Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1235 Mutated Cult (Second Update)


"What?" Amon tilted his head and pulled the trigger. Bullets the size of a machine gun flew out of the barrel and shattered the target.

"Ammunition!" Laura Crawford is also considered a semi-shooting expert. As a British person, she is a member of IPSC (International Practical Shooting Society) and USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association). She once competed in the 3GN Championship with a 0.45ACP pistol. Achieved good results in shooting competitions. She could tell just from the explosive shells that fell next to Amon's boots that the ammunition caliber used by the Guards was larger than the Soviet 14.5*114 mm bullets. It is conceivable that this kind of anti-aircraft firepower would appear in today's shooting environment. Able to have absolute dominance.

Her only worry was that the ammunition Amon had prepared might not be enough. After all, the magazines that could hold such ammunition were large and heavy, and it might be difficult for ordinary people to even hold a magazine for intense exercise. In fact, this worry is very correct. Even if Amon has a perfect shot, he will have to face this problem. "There are five more rounds." Amon frowned, covering Lara Croft as he walked towards the rock bunker, "Yasok has been forced back, but there are too many Holy Trinity mercenaries, and I can't bring them with me. You rush all the way out, unless you're willing to wait here for a while."

"What are you going to do?" Lara Croft asked.

"Rush over and kill them." Amon pulled the trigger again. This time he aimed at a mercenary holding an anti-tank missile. When the mass-reactive fuse penetrated flesh and contacted metal, high-temperature jets immediately surged out of the missile body, blasting the anti-tank missile and the soldier into charred pieces. "I don't know how many anti-tank missiles Holy Trinity has. I can dodge them, but you certainly can't."

"Uh... I still have three magazines." Lara Croft opened the MP5 submachine gun she picked up and took a look, then clicked the bolt to load it neatly, "You put the 3 o'clock position and the 10 o'clock position After the machine gunner at o'clock is dealt with, I can move with you and meet at the exit. I go to the right, there are enough bunkers there, and I need fire support. I mean grenades, I've seen you throw grenades, It was a mortar.”

Amon agreed to this plan.

He first fired two quick shots to eliminate the machine gun and machine gunner. Taking advantage of the brief gap in firepower, he rushed out in one stride. The cliff where he and Lara Croft were located was at least 60 meters away from the firepower point of the Holy Trinity mercenaries, but in the eyes of those soldiers, the Golden Guards were like a galloping buffalo. He rushed in front of them. The mercenary standing in front of the Guards hit Amon's shoulder armor before he could avoid it. His skull, spine, collarbone and ribs were hit hard as if by a pendulum used when demolishing concrete buildings. It flew out like a rag doll, and the broken bones pierced the skin and splashed out.

When Amon stabbed out the garrison spear and nailed the two mercenaries to death, Lara Croft was still running and shooting behind with a rifle. Before her enemy could launch an effective counterattack, a grenade came with it. A precise arc fell from the sky and exploded in the crowd, buying her a lot of traveling time. She finally reached the bunker, kicked over a wounded soldier in front of her, and shot a few times to kill the soldier who tried to fight back. After emptying two magazines, she heard loud shouts and screams in the distance. At first she thought that Amon had rushed into the enemy camp and started the massacre, but she did not expect that Amon was standing at the exit waiting for her, and the screams of the Holy Trinity mercenaries outside the exit did not stop.

The strong smell of blood filled the cave, and pieces of meat and internal organs shattered by large-caliber bombs were stuck to the rough stone walls. The murals that once depicted the Aztec gods were now covered in blood and corpses, and the delicate paint became blurry. However, at this time, Lara Croft had no time to feel sorry for the damage to these cultural relics. She still had many questions to solve.

"Our helper is here." Amon held the garrison spear, and in front of him was a black woman holding a silver spear and wearing a red robe. "Good morning, Nakia, I didn't know you had become Dora. "

"Who are these people?" Lara Croft asked confused. The long archaeological operation made her somewhat disconnected from the world. From beginning to end, she was unaware of Wakanda, the African high-tech country that caused uproar around the world. Even after a brief self-introduction, Lara Croft was still confused. She only knew that these female warriors were allies of the Praetorian Guards, which was enough for the current situation.

