Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1213 Chapter 1209 Quetzalcoatl Sect (Second update)

"No matter what problems you have, dear, you can't miss this bottle of wine." The emperor's words revealed that he was not ignorant. He didn't even look back and ordered the invisible servant to bring a bottle of wine. Stephanie Malik gladly accepted the gift, ignored the rule that alcohol was not allowed at work, had a drink, and then stored the bottle of wine in the emperor's office like a Japanese restaurant. in the cabinet.

The Emperor's trust in her could not be greater, but Stephanie Malik knew that she still did not have enough authority to view the transfer orders of those genetically modified warriors and Praetorian Guards. Even so, she could still get a glimpse of the size of the emperor's team on his trip to South America from the logistics and administrative orders such as logistics mobilization, traffic orders, ammunition supplies, fuel supplies, and emergency financial expenditures. In comparison, the team deployed in northern Macedonia was The army seemed very small.

The commander of the Praetorian Guards, Constantine, and his adjutant Hannibal demonstrated force by leading the Hell Knight squad to crack down on transnational criminal groups in the Albanian autonomous villages of North Macedonia, forcing the cessation of trade due to the blockade of Latvinia. Macedonia gradually surrendered and handed over the governance of North Macedonia to Latvinia. After that, a number of military commanders, including Malcolm, the commander of the Hell Knights, and Constantine, the commander of the Imperial Guard, were transferred back for mysterious special training.

The only one who can command these people is the Emperor himself. There is no doubt that the Emperor will once again put on the armor to destroy the enemy. This is the part that Stephanie Malick is most worried about. Latovinia is finally on the right track of development. Except for the emperor, no one can make this reassembled country move forward with one will and one voice. No matter how much the emperor himself abhors personal heroism, the fact is that the emperor's prestige is steadily rising, and it is only a matter of time before it surpasses the legacy of Marshal Tito. If the Balkans are handed over to mortals with different minds at this time, the wars of division ignited by greed, ambition and various desires will be rekindled in this land.

"How powerful will the enemy be this time?" Stephanie came over after the regent left. "How does the Battle of Finbul compare?" She put her hand on the emperor's shoulder, as if she wanted to give strength to the man in front of her in this way, "What price do we need to pay?"

"A lot." The emperor replied, with some uncertainty on his face.

The Malik family made Stephanie his maid and assistant, which represented the surrender of Hydra. Stephanie completed the task well and accompanied his career along the way. It’s not that the emperor didn’t see Stephanie’s limitations. After all, he was not a nepotistic ruler. Stephanie also had many administrative staff who were taken in after the First Expansion War. However, in this turbulent moment, trust is far more important than ability. It's much more important.

"The opponent this time is much more powerful than the extradimensional creatures in the Battle of Finbul. Quetzalcoatl has accumulated unimaginable power after sleeping for many years. The geological disaster it caused is enough to destroy the entire South America."

The emperor's face was gloomy as he described to Stephanie the action that was about to take place. Snakes, or dragons, all possess very powerful extradimensional energy. The beast Kukulkan, the Quetzalcoatl god, possesses extraordinary wisdom and power, and is far smarter than the old enemies of the witch clan encountered in Finbul Mountain at that time. . And behind Quetzalcoatl lies the survival game between the ancient evil gods and humans that continues to this day. He has learned a lot from his creator, so this is a battle that must be won.

"I would like to ask your help to solve possible diplomatic problems. South America is the cornerstone for us to leverage U.S. hegemony, and our investment there cannot be wasted."

"There will be no diplomatic problems, my lord."

"It is better to be more prepared than not to be prepared at all. Give the relevant documents to Victor. He will act as my agent when I am away." The emperor sighed. Now he has many issues to consider, and he is responsible for the lives of many people, which makes him appear very unhuman when making certain decisions. "Victor will make final preparations. Reinforcements will arrive from Karma Taj, but don't expect too much. They will at most help on a small-scale battlefield."

"Perhaps you should communicate with Wakanda." Stephanie said with a serious expression, "The burden of protecting this world should not be entirely borne by you."

"Sounds fair." The Emperor was pleased that Stephanie could think of allies instead of just exploits. "Wakanda is a religious country, and the oracle of the Black Panther High Priest will clearly point out the threat of the situation. The agreement between me and the King of Wakanda will still be effective in this operation, and the Wakandans will fight alongside us. , but in view of Wakanda’s backward military technology, they will be assigned the work of purging cartel groups and protecting supply lines, so that we can concentrate on dealing with the frontal battlefield.”

Wakanda's military equipment, techniques and tactics are all biased towards decapitation strikes and infiltration operations due to years of peace and religious beliefs. Under normal circumstances, this method of combat will not cause too many problems. After all, Wakanda's Talon stealth fighter can quietly drop the War Dog Armed Team and Dora Guard, relying on its powerful individual combat capabilities and weapons and equipment. Knock out the enemy's command center in the blink of an eye.

In the Wakanda Civil War, the shortcomings of this combat model were magnified to a fatal degree. When the individual combat capabilities were unmatched, the Wakanda army had no initiative on the battlefield, and it was even less possible to use large-scale field tactics to solve the problem. question. To put it simply, Wakanda does not have rockets, tanks or similar weapons. The small size of the country prevents them from using large-scale bombing as a combat method. But times are different now. The Wakandans have purchased many rockets, near-terminal anti-aircraft missiles and other weapons that are compatible with Wakandan software from Latvinia to defend their borders. The vibranium obtained through this trade has been used by everyone. Scale is used in the weapons and equipment of the Praetorian Guards.

Due to the impact of the precursor to the awakening of Quetzalcoatl, the rainfall in South America this year has exceeded the warning. Rivers such as the Amazon River have surged, submerging a large number of deforested forests and towns, creating a large number of displaced refugees, and even the Immortal The food production grown by farmers investing in South America is also expected to decline to a certain extent. The painful emotions of people who have fallen into despair due to death, hunger, and epidemics are the most delicious food for extradimensional creatures. According to the report of Supiluliumas and the former Peruvian resistance leader Camilla, there is a rise in the refugees they come into contact with. There are a lot of weird sects.

Different from the general Christian beliefs in South America, Voodoo beliefs such as Baron Samedi and Mama Brigitte seem to be spreading again. What's worse is that the belief in worshiping the "scaled God of Death" is also very prosperous. Although the current medical team disguised as Médecins Sans Frontières has not detected any signs of genetic mutation, the agents of the Praetorian Order mysteriously disappeared after lurking into the sect. Even the body was not found. Nick Fury and Su Piluliumas could only tell that the agent had been killed by the cultists.

The collective influx of these refugees into Latin American countries has had an unimaginable impact. Even Supiluliumas can only eliminate the cult groups near the archaeological team to ensure that Lara Croft's research will not be affected by the war. , natural disasters and other factors. Apart from Camilla, few people know that the Praetorian Guard is by their side, and Lara Croft doesn't even know what the Praetorian Guard is. Secret is a sharp weapon, and concealing the existence of the Praetorian Guard may play a special role at certain times.

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"South America is sinking to the bottom of the sea, an unimaginable ecological disaster." The emperor said seriously, "I will set off in twelve days and arrive on the eve of the Day of the Dead. I hope you are prepared, Stephanie, this is A test for all of us.”

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