Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1190 Grass Gray Snake Thread (first update)

Accompanied by unobtrusive gunshots among the buildings, the Ford car parked in front of the red light still failed to start until the next red light came on. The driver of the Dodge car behind cursed and honked the horn, and finally passed impatiently, and then gave the gray Ford the middle finger. But not everyone was so irritable. A kind man got out of the car and approached with a flashlight to see if the owner of the Ford car needed help. However, no matter how hard he knocked on the window, the owner of the Ford car was unwilling to open the window. , and the current light environment made it impossible for him to see clearly the environment inside the car through the dark light-shielding film.

The good Samaritan could only go around the car, but what he saw in front of him made him step back in horror. He took out his mobile phone and shouted to the police. He saw a big hole in the front windshield of the car, and a lot of blood-red mucus splattered on the cracked windshield. Through the white cracks, he could vaguely see the owner of the car in a suit with his chest collapsed and his head lowered. The seat belt barely held the body from lying on the steering wheel.

Immediately afterwards, gunshots rang out one after another, and passers-by finally reacted and started running away.

About five minutes later, patrol officers arrived at the scene. Almost ten minutes later, the police and fire trucks arrived and put the Ford owner into a black body bag and called a tow truck to tow the car away as evidence. The onlookers all saw the Ford owner's body on the driver's seat back. A big hole was opened, and there was even a big crater in the back seat. Blood-red viscous substance and pieces of indistinguishable color were scattered in the rear compartment.

Obviously, this was an indiscriminate shooting, and the attacker used a large-caliber rifle.

Although the gun laws in New York State are very strict, everyone knows that guns are still rampant in New York State. Many of the New York police officers are veterans with military experience. They use laser pointers through the holes in the windshield. The location of the sniper point was roughly determined. The next step was to dispatch patrol officers to the top floor of the hotel, seal off the elevators and stairs, and use the hotel video to try to find the murderer.

"What about those gangsters? Will those people receive news that someone has died and then hide so that we can't find them?"

While little Lorna disassembled the firearm according to the regulations and put it into a silver box with a black sponge pad, she raised her head and asked her brother. Logically speaking, Lorna should have chosen to evacuate the moment the kill was confirmed, but her tactical thinking had not yet been fully honed, and many theoretical knowledge could not be used in actual combat. She did not evacuate until Salomon reminded her. The choice was between firing the second shot and packing up and leaving.

Her sniping skills were not very good either. Salomon saw that she used her talent to adjust the trajectory so that the bullet hit the target. However, the warhead still tilted when it hit, and the projectile hit the human body laterally, so the target would It looked like it had been smashed.

Her intelligence investigation of the mission target was very poor. Salomon used his own methods to compile a target information package to prevent her from taking action in scenes related to the orphanage and causing trouble to the orphanage. In order to conceal the real target, he used the HK416 rifle he brought to shoot a magazine into the air. So now it was an indiscriminate shooting on the road rather than a sniper assassination. The real estate developer was just shot by chance. That’s all.

This conclusion cannot fool professional trace inspectors and ballistics experts, but it can temporarily delay the progress of the investigation and leave time for modifying ballistic data and stealing evidence. The best way to cover up this kind of sniper assassination is to disguise it as an indiscriminate attack or a coincidence, just like what he did before.

Lorna Dane was not worried about the increasing number of police cars below the hotel and the New York City police officers who followed, because the trajectory was an adjusted fake trajectory, and the building the police searched was the one next door. If they left before the helicopter arrived, no one would notice them. The reason why the police arrived so quickly this time was because this was a business district rather than a slum like Hell's Kitchen, and little Lorna firmly believed that her brother would not let herself be arrested.

"Don't worry, there are people on the gang side to deal with it." Salomon said confidently while packing up the empty shells of his HK416, "An M429 light machine gun and 700 rounds of ammunition, an M252 mortar and five artillery shells, an M320 grenade launcher and ten anti-personnel bombs, military-grade electronic warfare intelligence support. No matter where the Irish gangsters are hiding, they will not survive tonight."