As for Nakia, it was even more impossible for her to distinguish the identity of the Praetorian Guards. The familiar tone of the Praetorian Guards made her think that Amon was Hammurabi who participated in the civil war in Wakanda's Golden City. In fact, it was not Nakia's personal wish to be transferred from the Dogs of War to Dora's Guards, but Queen Mother Ramonda's request. All Black Panther Queens must be from Dora's Guards. This was passed down from a certain period. Even Ramonda himself is no exception to the unwritten rule.

"The problem has now been resolved."

Nakia held the vibranium spear and said lightly. Behind her, those agile female warriors were cleaning up the enemies who were not dead one by one. After shaking off the blood on their spears, they stood behind Nakia in a seemingly loose but actually tight battle formation. Amon glanced at It can be seen that the real job of these Dora Guards is not only to protect King T'Challa, but also to protect the future Queen Nakia. Those Dora Guards who are not in the database are all wary of the tall Imperial Guards. .

"Come on, the king wants to talk to you, Lara Croft." Nakia glanced at the Guards and pretended to think of something casually, "And the Emperor of Latovinia, he is here too. "

"You, bring your team and charge with me."

The noise of the bullets ripping through the armor did not drown out Supiluliumas's shouts. A group of tribal warriors armed with laser guns excitedly rushed out of the bunker, shooting while running towards the Imperial Guards who were charging forward. Their opponents include not only the Holy Trinity mercenaries, but also the followers of the Kukulkan Order wearing green short robes and feather crowns. The latter are all Pai who helped Amaru oust Enuratu from the throne. Titi people.

Even though the followers of the Kukulkan Order were all compatriots, the rebels showed no mercy to these people, and instead used more cruel methods to treat these traitors. These rebels have been hunted and captured by the traitors lurking in the small town of San Juan (formerly Paititi). Now they finally got a chance to avenge their blood and hatred, even at the cost of approaching Kukulkan. When the followers of the cult dropped their laser guns, they pulled out their rumbling chain swords and started slashing.

"For the Queen, you traitor!"

The halberd of Supiluliumas sliced ​​through the air and cut open the human body. He dodged an anti-tank missile fired from the enemy's position, shot back and smashed the enemy into pieces, then strode into a simple barricade made of sandbags, and stepped on the fired anti-tank missile with his combat boots. of Trinity mercenaries, and then smashed the head of a Kukulkan follower who was frightened out of his mind with his fist. He did not continue to greet the rebels who were immersed in the mood of revenge, but began to greet the next team - the Camilla team was the real combat force of this attack. They cooperated with the Imperial Guard Supiluliumas They are skilled and can make up for the firepower gap of the Guards in a timely manner, which is far more efficient than the Queen's Army which has no discipline and tactical awareness. The weapons in their hands are the equipment actually distributed to the Latvian regular army.

The scorching plasma swirled through the early morning rain forest, melting the Holy Trinity machine gunners and their guns together. Supiluliumas grabbed the neck of a Kukulkan cultist who was trying to escape in the burning jungle, and held it up in front of him for a closer look. As expected, he found a red and blue feather and scales on the believer's neck.

"There is pollution here!" Supiluliumas cursed in a low voice, and then conveyed the information to Camilla's team behind through the communication channel, "Back off! Don't get close! Execute bombing clearance procedures!" Camilla looked at He glanced at the Queen's army charging forward crazily and tried to call them back. However, these tribal warriors have become too indulged in the joy of fighting, and the roaring chainsaws are as violent as their heartbeats. The Praetorian Guards initially tried to use the Quechua language to ask the Queen's Army to evacuate, but no matter what, the tribal warriors with blood on their faces were unwilling to take a step back.

Supiluliumas gave one last look, "Go ahead, laser guidance. Hurry!"

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