Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1221 Possum Signal (Second Update)

"Don't shoot, Camilla! Don't shoot, these locals are just afraid of us!"

"I'm a local too, you idiot!"

Camilla King didn't stop at all because of Lara Croft's call. A throwing spear cut through the air, and the sharp stone spear tip shattered into hundreds of scattered fragments on the armored vehicle body, and opened a wound on Camilla's cheekbone. "These people are all fucking abnormal!" Camilla pulled the trigger toward the dense forest, and the ruby-red laser penetrated the dark shadows of the trees. Surprisingly, the car was attacked not only by crazy aborigines, but also by Trinity mercenaries wearing body armor. Lara Croft stopped talking now and joined the battle with a pistol. Camila ducked into the car, climbed into the machine gun position, and kicked Dr. Pedro Domiguez who was sitting in the crew compartment.

"Heavy bolter fire!" Ka pointed the heavy bolter muzzle at the location where the bullet was coming. Accompanied by the deafening sound of gunfire like the roar of a giant beast, the large-caliber machine gun swept across the opposite mountain cliff and dense forest like an indestructible metal torrent. This time Camilla did not use the burst mode, but pulled the trigger hard. All vegetation, rocks and human bodies were shattered by the explosive warhead of the cannon. Only a few Holy Trinity mercenaries hiding behind the mountain managed to escape. Tribulation. Camila expertly released the trigger, maintaining suppressive fire while ordering the team members to move forward along the fire channel. "Try to capture as many people as possible alive." She gave instructions over the communication channel. "We need to know some information here."


Camila stepped down from the machine gun position and ignored the mechanic who kept grunting in frustration because of the damage to the car body. Instead, she directly grabbed Dr. Pedro Domíguez by the collar and pushed him down on the crew member. cabin deck. "You have one last chance, Pedro Domiguez," she said, handcuffing Dr. Pedro Domiguez. Then she put away her pistol and took out a dagger. Lara Croft thought Camila was going to kill Dr. Domiguez, but Camila just cut open Dr. Domiguez's clothes with a dagger. At first, Dr. Pedro Domiguez protested loudly, claiming that the matter had nothing to do with him. However, as Camila's cold knife tip scratched his back, Dr. Domiguez gradually closed his mouth.

"Tell me, where is your positioning device installed?"

"Positioning device?" Lara Croft asked in confusion, and Jonah's face was also full of fear and confusion. Especially Jonah, he had never encountered such a fierce fire attack. As a civilian, he was completely unable to keep up with Camilla's thinking. Only Lara Croft thought for a while before coming to a conclusion. "You mean... we are actually being tracked all the time?"

"It's not that bad. There is no signal here, and the power of the subcutaneous signal transmitter is not high. It must have been when we were close to the Holy Trinity stronghold or signal base station that the mercenaries started to track us."

"What's going on with those aborigines? Why are they attacking us?"

"I don't know, but I know this man must know something." Camila put the dagger to Dr. Pedro Domiguez's throat, "Now Rourke (Commander of the Holy Trinity mercenaries) said They may have received our message, so they must be transferred as soon as possible. I don't have much patience, Dr. Domiguez. Even if you stuff the positioning device into your butt, I can dig it out. For your own sake, you'd better tell me now. Me, or I’ll skin you off.”

"I said, Holy Trinity and I are only in a relationship of mutual use!" Dr. Pedro Domiguez struggled to turn his head. It seemed that due to the large amount of adrenaline bursting out from the extreme anger, he did not even notice that the skin of his neck was cut by the blade. "This is my hometown. I awaken Quetzalcoatl just to prevent my hometown from being invaded by colonists! Look at where we live. American factories ruthlessly squeeze the labor force here in order to provide American drug addicts and Drug lords make money, so many young people have to join gangs. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, shooting...all kinds of evil will eventually overwhelm this country. Paititi cannot escape for too long. Sooner or later, they will also become slaves of drugs and machinery! "

"You didn't answer the question, Dr. Domiguez." Camila pressed her knee hard against Dr. Pedro Domiguez's shoulder. The tip of the knife wandered around the back of Domiguez's neck, "Don't wrap yourself up with this kind of emotion. Where is the positioning device, on the arm? Shoulder? Behind the ear?" Perhaps it was because of Camila's indifference, or perhaps because of her awareness. With no other choice, Dr. Pedro Domiguez sighed and hit his forehead on the cold deck, seemingly giving up the struggle.

"Arms," ​​he muttered, "move faster."

"Sir, those people were... broken into pieces, and the remaining ones were not caught." The returning armed men hesitated, "We are not familiar with the terrain, some people hid in caves, and we did not dare to pursue them too deep. But we have placed M18s and booby traps so they should be killed or injured if they try to come back."

"It doesn't matter." Camilla shook her head, not caring that her men returned empty-handed.

The mechanic sent by the Eternal City gave her a surprise and showed off unexpected skills. Everyone originally thought that the mechanical prosthetic tentacles on the mechanic's wrist were ports for receiving data, but in fact, those tiny mechanical claws could also pick up scalpel blades. While the detector of the eye prosthesis was screening the signals on Dr. Pedro Domiguez, the mechanic carefully manipulated the blade to cut through the skin and remove the positioning device.

"Standard procedure for minimally invasive surgery." The mechanic didn't even bother to squeeze out disinfectant gel because the wound on Dr. Pedro Domiguez's arm was too small. As long as you are not in the wild, the wound fixed by the skin nail machine will be scabbed and bonded after a day, without even a chance of infection. "Prosthetic subcutaneous wiring technology standard Alpha-3." The mechanic was a little embarrassed when faced with the praises of others. "This technology is not a secret to the Order. I can share the technical documents, and you have to receive the code. Bag?"

Everyone shook their heads except Dr. Pedro Domiguez, who was lying on the ground.

"Can you imitate this signal?" Camila asked, holding the small device wrapped in a stainless steel capsule. After the mechanic gave an affirmative answer, Camilla immediately asked Lara Croft to rummage through the supply box, hand the box of portable walkie-talkies in the supplies to the mechanic, and also asked the team to catch some possums. Taken to an armored personnel carrier. The mechanic sitting in the co-pilot had to start the modification work on the bumpy armored personnel carrier. He wanted the signals from these intercoms to be consistent with the signals of the Holy Trinity's subcutaneous positioning device. The members of Camilla's team would then A modified walkie-talkie is strapped to the possum.

After completing each one, members of Camila's team would throw an opossum out of the armored personnel carrier and let the opossum run around with the signal, even the one originally installed on Dr. Pedro Domiguez's body. The device was also installed on the Possum. According to the mechanic's calculations, the coverage range of those signal transmitters far exceeds that of Holy Trinity's subcutaneous locator, but since the program he designed only transmits a signal every ten minutes, it is very safe for them to do so. There was definitely no time to track them down.

"Now that we are invisible, Holy Trinity will not know which signals represent him." Camila glanced at the dejected Dr. Pedro Domiguez, "But we are still facing a problem. Please explain, Why did those indigenous people attack us together with Holy Trinity? Dr. Domiguez, you keep saying that you want to protect the indigenous people in Paititi, but those indigenous people seem to be very ungrateful."

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