Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1205 Chapter 1201 Lucid Dream (Second Update)

Wanda Maximov had never had the experience of dining in La Tovinia Castle, so she had no idea that the emperor's so-called meal time was actually an hour later than the meal time of civil servants in other departments. When he began to eat lunch, the civil servants also began their afternoon work, so even during meal times the emperor had to receive heads of departments and secretaries from various departments. When Wanda Maximov had just picked up the appetizers of garlic butter bread and hairy crab legs with vinegar sauce, three military officers wearing dark blue planetary navy uniforms were led into the emperor's palace accompanied by Hammurabi. The private dining room interrupted Wanda's desire to share food with her teacher.

The functions of the Ministry of Military Affairs are similar to a combination of some functions of the U.S. Department of Defense and the Strategic Command. It is the department with the widest scope of management in Latvinia's military force. In addition to the void fleet and genetically modified warriors, it oversees almost all planetary sea, land and air support. force. After the surrender, the military forces of the Southern Federal countries were classified into this department and reorganized around the genetically modified warriors. The surrendered populist armed forces were also disbanded and reorganized, and political commissar military disciplinary officers and ideological propaganda officers were used to avoid being pinched by the emperor. Dead warlordism and populism reappeared in the military.

Although the importance of the planetary navy has been greatly reduced after the possession of the sky aircraft carrier, the Ministry of Military Affairs still retains the planetary navy department and established it as a more economical planetary defense service than the void navy and sky aircraft carrier. Therefore, Latovini The status of the Asian Navy is much more embarrassing than that of the Air Force and Army. The Marine Corps has also been replaced by the Air Force Marine Corps, and most special operations are also handled by genetically modified warriors.

The emperor put down the biscuit in his hand, wiped his hands, picked up the integration report and browsed it quickly.

This is the first draft of the speech prepared by the Ministry of Military Affairs for the spokesperson. Many of the contents require his approval before it can be said. These three are the General of the Planetary Defense Naval Command of the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Director of the Naval Propaganda Department and the Chief of Staff, covering politics. to all functions of the military. "No one now knows the whereabouts of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Bush. The report given by the Pentagon is that it was destroyed at the Norfolk Naval Base." The emperor picked up the pen and deleted a paragraph, "We have shared it with our allies. There is no need to further irritate the nerves of the Pentagon and the White House with nuclear power engines and aircraft carriers’ air defense self-defense weapons. Let’s just pretend we don’t know anything.”

"But this will slow down our ability to reach consensus with our European allies, which is the only way we can get out of this predicament." An officer with a typical Yugoslav face said seriously. He knew what the current dilemma of the navy was. After all, the emperor valued the construction of the void navy more and allocated the planetary navy to the planetary defense system. This made the world's military power system with the navy as its sovereignty very unsuitable. “If we want Europeans to buy Romanian wine, we must have enough cards in our hands.”

The Emperor glanced at the General of the Planetary Defense Naval Command. He had no idea that he had a sense of humor when he promoted this officer. "There is enough pressure on NATO now. This is a fragile balance. The complete destruction of the aircraft carrier formation will only prompt NATO to further go to full-scale war with us. Latovinia cannot bear the consequences now." The emperor said to himself Officers are particularly patient, especially naval officers. After all, there are too few planetary naval talents in the Balkans. Promotion to the Void Navy requires a very long period of education, so the emperor does not hesitate to spend time educating the officers personally.

"After the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is modified by the Mars Foundry, it will be installed in the regular navy. Before the war, we need more powerful measures to control the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. When the aircraft carrier is launched, Italy and Turkey will understand what to do. "

The three officers saluted and then left the restaurant. When Wanda originally thought she could enjoy the food, only three minutes later, another woman in a business suit was led in by Hammurabi. The intelligence shown in this report shows that the Pentagon and the CIA have actually used spy satellites to detect Latovinia's attack on the Sixth Fleet and the trajectory of the USS George Bush Nimitz-class aircraft carrier being towed away. This report is spy information sent by Hydra's senior officials in the CIA, so not many people have access to it.

However, because the political impact of the complete destruction of an entire aircraft carrier fleet was too exaggerated, and could bring about dollar depreciation, capital flight, etc., the president directly ordered the revision of the document to submerge it in the aftermath of the missile attack on the Norfolk Naval Base. The investigation report was permanently sealed in the ruins. Until now, except for the Navy families on the aircraft carrier formation, many people thought that the Sixth Fleet was still staying at the Norfolk Naval Base and had not set off. Those Navy families who made trouble were also monitored by the FBI in various ways. and surveillance.

The emperor has already read this report once. At the end of the document, there is also the signature of Minister of the Interior Stephanie Malik and his plan. Roughly speaking, it is similar to what he said to the three naval officers. Even now in Latvinia Lithography machines are already at full capacity to produce low-end chips to earn foreign exchange, and there are more and more European allies willing to cooperate with Latvinia and get rid of US hegemony, but it is still not the time to completely subvert the world structure. This time, he needs to sign and seal it and put it in the archives of the Praetorian Order. Such was the disadvantage of the absence of Regent Victor von Doom that the Emperor began to consider whether to give Stephanie Malik more authority.

"I love the pan-fried lamb chops, but it's a bit too greasy for other people to have at lunch. Thanks, Diana, I love the menu you've put together. Please tell Stephanie she doesn't have to put every item on the menu." Everything is submitted to me, and Hammurabi's authority is just as useful." The emperor handed the document to Diana Lister, then turned back to Wanda and said, "Today you have your favorite lemon oysters, would you like some? ?”

"Of course." Wanda asked pretending to be casual, "Are you always so busy during lunch time?"

"Yes, I set the time at this time just to handle more official duties." The emperor stuffed the cut mutton into his mouth, and then took a sip of his own red wine. "Sorry, this is definitely not a pleasant dining experience. In contrast, I prefer to solve the problem with a more convenient meal. A big bowl of noodles is enough."

"Like this?" Wanda narrowed her eyes, explored her consciousness, and shared her thoughts with the emperor in the most intimate way. In her imagination, there was a bowl of Japanese ramen that appeared in restaurant advertisements, but in fact, the emperor had to eat at least two kilograms of meat every lunch time to fill his stomach, just like when he first dated the witch. Two kilograms of tomahawk steak were eaten in silence.

So the emperor added a few strokes of her imagination and drew children's sketches of animals and a little man running around the bowl to show that he had to eat so much. This childish stroke made Wanda laugh repeatedly, and Hammurabi, who was completely unaffected by extradimensional energy, was completely confused.

He only saw Wanda leaning towards the emperor, and then she started to giggle. If he hadn't had the relevant knowledge, he might have deducted ten points from Wanda Maximoff's mental stability score on her psychological assessment, and then concluded that Wanda Maximoff, a woman, was not far from going crazy. In the theoretical knowledge he learned, this kind of spiritual contact is similar to daydreaming and lucid dreaming. It is a kind of spiritual consciousness that requires the caster to enter a meditative state to access. It is a spiritual phenomenon called spiritual resonance, but This was commonplace skill for Wanda Maximoff and the Emperor.

Hammurabi quietly walked to the kitchen and asked the chef and waiters not to leave the kitchen for the time being. Even if he didn't understand, he could still tell that Wanda, who was only wearing red leather pants and a red strapless corset, was here to attend this lunch, and there was no need for other people to disturb the monarch's relaxation.

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