Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1217 Trip to Cuba (Second update)

"A commander and a king should remain calm and rational, and avoid war as much as possible. But when war comes, the commander must go all out to annihilate the enemy as the goal, and cannot have any mercy. Mercy belongs to peacetime, War can only have the bestial nature, and only when the trigger is no longer pulled and the sword is sheathed can we return to the embrace of precious humanity."

"You are learning." Hammurabi glanced at the opening words of the book, and his tone was quite cheerful. To others in the Latvian administration and military establishment, the size and armament of the Praetorian Guards conveyed an aura of majesty that made one stand upright or shudder, depending on the person. position. But no matter what the position is, many ordinary people will think that the Guards are cold war machines, and no Guards want to correct this misunderstanding. From some perspectives, this is true. "It seems that when the emperor created you, he gave you the talent to be willing to learn." Hammurabi said, "Although I also have some of these talents, I am more interested in building defenses and putting cement on the shirt, just like A child building a sandcastle at the beach.”

Amon was amused by his colleague's words.

"That's something only He can know, brother. But I don't mind gaining knowledge from outside the database outside of duty hours." He didn't put away the book. The bolter magazine and short sword were placed with the books, paper and pen. , quite symbolic, because the Praetorian Guard itself is a perfect tool created to defend human civilization. Weapons in one hand and books in the other, this was exactly what the emperor had in mind when he created the Praetorian Guard. "The emperor's words come from "The Art of War: Fire Attack" by Sun Tzu: A master cannot be angry and raise an army, and a general cannot be angry and go to war, but it has a little more humanistic meaning."

"This book is also on my reading list, but the last person who tried to read it on the gunboat already got airsick, just ten minutes ago." Hammurabi's holographic projection shook his head, and the captured photons were true to form. Reflects the changes in light and shadow at the other end. This superb communication technology has no delay or lag when communicating between the surface and orbit, and can accurately depict various subtle expressions on the other end of the communicator. The technical level far exceeds that of Wakanda and Stark Industries. The suspended skull drone that projected the holographic projection circled the cabin where Amon was, and paused in front of Diana Lister.

"Madam, you should take a short rest." Through the scanning of the suspended skull, Hammurabi caught a glimpse of the cleaning marks under Diana Lister's seat. The unfortunate guy he was talking about who was airsick was Diana. When he mentioned it, the young secretary couldn't help but blush. "Your job is to convince Fidel Castro to accept our medical assistance. Our Lord does not want this soldier to die too early."

"This is not an easy task. Fidel Castro is quite opposed to imperialism, but in the eyes of outsiders, Latvinia is imperialist." Diana List changed the subject and talked about this time mission to prevent Hammurabi from focusing on her airsickness. "I must explain to him our Lord's wishes, policies, threats and alternatives, Tribune. Now that Fidel Castro has retired from politics, our requests for a meeting with him have been repeatedly rejected by his brother. Raul Castro vetoed it many times, so my chances of convincing these two were slim.”

"But this is not why you are dizzy while reading documents on Pegasus. Get more rest, Diana. My lord hopes that you can maintain a good mental state." Hammurabi shook his head and said desperately to Diana There is some dissatisfaction with the attitude towards work. Not everyone has superhuman physique and energy to cope with such a heavy workload. For an ordinary person to try to catch up with the emperor's work pace is a kind of torture in itself. Doing so will only lead to death from overwork, and then it will be assigned to Diana. The medical team could not save her. "I believe that the laser pistol presented by the emperor will make Fidel Castro happy for a while. Don't forget, your real mission is to persuade Fidel Castro to cover for the monarch and obtain him a secret mission to Peru. Chance."

The Latvian monarch's plan to visit Cuba has already made international headlines. The Praetorian Guard Amon, a squad of the Black Guards of the Immortal City, a Sisterhood assault squad, and a Hell Knight combat squad have all Arranged to protect Diana's safety, in addition to infantry, there are also sky carriers and a large number of armored vehicles accompanying them, which to some extent demonstrates Latovinia's military projection capabilities. The CIA was able to assassinate Castro more than 600 times, so the number of assassinations of Diana List would not be less. It was very convenient for the CIA to destroy the exchanges between Cuba and Latvia through assassinations, so the emperor did not hesitate to send the assassination. The Guard came to protect her personally, and at the same time worked with the Cuban side to build security measures to welcome the emperor's arrival.

The moment Diana List became the core of the Latvian regime, all her past information was destroyed. The world only saw an overly young Germanic blonde girl leading a group of former Yugoslavia officials to Cuba to do... Preparation, I have no idea what conditions Latovinia has given to Cuba. Nowadays, Fidel Castro's physical condition is well known to everyone. If the CIA knew that Diana List had brought Latvinia's advanced medical assistance and rejuvenation surgery to Cuba, it might have allowed the U.S. Navy to dispatch warships to stop it. this meeting.

"Supiluliumas' team needs supplies and support, and Supiluliumas's gunboats also need ammunition supplies and repairs. We need to send him several Martian technicians." Hammurabi changed his subject. , mentioned the Praetorian Guards in Peru. Hammurabi had a meeting with Supiluliumas in low orbit five days ago. The latter elaborated on the many problems encountered by Camilla and Lara Croft. He hoped that Laura Crawford was able to obtain more documentary support from Karma Taj to help her decipher the inscription and find the Silver Box of Ixichel.

Diana now also knew some details that she had not known before.

The "ground attack aircraft" feared by the Peruvian cartel groups are actually Supiluliumas' anti-gravity plasma propulsion motorcycles. The bolt machine guns mounted on this vehicle are very precious and are specially used to launch a super-powerful weapon. High-density, ultra-high-energy helium thermonuclear reaction warhead explosive ammunition. Basically, the explosive ammunition of the Guards is the product of this type. The heavy ammunition with a caliber of 0.998 inches can destroy any armored vehicle. The South American government forces’ Armored vehicles are simply vulnerable.

"I will arrange the connection." Amon said, "Nick Fury is ready to stow away on the cargo ship, and Supiluliumas can get all the materials he needs."

"There is no need to wait for a response from Cuba. He has already planned to send additional troops to Peru in advance. Regardless of whether Cuba is willing to provide cover, our Lord's will cannot be questioned. The annihilation of extradimensional creatures in Peru is our real mission. Except for Nothing else." Hammurabi nodded, intending to end the communication. "We have made plans for a sudden sneak attack by the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy. When Cuba releases the release in an hour, the sky aircraft carrier will go with you. Diana Lister, my Lord, I hope you can value your life. , you are very important to all of Latvinia, understand?"

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