Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1229 Kukulkan Order (Second update)

Expressing the ability to harm and expressing the willingness to harm is a posture that must be shown in the early stage of negotiation.

Enuratu tightened her lips and stared at the giant in front of her. She felt the power and willingness of the guards to do harm, and she also understood that she had no choice. "I heard about the disaster that happened in the outside world, and I will help you solve this problem." She handed the boy in her arms to the warrior behind her, "But I have a condition."

Supiluliumas nodded. "Within my authority, I can agree."

"I know you have the ability to destroy the sect, but you must hand over the leader of the sect to me. Those are our people and must be punished according to our laws." As soon as Enuratu finished speaking, Supiluliumas Camilla behind her couldn't help but step forward and gently patted the guard's arm armor. Supiluliumas pointed to the helmet, and Camilla turned on the communicator, covered her lips and said something at a volume that others could not hear.

"Show her," Supiluliumas said. After receiving the order, Camilla asked Lara Croft to hand her the digital camera, and then she pulled out a photo in the memory card and showed it to Enuratu. "Is this person the leader of the religious sect you are talking about?"

"Amaru...yes, that's him." Enuratu's eyes widened in surprise, "Did you catch him?"

"Not anymore." Camilla pointed at the communicator. After arriving in the open area, the radio signal that had been blocked by the rock formation was finally restored, but the news reported by the snipers and Martian technicians did not make people happy, "The armored vehicle we used to imprison him was destroyed and was destroyed by a Holy Trinity helicopter. and missiles. But I don’t believe he died like this, after all, this man still has a certain status in Holy Trinity.”

"To us, his name is Pedro Domiguez." Lara Crawford said impatiently, "He said he came from the local indigenous tribe. Can you tell us about this person? "

"Pedro Domíguez... I can tell you this man's story." Enuratu looked back at the tribal warriors, "This story is very long. Although you can kill all the cult soldiers, But this is not very safe, and it is not a good place to tell stories. Come with me, and as long as you swear not to use weapons in our location, I will take you to the stronghold and tell you this story."

As Enuratu said, this is a rather long story.

Since the landing of European colonists, missionary activities have never stopped. Catholicism replaced the South American gods who needed bloody priests and became the most prosperous religion on the land. Paititi, the area mentioned by Enuratu has not avoided this fate. Missionaries once tried to change the beliefs here, but they all ended in failure. This situation did not change until a large number of missionaries from the Holy Trinity Order arrived and established a stronghold here called the San Juan Mission. Not all the indigenous people in Paititi were on a mission. , some people succumbed to the resources and wealth of the outside world and began to turn to the church. In addition, the new mythology compiled by the San Juan Church in combination with the ancient beliefs dispelled the resistance of the indigenous people to foreign ideas, and the Holy Trinity Order was able to Take root here and preach.

"The Kukulkan Order, this is their name." Enuratu said, "Amaru... the Pedro Domíguez you call is the boy taken away by the San Juan Church. At first, he was taken away every year They all returned to Paititi, but when he took over the Kukulkan order established by the white people, the situation changed."

Calling this a stronghold is a bit exaggerated. The hemispherical hall on the cliff is the residence and conference hall established by Enuratu and her warriors. From the hall, you can see the lush woods outside. Supiluliumas discovered many defense loopholes with just a glance. Even though Enuratu's soldiers tried their best to arrange sentries to protect the place, with their ability and patrol density, they could not protect anything at all.

"What changed?" Lara Croft asked.

"Changed the way of preaching." Enuratu said with anger in his tone, "He began to become aggressive and...short-sighted. The mission of our tribe is to appease the awakened Kukulkan and let it continue. He was sleeping, but Amaru didn't think so. He wanted to wake up Kukulkan to make changes in the world. He said that he could use Kukulkan's power to build a new world and completely wipe out the colonists from this world. Go and let only Paititi remain in the world. This idea gained the support of many Paititi people, so he became the leader of Paititi.”

"You were kicked off the throne." Amon said bluntly.

He thinks this phenomenon is very interesting, and is very similar to Aristotle's "Politics" and the Death of Socrates in the ancient Greek political history materials he studied in the library. He began to overturn Paititi's social and political system in terms of social productivity, religious influence, etc., and then discovered a strange problem. Paititi's tribal chieftaincy system should not have given birth to a democratic system, but Enuratu was kicked off the throne, which shows that Pedro Domíguez's religious democratic autocratic system is superior in mobilization ability. One chip.

"That's right." Enuratu heard the ridicule in Amon's mouth and rolled his eyes quietly. She obviously didn't know that the Praetorian Guards had thought about so many things in such a short period of time and accurately found the root cause of Pedro Domiguez's overthrow of Paititi's throne. "Amaru and his cult are now leading Paititi to the abyss of destruction. Consistent with your purpose, we also want to prevent Kukulkan from being awakened, and Amaru must face trial."

"It's acceptable," Supiluliumas said, "but we still have some questions that he needs to answer before he dies."

"So who are these people?" Lara Croft showed Enuratu a photo of the corpse of the native who killed the Trinity soldiers in the cave. Laura glanced at the costumes of the soldiers around Enuratu, "This shouldn't be one of yours, right?"

"This is Yakso." Enuratu suddenly became a little nervous. She and the warrior beside her whispered in the local language for a while, then nodded and told Lara Croft the truth. "Yaxo is a mysterious creature. Maybe our ancestors knew the origin of these creatures, but we have forgotten too many things. Yaxo has always only wandered around Paititi and has never invaded. I don't know why they To attack the Order soldiers."

"It seems that there are still many problems that need to be solved by us." Supiluliumas gave instructions to Amon.

Within a minute, violent airflow and noise rumbled above the cliff. Two small gunboats passed through the dense forest in front of the hemispherical hall in an extremely elegant manner, and were suspended outside the cliff wall of the hall. They only needed to take a long step to board. But the two gunboats were a bit too crowded for this hall. The huge noise and airflow caused the torches lit in the hall to be extinguished instantly, and all outside sunlight was blocked by the huge mechanical structure and armor plates.

"Ms. Crawford, Amon will accompany you to explore the secrets of the Kukulkan Order and find the silver box." Supiluliumas stretched out his hand and extended an invitation to the former queen of Paititi, " Enuratu, gather your soldiers. I will join the battle with Kamila's team to completely wipe out the Kukulkan cult."

"Now?" Enuratu opened his mouth. "They have a lot of muskets, but we only have bows and arrows."

"Now you have more," Supiluliumas said. "I will give you weapons that even monkeys can learn how to use. Even if you have never been exposed to modern weapons, you can use them to kill the Holy Trinity." A religious order.”

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