Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1207 Chapter 1203 Parasite (Second update)

The apron extending from the top of the Avengers Building cannot bear the weight of a four-engine wide-body aircraft such as the Pegasus super-heavy assault transport craft. Therefore, the pilot can only align the side of the Pegasus super-heavy assault transport craft with the apron of the Avengers Building, and then open the side Ramps were lowered into the hatches to allow passengers to enter the building.

The engine of the Pegasus super-heavy assault transport was so noisy that surprisingly, the glass curtain wall of the Avengers Tower was not shattered. At this time, it happened to be the busy early morning commute time for New York office workers. All New Yorkers sitting in the vehicles speeding along the crowded roads in Midtown Manhattan's CBD all invariably raised their heads and saw the giant transport plane through the windshield. View of Avengers Tower.

There is no doubt that this once again caused panic among New Yorkers. Some people tried to turn around on the road and hurriedly called the police and family members, completely blocking the already crowded road. Even Stark Industries employees who had entered the Avengers Tower to start work began to subconsciously flee, regardless of the security department. No matter how hard the person in charge Happy tried to stop him, it was useless - twenty minutes ago he was dozing off in the office with his headphones on and had no idea what was happening outside. He only knew that everyone was running outside.

But when he finally realized something was wrong and walked out the door and looked up to discover the source of the noise, his attempts to call Stark and Pepper Potts all failed without exception. When he wanted to take the elevator to the top floor, he was told that the elevator was out of service and the security department was now starting to rescue the employees trapped in the elevator.

The Emperor made a gesture and issued the order "Control, Search and Destroy" to the Sisters and Praetorian Guards. If Tony Stark is willing to sit down and talk, of course he is more than happy to, but if Stark comes out in steel armor to attack, the Praetorian Guard and the Sisterhood will not show mercy. The accompanying Mars Foundry Sages seized control of the building's equipment at the first opportunity. The low-level artificial intelligence Friday had no ability to fight back before the Mars Foundry's electronic warfare offensive, no matter how talented Tony Stark was. Gao, he can't be too advanced.

"This is a country that is most completely parasitized by capital. In this country's education system and propaganda, centralization is a complete evil, and complete freedom is a good thing. The Federal Reserve Act, the McFadden Act 》Constructed a seemingly tight network of power and supervision, euphemistically called to prevent tyranny, but in fact it is just to conceal the nature of its private financial group. Therefore, the Federal Reserve is still a non-state-owned central bank. Decentralized power Leads to loopholes, loopholes lead to corruption, corruption leads to sin.”

The emperor held Wanda's arm and gently held her across the gap between the side door ramp and the apron. At the same time, the teaching in the aircraft continued.

"The appointment process of members of the Federal Reserve Advisory Committee is still a black box, and the inbreeding of money and power has created a revolving door of politics and business. The Federal Reserve is authorized by Congress, and employees are appointed by the government, but the shares are still in the hands of privately controlled central banks. Citibank, JPMorgan Chase Wait until the big banks and the plutocrats behind the bankers can openly serve as government officials and ministers of finance, using their power to further create wealth. Most of these banks have the shadow of financial families such as Rockefeller, Morgan, and Rothschild, so our It’s very clear who the enemy is, and I can smell the rancid smell of inbreeding even here.”

"French bourgeois revolution!"

She communicated with the emperor not through sounds from her throat, but through the most intuitive words and images through her consciousness and spiritual tentacles. The information she received included the power network between Congress and the Federal Reserve, the list of members of the Federal Reserve Advisory Committee and the process of generating the list - an island fishing club - Wanda looked disgusted, but she saw her with her own eyes during the subsequent study process. How the people of Sokovia, their hometown, were drained of their blood and sweat by the financial giants sitting together at the Island Fishing Club through documents and signatures. "They fear you!" Wanda said, "because you are the dictator of a monarchy!"

"Yes, no amount of money can guarantee personal safety, so they kidnapped the world's largest military-industrial complex." The emperor seemed very happy, and Wanda's speech showed that she had indeed read Aristotle's " Politics" and Machiavelli's "The Prince".

The Pegasus super-heavy assault transport craft temporarily left Manhattan and flew in low orbit on standby. The evacuation plan prepared by the emperor did not require the participation of aircraft. In fact, bringing the Pegasus super-heavy assault transport ship into Manhattan is a political statement and conspiracy. No one will believe that the Latvian people swaggered into Manhattan just to have a drink with Tony Stark. And those financial families and plutocrats sitting behind the shares of the Federal Reserve will realize that the invincible U.S. Air Force and strategic air defense system have once again lost their effect, and the dagger behind their backs is becoming increasingly dangerous.

Some of these people knew about the Navy's Sixth Fleet, so this feeling of terror was even more suffocating.

Through her position, Stephanie Malik has received many letters from unnamed financial families, all of which are interested in investing in Latvinia. Investment, or parasitism, is a practice close to instinct. Stephanie Malik knew that even if the emperor agreed to the conditions of these families, only a "satellite bank" and family branches would come to Latvinia. As a venture capital investment before the dust settles.

"Now the military-industrial complex cannot keep them alive from the sword of Latvinia, so these parasites want to change to a host with a safe investment environment, a host that can allow them to escape the butcher's knife. From Europe to North America , Parasites don’t care about the host’s health.” The Emperor and Wanda walked step by step into the top floor of the Avengers Tower, “Do you remember this place?”

"Of course, I've been here," Wanda said. She suddenly looked at the top of the stairs composed of glass fence and post-modern minimalism style. Tony Stark and a nervous-looking Pepper Potts walked slowly towards here under the gunpoint of the sisterhood. "So Tony Stark is the last trump card for those parasites to protect themselves?" This sentence came from her mouth. "If you kill him, does it mean that they have to flee the United States?"

"Only part of it. The sausage-slicing tactic can force some plutocrats to ally with Latvinia and divide the unity of the international financial group. Even when they are making money, these people can fight to the death. When faced with life and death decisions, the bourgeoisie Weakness will be fully demonstrated." The emperor raised his head and looked at the gloomy Tony Stark, "Good morning, Tony. When your employees get up early and work to earn money to pay off the mortgages that will take fifty years to pay off, What are you doing?"

"You finally couldn't help but want my life? Or is she the one taking revenge today?" Tony Stark pointed at Wanda with his chin. He glanced at the muzzle of the Sisterhood's bolter and couldn't help but speak sarcastically. "I helped you perfect and improve their power armor and firearms. I didn't expect that one day I would still have a bolt gun pointed at my head. In any case, Pepper has nothing to do with this matter. Don't hurt her, let her Let’s go first.”

"I'm not a kidnapper or a mafia, Tony Stark. I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, but I'm here to send a warning—"

Before he could finish speaking, Ola, who was holding a bolt gun, hit Tony Stark's arm with the handle of the gun, causing him to lie on the ground clutching his arm in pain. The girl now has the tiara given to her by the Emperor welded on top of her power pack, so the Emperor can recognize her even if Aura is wearing a helmet.

"——Don't even think about summoning your armor, Friday has been forced to shut down." The emperor sighed upon seeing this. Although he is not a mafia, he still retains all the negotiation skills he learned from the mafia. "Don't share your manufacturing technology with Congress and the Pentagon, or I will wipe out all of New York with nuclear bombs. You know I will, and New York City is worth the cost compared to the deaths that will result from sharing your technology." price."

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