has been responsible for the enlightenment of so many Kama Taj mystics for more than a thousand years?" The Supreme Mage skillfully turned Sherlock Holmes's head to the side, and at the same time Reaching out, he cast a spell to steady his breathing and convulsing body. "But I don't mind giving this opportunity to modern technology. This was not possible in the past. Medieval doctors' skills included enema and bloodletting. After treatment, the living would become dead."

"The medical team will be here soon." The Emperor of Latovinia pressed a button among the many devices on the table, "But I think you just want to be lazy this time."

In less than three minutes, a medical team belonging to the Praetorian Order entered the office under the leadership of Hammurabi. They did not see the Supreme Mage standing next to the sofa. It seemed that only the emperor could see the Supreme Mage. To others, His Holiness is like a ghost in a thin mist, automatically ignored by the brain.

This medical team was not prepared for medical emergencies prepared by the emperor, but for visitors who entered the castle. They carried the fainted Sherlock Holmes onto a gurney according to established procedures and used blunt-edged scissors to cut open his clothes. Performing first aid - lying on his side, artificial ventilation, intravenous glucose infusion, external cooling, intravenous sedatives, injection of antihypertensive drugs, etc. - Hammurabi had already informed the medical team, and they knew they were facing a Epilepsy patients with very special symptoms, and the strange symptoms that this patient will have that are different from ordinary epilepsy.

Although they felt strange, the medical team did not ask any more questions, but followed the order and repeatedly practiced special first aid methods. Any ordinary person who faces high-intensity chaotic information infusion is likely to fall into epilepsy. No matter how intelligent Sherlock Holmes is, his brain will never be able to escape the shackles of human evolution. In fact, Salo's brain was not fully developed at the time. It's unusual for Meng to be able to face Dormammu without any abnormal reactions and even face Dormammu's true form without going crazy. The Emperor of Latovinia looked at Sherlock Holmes, who was connected to a ventilator and injected with sedatives, with very calm eyes, as if the dying man in front of him did not exist. It wasn't until the medical team pushed Sherlock Holmes out of the office that he lazily picked up the next file and ticked off the list of those responsible for the "Sewer Children" incident.

"This is a death list." His Holiness leaned over and looked at the piles of official lists. All relevant evidence is stored in the databases of the Government Affairs Council and the Ministry of Justice. After the device passes fingerprint, voiceprint and facial recognition, the identification code on the paper can be used to retrieve the information. "How many people will die this time?"

"At least 20,000 people, including 5,223 felons in public trials, all officials, businessmen and gangs involved in human trafficking and organ trafficking. There are 634 felons in private trials , about 7,567 people were executed privately. Most of the remaining people who were alive had to work in the mining fields until they died, using their rotten lives to provide resources for other Romanians. Therefore, it can be counted as the death penalty, even if they escaped. People who have been in hard labor for life also have to endure imprisonment and labor reform in prison. Victor von Doom's mission is to arrest all those involved before the list is announced, suppress Romanian civilians while suppressing local people who have gained power, and avoid power. Desire and fanaticism kill others not on this list.”

The emperor sighed.

Although everyone likes to see evildoers punished, this time his mood was not so good, because he was not only concerned about the implementation of judicial justice, but also how to control the intensity of the purge. Make sure all the scum is cleaned up without causing too much harm to civilians. This kind of work requires very meticulous judicial and law enforcement procedures. It is not only a difficult test for the newly established Latovinian Code of Laws, but also a test for Latovinia's unified ideological work. The regent must strangle Romania through this purge. The Republicans promoted the voice of constitutional democracy and rectified Romania's political system in which administrative officials and administrative officials were integrated.

As many as ten standard companies of genetically modified warriors and tens of thousands of fully armed soldiers are ready to set off to Romania to suppress the rebellion instigated by the republicans. At the same time, they will arrest scholars who have been influencing the cultural field and the media for many years, and those who are good at political entertainment. Politicians and comprador class business owners. The American Democracy Foundation's infiltration into Romania has reached an extremely terrifying level. These people on the arrest list will definitely face a lot of resistance. Therefore, it is very necessary to have a combat readiness arrangement comparable to that deployed to Romania during the first expansion war. Genetic modification Warriors are able to suppress urban rebellions in a very short period of time.

Fortunately. The information management capabilities of the modern information society have greatly improved compared to 1989. The rumors that caused Romania's upheaval will not take effect again. Latovinia, which unified its military ideology after the expansion war, will not be seized of military power again, and the people who made such a sound will not take effect again. Except for the vested interests of capitalism, the people at the top of the pyramid of wealth inequality, the Regent only needs to appease the proletariat to get the job done.

"Using heavy codes in troubled times does not mean that Latovinia will always maintain this style of behavior. Punishment is to save that sick society rather than massacre. The negative effects of secret police departments such as the Stasi are still written in the history books Victor wants to ensure that this purge will not turn into a grand event where some people use their power unscrupulously to persecute others, which will only make civilians feel fear instead of safety. We must use jobs and reasonable remuneration to give them a sense of security. We must let Romanians know that they have a future."

"You have always shown your kindness, but I hope that after sitting in this position, you can realize the power in your hands." The Supreme Mage said meaningfully, which was similar to the story told by Salomon in the past. Correspondingly, Victor von Doom was mentioned next. But this time, the Supreme Mage seemed quite satisfied, "You get along very well with him. I'm glad that you don't look at him in a different way like other mystics."

"I trust Victor because we share the same ideals."

"No, it was you who convinced him to have the same ideals as you." The Supreme Mage said, "I have met him. Compared to the peaceful life in Kama Taj, he prefers this busy life now. He couldn't sleep at work, because he was finally able to save mankind with his own hands. He is one of the few defectors who survived under my hands. Although I could not predict his current situation, I always thought that he was as unworthy as you. It should be limited to Kama Taj. It’s just that I didn’t rectify the power of Kama Taj’s mystic family at that time, which made Victor suffer a lot of grievances, but now there is no problem.”

"what do you mean?"

"It's just one more bargaining chip, Sherlock Holmes and Stephen Strange are not enough." Although the Supreme Mage's tone was calm, it was still difficult to hide the anxiety in it. Immediately aware of his emotions, the Venerable put aside his anxiety and shrugged, "Anyway, it's up to you to decide this matter. I'm about to retire."

"I agree, I must have a trustworthy person to help control Kama Taj." The Emperor of Latovinia nodded, "If Sherlock Holmes and Stephen Strange are too weak in will, then Victor ·Von Doom's taking power is just right. I think this possibility is very high. It is difficult for ordinary people to complete the ideological change in a short period of time, especially the two people who received European and American education since childhood and do not understand what kind of challenges the world is facing. Threats, what kind of sacrifices are needed to deal with threats like that.”

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