Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1194 The Fourth Class (First Update)

"Put the gun away. You've lost too much blood and can't even hold the gun." Salomon said, but Frank Cassel shook his head and refused to do so. He also used a SIG P226 pistol, which is the standard equipment of the Marine Corps and the pistol he is most familiar with. It's just that the ghost gun has the serial number worn off. Judging from the workmanship, it is likely to come from a family manual firearms workshop in the Philippines or somewhere else. The reliability is almost zero. This is also the most common source of weapons in the New York weapons black market. "Don't think I have a good temper, Frank Castle. If I wanted you dead, you wouldn't be alive now."

"You're going to take me to where I said I am." Frank Cassel quickly raised his head and glanced at the night sky outside the skylight, and then pushed the muzzle closer. He lowered his voice and asked in a sinister tone, "Where is your Quinjet parked, huh? Where is the evacuation route that son of a bitch Nick Fury arranged for you? That explosion...that son of a bitch sent The agent did it, was it you?"

"This matter is non-negotiable." Salomon did not get used to his idea. The smell of blood and sweat on Frank Cassell's body was very unpleasant. I didn't know whether it was his blood or the blood of gangsters, but it was certain that he still had a gunshot wound and several cuts on his body. Stop bleeding. "You don't have to be conscious to leave here. Even if I beat you half to death, I can still save you, so either you put down the gun, or I will put it down for you." Salomon said. He saw that the light machine gun that had been given to Frank Cassel was thrown by the window, and the ground was covered with bullet casings. This was the origin of the gunshots they heard outside the blockade not long ago. "If you don't want to go to Latvinia to fight gangs, but are willing to stay in New York and be a vigilante, then be prepared to be taken advantage of."

"I'm grabbing your arm now, and I'm putting the gun against your head." Frank Cassel said, "I'm only fighting for myself now, no one can take advantage of me!"

"This does not change the outcome. You have completed your revenge. The so-called fighting crime is just seeking death. Many people want you dead, but there are also many people who want you alive. Latovinia purely values ​​your ability. , but you refused." Salomon said unceremoniously. Perhaps because of his injuries, perhaps because of his trust in Nick Fury's reliability, or perhaps because little Lorna was by his side, Frank Cassel finally slowly put away his gun, but he still stared at him warily. With Salomon. "Close your eyes and remain silent for a few seconds, and you will reach a safe place."

While Tina Madani denounced the weakness of New York SWAT in her heart, she was thankful that her support came in time.

Madani is now a Homeland Security combat hero because Frank Cassel killed his former Marine Corps comrade, one of the masterminds behind the death of his wife and daughter, and Madani's one-night stand, Billy Russell. However, due to the current public opinion environment, it is not possible to publicly praise the Punisher on TV, so the top management of Homeland Security gave this credit to Madani, who investigated the entire Cassel family massacre, and Tina Medani after she was promoted. More resources were given to track down the Punisher, who was getting into trouble after being released from prison.

However, when she wore a body armor and led agents from the Department of Homeland Security to break into the building belonging to an Irish gang, all she saw were the bodies of Irish gangsters on the ground, collapsed walls, a machine gun and Bullet casings littered the ground, and the punisher she was tracking, Frank Cassel, was missing again.

"What should I do?" the agent asked.

"Check the source of the weapons. There shouldn't be such heavy firepower in Manhattan." Tina Madani pointed to the machine gun leaning against the window. "I don't expect to find anything, but I'll let field agents and tracers come in. Maybe the Irish gang has the information we want."

"Sir." An agent hurriedly ran out of the room, "We need a demolition team! There are many IEDs (improvised explosive devices) here, more than on a road in Afghanistan, and they are all filled with mortar shells!"

"Fuck! Are you crazy, Frank!" Tina Madani glanced in the direction pointed by her men, then gritted her teeth and cursed while commanding the team to withdraw, "Drive out New York SWAT, they will only cause trouble. ! Let them evacuate the surrounding people and expand the blockade! Contact FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency of the Department of Homeland Security) and ask them to send emergency technical guards! Don’t let anyone enter that room until the demolition team arrives, Those things are enough to blow the entire neighborhood into the sky!”

"Where is this?" Frank Cassel was obviously at a loss and even showed a little panic.

He had never been surrounded by such a large group of minors, and he couldn't get out the pistol he originally wanted to draw. He was surrounded by a group of teenagers and young children and walked in. He sat on a long table that was obviously a dining table. The person who brought him here disappeared and did not leave until a few minutes later carrying a white first aid kit. Come over.

"Give me your guns. Lorna, put all three guns in the safe."

"Where is this? Why are there so many children?"

"Mount Athena Orphanage, these people are my family." Salomon first picked up the blunt scissors, cut off the clothes on the injured area before Frank Cassel could react, and then opened the first aid kit to organize the surgery equipment. "The bullet is still inside, do you need anesthesia?" He picked up a bottle of saline and began to clean the bleeding wound. A scalpel and a pair of forceps were the most basic tools. Seeing Frank Cassel shaking his head, Salomon simply put the tweezers in and started digging out the bullets. The action was very rough but effective.

In less than twenty seconds, he found the warhead, clipped it out, and began to sew up the wounds, even the dagger cuts, as if he was a very skilled medic. After tending the wound and covering it with gauze, he poured himself and Frank Cassel a shot of Tennessee whiskey, perfectly in Punisher fashion. Frank Cassell couldn't drink those expensive brandies. Countryman's whiskey was most suitable for middle-aged men and retired soldiers like him. It was cheap and strong.

"Luckily, no bones or major blood vessels were damaged. Regardless, you will never be able to lift your shoulder again during this period."

"Who are you?" Frank Cassell suddenly asked. He was not a fool, the whole thing was very bizarre. He didn't know how he got here, let alone the truth of it all. He only knew that he really arrived in a place he didn't understand ten seconds later. "Ordinary people don't have such skills. Are you Nick Fury's agent?"

"No, Nick Fury is my agent." After treating the wound, Salomon took off his disposable rubber gloves. "Now that Nick Fury is working for me, all the resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. that have not been seized by the White House and the Pentagon are in my hands, even Nick Fury's space station and alien pets are no exception."

"Are you a Latvian official? Why did you save me?"

"So to speak." Salomon nodded calmly, "I need you to track down one thing, about the super soldier project. There is a person who is currently being held in the basement of the orphanage. He is a private company located in Midtown. The manager of the military contractor...yes, just like Billy Russell, he received some orders from the Pentagon that could not be put on the table, and at the same time colluded with some pharmaceutical companies. They used Steve Rogers' serum samples as Based on a hormone extracted from the brains of mice, the pharmaceutical company directly conducted double-blind human experiments in order to catch up with the progress, including Marines in the Middle East, homeless people in New York City, veterans in drug rehabilitation centers, etc. I can do it for You provided the resources to pursue this matter, and that explosion was nothing more than a cover-up for what we had taken from the Irish gang."

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