Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1187 Current Standards (Second Update)

"What's this?"

"A gift," said Diana Lister.

She handed the packaging box to the stunned assistant, then loosened her bun, and lay on the sofa in the office with her hands spread out, looking completely isolated from the outside world. The poor assistant could only hold this heavy gift, curl up as much as possible, and find an opportunity to move to the single sofa on the other side. Before that, the assistant tentatively touched her wrist to confirm that Diana Lister was just closing her eyes to rest and not dying suddenly from overwork.

"But this is a gift from the Imperial Guard. In other words, this is a gift from the emperor to you." The assistant asked softly, "What is in this? Do you have a personal friendship with the emperor?"

"If you were in my position, you would be too." Diana Lister replied with her eyes closed. She has transformed from the college girl who was scared and screamed by the chain sword to a seasoned affairs officer, and her assistant has become her past. "As for what the gift is, I don't know."

The timing of these gifts is not fixed, sometimes they are given as a thank you for her hard work, and sometimes they are simply given as a courtesy during the holidays. And the value of the gifts has no rules at all. Sometimes it is a CD of a classic TV series, sometimes it is expensive jewelry, and sometimes it is simply a weapon.

"You might as well take it apart and take a look. I allow you to experience the surprise."

"Oh! This is so thoughtful!" After opening the gift, the assistant was full of surprise, "A bottle of perfume!"

"That should be the logo produced by the emperor's own alchemy workshop. It is very expensive, and not many people in this world have it." Diana opened her eyes and took a look at the perfume bottle, and asked her assistant to put the perfume bottle in the opposite direction. The display cabinet in the living room, then took the thick documents stacked on the table and put it under his head, closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

The documents she used as pillows were a very important set of documents, which were industrial standard protocols handed over to Wakanda by some of the Martian foundries and the Immortal City. These include evaluation standards for high-strength quick-drying concrete of various types and uses, standard work templates for road and bridge reinforcement, new freight system transportation network access codes, national network defense protocol access codes, optical fiber production standards and evaluation standards, etc. wait.

Limited by economic strength, the scope of infrastructure construction was previously limited to the province directly under the jurisdiction of Latvinia. Now that full cooperation with Wakanda has been reached, large-scale infrastructure construction that can meet the needs of the emperor has begun. Although Wakanda's industry can easily be integrated into Latvinia's technological level, the completely different current standards still require Wakandans to spend time studying and cannot be applied mechanically.

However, most of these technologies are not different from those used in Wakanda today. Staff from the Harnburg scientific research base can easily connect. The Wakandans also provide technical support to the Mars Foundry and the Eternal City in the form of technology exchange and patent fees. , even if the price of the century-long patent period is slightly lower, it can still make Hahnburg a lot of money.

The Wakanda envoy stayed in Latvinia for half a month, and new agreements and cooperation were reached almost every day.

But just like the cooperation between the Immortal City and Wakanda, the Emperor of Latvinia has always suppressed Wakanda's technological exchange in a relatively marginal position. The main body of technology is still the Immortal City and the Mars Foundry, ensuring that industrial While its lifeline is not in the hands of others, Wakanda is unable to influence domestic politics. In the last week of the visit, Latvian wine, cosmetics, fish catches, rubber and wheat, Wakanda minerals, gems, fruits, animal products and other foreign trade agricultural, fishing and hunting commodities were the highlight on the trading list and have always been Excluded from industrial trade, Wakanda's business aristocracy felt for the first time the huge profits brought by foreign trade.

As a symbol of national exchanges and personal friendship, the Wakanda royal family presented the Emperor of Latvinia with a crown inlaid with a large number of exquisite jewels, which was far more luxurious than the imperial crown of the British royal family. Not surprisingly, the crown ended up in a museum rather than a castle. However, the crown also aroused the curiosity of Latvian people about the wealth of Wakanda. In this case, the people-to-people exchanges and tourism between the two countries It also developed naturally. As the first open target of Wakanda, private tourism groups from Latovinia were even allowed to enter the Golden City for tours. The capital of Latovinia also organized an event while the iron was hot and arranged an official visiting group to Wakanda. Da.

It can be said that the final result of this visit was that everyone was satisfied. Even T'Challa temporarily put the impact of the previous coup behind him because of the huge profits brought by these transactions, and enjoyed his short stay in Latovinia with peace of mind. holiday. Latvinia, like Wakanda, refuses to join the global trading system and uses a new framework led by Latvinia itself. The result of this behavior is that the global trading system dominated by capitalist countries has been left out. On the one hand, popular settlement currencies such as the US dollar and the euro have been completely bypassed. In addition, Latovinia's special geographical location controls the lifeblood of Europe's power supply routes. Since the visit of the Wakanda mission, there has been a continuous flow of condemnation in the European and American media.

At first, they called the exchange between Latovinia and Wakanda "a last resort choice in an international diplomatic dilemma." The subtext was that Latovinia had no friends in the international community and could only establish diplomatic relations with third-world African countries to establish its own rule. of legality. But after Wakanda demonstrated its scientific and technological strength, they also called this behavior of bypassing the global international trade system "abandoning the interests of all mankind" and a "technological oligopoly", calling on Wakanda to open up international exchanges, and to “recognize reality” and “safeguard the interests of the free world” before proposing economic sanctions against Latvinia and Wakanda for their “unruly behaviour”.

After the First War of Expansion, hundreds of sanctions were imposed on Latovinia, and most of them were later lifted under the threat of the Emperor of Latovinia as a "threat far beyond the nuclear bomb". Perhaps the Emperor of Latvinia’s willingness to maintain order was regarded as a sign of weakness by European elected members. Even if they knew who was behind the scenes, Latvinia still cut off the power supply routes to the EU’s Eastern Europe and the EU’s Black Sea. , Mediterranean freight route.

Ocean freighters now pass through the Suez Canal and the Black Sea Strait, but they are unable to transport goods to Europe. A large number of commercial activities have been affected by geopolitics. Just during Wakanda's state visit, the cost of industrial electricity in Europe was It has increased by 10%, and the price of crude oil is rising even more. No matter how the idiots below shout slogans, politicians and the plutocrats behind politicians must not make less money. Those smarter politicians know that they cannot use strong methods to force Latvinia. After all, NATO and Latvinia are not in a nominal war state. It is not over yet, and NATO is unable to come up with effective means to respond to Latvinia's attack. All sanctions against Latvinia can easily be considered an act of war, and an act of war will only lead to the so-called "death of the whole family" "The decapitating blow.

Therefore, as long as Latvinia does not launch an expansion expedition to Western Europe, all politicians will try their best to maintain a false peace with Latvinia to ensure that they and the plutocrats behind them can continue to make money. The emperor and regent are also happy to see this situation. Latovinia now has less need to increase administrative costs and financial expenditures. For example, the merger proposal initiated by Modovár, which has always wanted to be incorporated into Romania, was rejected by regent Victor. Von Doom refused without mercy, because Latovinia did not need a poor country with an extremely weak industrial base to increase fiscal expenditures, but it needed a country to serve as a geopolitical buffer zone to prevent the entire country from deviating from the emperor's wishes. planning.

By the time Wakanda's state visit comes to an end, Latvinia has entered a new phase.

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