Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1231 Lost and Found (Second Update)

Supiluliumas' promise to Queen Enuratu of Paititi that she could see the night sky with mechanical stars was not fulfilled, because just at sunset, cumulonimbus clouds once again swept through the Amazon rainforest without warning, destroying Peru. The eastern and western parts of Brazil are all covered in it, pouring electric charges and condensation water towards the dark and green dense forest. The moist, muggy air is forced out of the soil by the rain that falls from the sky, and together with plant spores, bacteria, and other microorganisms create a pleasant, fresh smell.

Tribal soldiers learned to use laser firearms under the guidance of the Imperial Guards. The stone wall used as a target was covered with densely charred pits. The breeze mixed with drizzle carried up the smell of burnt rocks, making the air in the training ground better. Smelled some. Enuratu arranged for the African combatants among his followers to carry food and brew wine to provide a full meal for the tribal warriors. They planned to set out early the next morning, rain or shine, before the sun had illuminated the forest, and take advantage of the familiar terrain to attack the nearby Holy Trinity ammunition depot and command post.

Camilla and her team were not involved, but they still accepted all the Paititi food except the home-brewed food, which they stuffed into their mouths along with the protein bars. After several days of high-intensity fighting, the team was exhausted. After obtaining permission from Supiluliumas, Camila ordered the team members to lay down camp beds and start resting. She herself used the firelight and the positioning system to compare the map. The communicator guided the way for the companions who were not here - In the early morning, when Enuratu was about to fall asleep, he received a report from the tribal warriors. There was a vehicle that could not be seen clearly, emitting black smoke and crawling hard on the muddy path outside. She made a decision and Camilla led the team there first.

Following the guidance of the flashlight's cone-shaped light, Kamila and Enuratu saw a man in a tattered red robe standing on the black smoking vehicle. The man's mechanical prosthetic eyes emitted fluorescent green light. He held a heavy explosive bomb in his hand. Camilla took a closer look and found that the original heavy bomb bracket had long since disappeared. Now the bracket was made of debris and scraps and re-welded to the car body. Although it is not as good as the pitch angle and rotation angle of the original bracket, it still allows the person sitting in the machine gun position to use this heavy explosive bomb stably - the Martian technician was very happy when he saw Camilla. He and the sniper It took me a long time to find Paititi in the dense forest. During this period, I also encountered the disgust of the residents of the town outside, and even almost encountered a pursuit by Holy Trinity mercenaries. The town at Paititi's original address was a material exchange point run by Holy Trinity. Almost all the residents and businessmen in the town were followers of the San Juan Church.

"How is this possible! You didn't say on the channel that this armored vehicle could survive!" Camilla walked around the armored vehicle and used a flashlight to illuminate the armored vehicle up and down. Traces of the explosion and burning still remain on the armor plate. The original bright black and jungle green paint was completely covered by burning carbon marks. The armored vehicle seemed to be driven out of flames, and it still exudes a burning smell. . "This is an armored vehicle from hell."

"Surprise!" The sniper opened the car door and reluctantly joked, "Do you want to listen to my explanation or his explanation?"

"I want a briefing, not a paper."

"To put it simply, the penetration capability of the AGM-114L cannot kill this vehicle in one go. As long as the tracks are not exploded, anti-tank mines probably can't either." The sniper got off the driver's seat, "But the violent explosion It also has a certain negative impact on the people in the vehicle. Jose... did not find the body of Pedro Domiguez. This guy must have hidden something we don't know. But the mechanic has found a way to deal with it. We The smoke screen was embedded in the roof of the car, and wires were used to hook all the tabs. Once the radar detects the helicopter, it can immediately release the smoke screen to interfere with the missile lock. The mechanic said that he can make some non-standard modifications later, such as installing a spectrum jammer or something. I don’t understand it anyway.”

"I understand, we will avenge Jose." Camila nodded coldly, "After the mission is over, let the mechanic repair the car properly. She has joined the real us, and she is a member of our team."

"Don't worry, I've been in this situation many times. It's a cave with an exit and it won't fill up with water. I'm an expert at that." Lara Croft has never been a vamp He lifted his feet from the stagnant water, completely ignoring the rainwater flowing down the rock wall above his head. She had been comforting Amon, fearing that the guards would choose the range because they did not understand the situation. However, Amon had no worries at all. The fusion melta gun in his hand was a weapon used to melt rocks so that he could pass through. Lara Croft's aggressive behavior was very ridiculous in his eyes.

Since entering the ruins called the Serpent's Eye, Lara Croft has made many discoveries.

Of course, some hilarious things were also found, such as a painted and decorated penguin doll. This plastic penguin doll was placed in the same position as the god. Perhaps it was because the locals had never seen plastic as a material, nor had they seen penguins, so the locals put exquisite feather crests on penguins and enshrined them. Although Lara Croft tried to control her emotions and show respect for the local people's beliefs, she still couldn't help laughing.

"They treat penguins as objects after all!"

"Perhaps... this is the origin of religion, paying respect to things you don't understand." Amon did not laugh, but said expressionlessly, "I should write this discovery in my notebook as an important issue that is as important as algae agriculture. Research Examples.”

"It's hard to imagine what you usually study. From my point of view, this can be considered an example of the integration of beliefs. This is an ancient irrigation system, but I guarantee that there is absolutely no algae agriculture in Paititi. Most of them are ferns." She pointed to the water tank and water tank at her feet, with an expression of regret and sigh. "This place was once abandoned, and until the rainy season came again, it became a water storage system. The rain god stone carving proves that the Paititi Aboriginal people once established a quite remarkable ecosystem to support the city, but now there is nothing left here Down. But... hey, look at this thing."

Lara Croft holds up the silver snake-shaped object in her hand. "Boa constrictor!" She looked at the cultural relic carefully. "This thing has irregular tooth-like edges and looks like a key to open something. Holy Trinity must not have noticed this place, otherwise this thing is absolutely impossible. Leave it until now. Wait, what happened..."

"This is an earthquake!" Amon raised his head warily and stared at the rock wall above his head. "This is the third time today. Each earthquake is stronger than the previous one. This is a shallow earthquake, and the epicenter is no more than fifty kilometers away from us. inside."

"Is it because Quetzalcoatl awakens?"

"Not necessarily. There is not enough information to confirm the connection now." Amon said, "But it is certain that if we don't find the silver box as soon as possible, this situation may continue to happen. Although there are only three times, in Kosu There have been earthquakes like this in Mel, and the epicenter keeps moving towards Paititi. Like..."

"It's like there's a snake lurking beneath the earth's crust."

"I won't use such superstitious terms, Ms. Crawford. But I have to admit that this statement is very vivid." Amon nodded, "Please act as soon as possible. My Lord does not have much time at his disposal. Now Several transport planes have already arrived in Peru under the pretext of disaster relief, but my master is still stuck in place due to official duties, and he only has twenty-four hours to temporarily stay away from the sight of others."

Lara Croft walks along an ancient irrigation and drainage system. This is a road leading to Paititi's residence, which is now prosperous due to the Holy Trinity's material exchange, and she plans to go there to find clues. "You never told me what your master is doing now."

"No comment, ma'am."

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