Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1180 The truth behind the disappearance (first update)

The Emperor of Latvinia had no time to pay attention to Stephen Strange. The previous vicious words were just to break his spine so that the arrogant doctor could listen to the teachings of the Supreme Mage with humility and prudence. But he is not completely bluffing. If Stephen Strange does not have the ability and quality to inherit the title, then this person is really not as good as a wild dog on the roadside to the emperor.

Outside of official duties, he might be willing to chat with such people and discuss professional knowledge. After all, humans are a creative race, and automatic surgical machines cannot create new surgical techniques. But when dealing with official duties, he really had no intention of paying attention to people who would only cause problems, because the Emperor of Latovinia would have to face many people who would cause problems.

In the foreseeable future, the number of potential humans in the world will increase significantly, from dozens to hundreds per year. There will be more and more potential spellcasters who are uneducated and wantonly squander their talents because of the chaos caused by instincts - talents can take many forms, some can move objects through the air, some can listen to the hearts of others, or To manipulate others, some can teleport, some can release lightning or fire, some can make people hallucinate, some can predict the future, and some can even speak fluently in languages ​​they have never learned before.

These are all manifestations of the future talents and tendencies of these potential spellcasters to specialize in spells, but in the eyes of ordinary people they are just troubles or "superheroes" standing on the cusp of the storm. These potential spellcasters are either tempted by fame and fortune or persecuted by the environment. They have never had a safe, peaceful, and ascetic growth environment, and have not received strict education, which will cause a series of social and security problems.

But no matter what kind of encounter, their final result is to abuse their talents in exchange for money, power, reputation, security and other things that the Kama Taj Mystic does not need, and they are completely lost. The result of this barbaric growth is an introductory course for all formal schools. A large number of terrifying prophecies are captured from the etheric waves, and the visions observed through drugs that force the spiritual potential to show the immeasurable disasters in this vast land. Spread on the ground.

Even a large university sect like Karma Taj cannot deal with the situation in the material world when dealing with outer dimensions. Only the use of Latovinia's national power can completely solve this problem. Therefore, Latovinia's spiritual power The construction of the department must be on the right track - the emperor and regent do not have time to teach all people with potential, use rituals and medicine to promote their awakening, and rely on the Eternal City's small-scale refined education, mechanical implants and long-term Taking mood-suppressing drugs may not be suitable for all situations, so the support team from Kamal Taj is particularly important.

What this department needs to do is to regulate and control potential spellcasters around the world. Maintaining the security of the entire human society from the threats of those potential spellcasters is the primary reason for establishing this department. The same goes for those schools scattered on the earth. Accept the management of Karma Taj and this department.

In fact, Latovinia and Karma Taj jointly established a department, giving the Lord and the Emperor of Latovinia respectively the ability to mobilize the armed forces of the material universe such as mystics, the First Secret Corps, and genetically modified warriors to manage the laws of other magic schools. in accordance with. At the same time, Kamathaj and Latovinia (mainly the latter) also plan to rely on these schools to bypass the secular government as much as possible to collect potential spellcasters, avoid diplomatic problems, and at the same time, when they cause big trouble and make everyone One had to kill them before bringing them back for education.

This was also the olive branch that the Emperor of Latovinia would extend to those schools of thought at the Temple of Vatum.

For those schools that are declining day by day, an opportunity to teach a large number of students and continue the legacy is rare; for those schools that are ambitious, this department will be the only research department on earth that is deeply integrated with the secular world in the future. Academy and magical political institutions, even if the main speaker is Kama Taj, the establishment of this department also means a golden opportunity.

"Do you really want the king to implement this plan?" Master Hamil asked. Before he entered the Zen room, he saw Stephen Strange huddled on the steps, staring blankly at the sky. Although he really wanted to ask why the Venerable was leaving this talent he had finally recruited to dry like this, But the question that was about to roll out of his throat was swallowed back again. After all, long history has proved that no one can question the teaching plan of His Holiness. Master Hamil shifted the question to the document he had obtained, "Wang has just become the Registrar. How can he undertake such a heavy task? It should be carried out by more experienced arcane mages, such as the deacon of the temple. Wu Guiyue or Daniel..."

"Although I don't know why Salomon asked Wang to participate, I believe him. Wu Guiyue has other jobs, Daniel is too old, and there are still many problems in the New York Temple that need to be solved." The Venerable waved his hand and said Master Hamil's next words revealed his dissatisfaction with Master Daniel. The Venerable gave the old guy face, gave him a chance to retire, and gave up the title of temple deacon to others. "I am very satisfied with this plan. From the time Salomon started working until now, he has completed a lot of work that has not been completed since I took charge of Kamal Taj. Although Kamal Taj also has obligations to the corruption of alien planets, But we have too few manpower, and we can’t actually solve many of them, not even as much as the enemies his genetically modified warriors destroyed during actual combat training.”

"This only shows that the idea of ​​developing the power of the material universe is correct." Master Hamil said, "What hundreds of guns and a lot of artillery can do, a mystic mage can also do, or even do more. good."

"But we don't have enough people. Even if Kamal Taj recruits from all over the world, only the most talented people can join us to learn. This is why Kamal Taj can remain strong, and those who can only The schools recruited in specific areas will not be picky about the talents of their apprentices, and they will even fight over the issue of apprentices." The Venerable remained calm, "Soon, those magic schools that are unwilling to surrender will be criticized for their own weaknesses and future prospects. The trend swears allegiance to Salomon. As for those schools that cannot see the future or prophecy, since they are unwilling to surrender, it shows that there is no place for them in the future world."

“Is that going to be too harsh?”

"I also asked him the same question, but in fact this question does not require an answer. That harsh future requires harsh means to deal with it. I believe that he has the ability to eliminate unstable factors. This is also the time he chooses to awaken Quetzalcoatl. Due to the reasons before and after the time specified in the prophecy, the arrival of the great flood will definitely clear up the minds of the commentators of those schools." The Supreme Mage took a sip of sweet tea and said, "If possible, I hope to retire as soon as possible. I have now I don’t see the need for the existence of my Supreme Mage. I will only hinder Salomon’s work. In addition, according to the arrangements in this plan, send the Mystic Mage to the Watum Temple in advance to arrange the spell. I want that This place rejects all teleportation spells, do you understand?"

Master Hamil nodded and accepted the order, but just when he called the mystics and servants who specialized in recording to keep this order on file, the Venerable stopped him. "Are you going to solve this problem for him?" Master Hamil looked serious. "You should know that he is not the Supreme Mage."

"But I am, this is my personal decision." His Holiness shook his head, "I'm about to retire anyway, so what does it matter? Let the answer to this question disappear forever in history, except for your memory. No one will ever know the truth again.”

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