"Do you want to start a local war?" Little Lorna couldn't help complaining about the heavy firepower provided by Salomon. The gang war here is still limited to individual light weapons such as rifles and submachine guns. The most exaggerated one is to take out the RPG-7. The use of mortars is really an exaggeration. "These weapons are enough to level a neighborhood. If the matter is so big, it will not just be a public security issue! Remember the last time you destroyed Wall Street? That was different from an alien invasion. The entire New York City All hell breaks loose, and the weapons you provided will make people think it's Latvinia attacking again."

"So those weapons will be left at the scene after being used." Salomon bent down, picked up the bullet casing that little Lorna forgot to put away, and put it into his pocket. "They are all standard equipment from the US military arsenal, and the serial numbers are all It’s not worn away.”

"I knew it! You will definitely not come back because of my call!" Perhaps because she noticed the omission, or perhaps because of other reasons, little Lorna angrily picked up the weapon case and walked towards the stairs without looking back, "Isn't that right? Are those weapons serial numbers related to certain arms dealer transactions?"

"It seems that Minerva taught you very smartly. Those weapons are related to the CIA and the arms trade secretly conducted by the CIA's head of the Middle East and the jihadist organizations. My friends in the CIA will follow this clue. Investigation. The person in charge had some obstacles to my plan, so... don't be angry, that was just a clue arranged by the way. The real political conspiracy cannot be that simple, and the reason for wanting that person dead is not just the arms trade, but It's a Pentagon super-soldier human experimentation program where they put some kind of drug on SEALs."

It is impossible to kill a person who interferes with the plan using such a simple method that is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and highly uncertain. This clue only increases other people's suspicion of the person responsible for the Middle East and allows others to be responsible for the Middle East. There is an expectation for the disappearance and death of people, so the suspicion of the new person in charge is eliminated.

"Let's go, you still have a study session to attend."

The Punisher is an extremely good Marine who is also a very difficult person to get along with.

Salomon's conversation with him was not pleasant, because the first time Frank Cassel saw Salomon was next to the target's body, and the second time it was a hallucination in a wine glass. Even though the Immortal City at that time helped him find the mastermind behind the killing of his wife and children, he was still unwilling to accept a full-time job in Latovinia and work with Steve Rogers to maintain order in Latovinia, even with Lato Nor would the charter issued by Vigna allowing him to use lethal force. Until now, he didn't know that the Emperor of Latvinia was Salomon, and the only way he could help was to make a request rather than a request through Nick Fury's relationship, and Frank Cassel would not let anyone else do it. The request would disrupt the original plan.

"Frank Cassell is an empty shell, with the remnants of the past smoldering in his body. He is seeking death, tortured by the memories of the past, and every second of his life is painful." Salomon told little Lorna What he thinks of the Punisher. The night in midtown Manhattan is very bright, and the renovated Avengers Building still stands there, as if it was still the time when the Avengers were the most popular. Time can heal everything, including the pain caused by war, but some memories can never be forgotten.

"If someone found him dead in a trash can on the roadside one day, and the homeless man who went to pick up leftovers in the morning was the first person to find him, then I wouldn't be a little surprised. He rejected my job offer because he knew he was alive. By the time he retires, Frank Cassell will be dead."

"So where are we going?" Little Lorna licked the ice cream. The cold food relieved the discomfort caused by the teleportation. At least she seemed much more energetic now, instead of retching like before. At this time, they had put on their normal clothes, which were neither ostentatious nor shabby. The plaid shirts made them look like tourists. Salomon switched to an East London accent so well that little Lorna barely understood what he was saying.

"Go and see if my money is worth it. You have to know that the things stolen from the US military armory have exceeded their original value. The symbolic significance is far greater than the practical significance. Frank Cassel can only use light Machine gun, turn a mortar shell into an IED, that's all. But I'll show you his tactics, so don't make stupid mistakes next time."

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