Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1200 Crisis and Opportunity (First update)

During this period, which was later called the Renaissance, many high-tech products with extremely simple uses emerged. "The last Yugoslav woman" Lepa Bellaina received a gift from the Latvian government. A black civilian hovercraft from a joint venture between Wakanda and the Immortal City. As the husband, Slobodan Chivojinovic was dissatisfied with being left out during the conversation because of this big toy.

Hammurabi, the Praetorian Guard, reported to the emperor that the couple Lepa Belena and Slobodan Chivojnovik had accepted the gift, and Hammurabi then handed over a letter. This is the proof written by Lepa Perena while leaving the castle. She asked the Emperor through the Praetorian Guards to bring their relatives back from Miami as soon as possible. This letter can eliminate her children. Suspicious, follow the Latvian agents away.

"It would be great if those provincial officials were as knowledgeable as Lepa Perena."

The Emperor waved his hand and asked the Praetorian Guard to hand the letter to the intelligence liaison officer for the agents to take with them on their missions. Although Latovinia used force to unify the former Yugoslavia, some political officials who were incorporated into the administrative system still did not change their past thinking of voting as the core of their work - the only use of referendum votes is to shirk responsibility and make citizens think that The illusion that one has the power to make decisions. The British only figured out the impact of Brexit after they voted to leave the EU, but officials could turn a blind eye to their responsibilities as long as they said it was the result of a democratic referendum. Information from Mycroft Holmes proves that, No. 10 Downing Street and the Houses of Lords and House of Lords respect the decision made by British citizens, but those who profit from the EU system are still profiting and nothing will change.

Representative constitutional government and democracy themselves are two incompatible terms. The former requires representative politicians to make responsible decisions, while the latter requires politicians to hand over power to the people. The greatest advantage of this kind of government is that no one is responsible and no one is responsible. There is no need to take responsibility, so things will rush towards the inevitable collapse.

In the Balkans, the only campaign slogan of mid-level political officials who relied on votes in the past was to seek more benefits for their own nation and suppress other nations. After the unification by force, the emperor explicitly banned such populist behavior, dispersed all campaign teams, and rebuilt an administrative system and official education system that could meet the emperor's expectations, and cultivated a party as a promotion channel to slowly replace them. Those officials who have no ideals.

Even so, there are still many former mid-level administrative officers who have become new administrative officers.

These people have the ability to solve problems, but they cannot get rid of path dependence. They think they can force the system to compromise by inciting public opinion. It wasn't until the regent sent out the First Secret Regiment to arrest several middle-level officials with solid evidence of corruption and bribery and executed them that this stupid behavior slowly stopped, because this meant that the emperor was not unable to deal with them, he just kept them. In order to use it as a gear to fill in the operation of the administrative system. They can sit on the throne of power and enjoy great glory, but they are always the emperor's servants. The emperor's sword of Damocles internally is as sharp as his external missiles and will never be dull. Some people have realized that when the emperor starts from the grassroots level, After the trained talents have enough experience, they, the vested interests in the old system, will be completely replaced to ensure the health of the entire administrative system. If they take it, they can still enjoy their old age. Stupid resistance will only lead to death.

The construction of the military system was also a complex task, and the regent Victor von Doom constructed a local defense system that could mobilize the masses. This is not an advanced tactic. Many people have done this in modern history. Most of the militiamen recruited and trained by sending officers, political commissars and special forces are high-quality talents. The vast majority of them still remain after joining the militia organization. They retain their jobs, but both combatants and civilians have received the most basic military training, and some outstanding talents will receive more professional tactical training and weapons training.

Usually, with the help of political commissars, these people propagate the emperor's concept of unification to the common people, such as hanging banners, writing slogans, compiling newspapers and periodicals and other promotional materials, and attending theoretical training courses on "Unified Truth" at fixed times to learn dialectical materialism and team building. activities (marked ammunition actual combat training, night training, etc.), and helped the emperor's officials carry out grassroots construction and governance work. The mobilization troops in each village and city are connected to the provincial garrison headquarters through a political commissar. When war comes, this mobilization system can be quickly integrated into the command system of the regular army and undertake tasks such as night sentry, rural vigilance, and search. Low-risk jobs such as spying and maintaining law and order.

If a conscript wants to become a long-term professional soldier, he can also apply and pass the assessment and review. After passing the examination, he will officially join the ranks of the regular army reserves and the United Party, and receive military education and ideological education in junior military academies. Later, he became the most ordinary soldier and became the emperor's heavy hammer and staunchest supporter against the enemy. After their service period, these soldiers will decide whether to continue serving based on their merits and performance in the army. Retired soldiers will enter schools, judicial and law enforcement departments and other departments for work and further study, and become the backbone of judicial and law enforcement departments such as the Ministry of Justice. Serve the Emperor. Some particularly outstanding young men can also be selected into the genetic modification project and become genetically modified warriors wearing heavy armor and holding bolt guns to serve for life, dedicating their lives to the emperor's great ideals.

After this system began to operate, it began to inject a steady stream of vitality into the emperor's army and government, and would eventually achieve the goal of the emperor and regent replacing the unsteady army and officials, reducing the impact of the Great Purge on the efficiency of the entire system. Influence.

"At least I don't have to get angry every day because of stupid bureaucrats like I do now."

"You are not angry at all now, my lord," Hammurabi said. "I have never seen you angry because of the incompetence of officials, because the performance of those people was within your expectations."

"Give me the Praetorian training files and shut up, you humorless corncob."

Strictly speaking, the transformation process of the first Praetorian Guard Constantine was all completed under the guidance of the emperor. Just like the preliminary preparation experiments, as a teaching case of the Praetorian Guard project of the Immortal City Genetic Laboratory, Constantine's The various test data experienced are the judging criteria and transformation experience of the second phase of the Guards program.

Transforming each Praetorian Guard consumes more resources than transforming a thousand Hell Knights, so Maya Hansen and the genetic alchemists of Sora's Redwood Druid Order are extremely careful when working. But as they became more proficient in transformation technology, four candidates in the third phase of the project survived rigorous transformations such as body transformation, soul cleansing, soul sublimation and spiritual infusion, and met the standards in subsequent tests. What the emperor was looking at were the genetic fingerprints and psychic imprints of these recruits. The latter was a pattern recorded in an obscure way on photosensitive paper soaked in psychotropic substances. To those without the relevant knowledge, it was just a mess of geometric shapes and patterns. Ink stains.

"I will attend the armor conferment ceremony and the oath ceremony, and they will get new names." The emperor handed the file to Hammurabi. "One hundred sets of Guards armor is not enough. Next, we need more armor and weapons. , because the size of the Praetorian Guard will not be limited to one hundred. We have recently carried out special training for sky aircraft carrier jumping gangs with the Sisters. Ragnarok is approaching, and we have the opportunity to obtain a group of professional craftsmen."

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