Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1238 Let’s get some rum (first update)

An armored personnel carrier with a blackened appearance staggered and slowly drove into the battlefield where bullets were flying.

The Martian technician in a red robe stood fearlessly on the machine gun position, relying on the re-forged heavy explosive bomb holder to shoot at the Holy Trinity firepower stronghold. The driver also pulled the trigger, and the double-barreled heavy explosive bomb in front of the armored vehicle also started. Spews half-meter-long tongues of fire and supersonic bullets. A solid barricade constructed of sandbags and 50mm homogeneous steel plates was as fragile as a beach sandcastle under the .75-caliber heavy explosive bomb. The huge amount of dust and sparks generated by the warhead explosion filled the sky, Supiluliumas With a long sigh of relief, he could finally temporarily stop protecting Queen Paititi and join the real combat mission.

Enuratu squatted behind the prefabricated fortifications with tears streaming down his face. He clenched his fists and hit Supiluliumas' leg armor hard. The skin of his palms became bloody due to the roaring human faces and lightning carved on the leg armor. The battle exceeded her expectations from the beginning. She saw tribal warriors being hit by the weapons of the "colonizers" (the aborigines called the Holy Trinity), and their flesh and bones were penetrated and shattered by high-speed flying metal. They fell down like rag dolls, bullets flying across the small firefighting zone.

If it weren't for the protection of the Praetorian Guards and the "outsiders" (called Camilla's team by the natives) who moved the "shield" (referring to a gray prefabricated fortification board with a person's height and with shooting holes), she and the rest of the The tribal warriors would surely be beaten to pieces by the "colonizer" troops. What shocked her even more was the battle between a pitch-black "Iron Bird" (referring to the Apache helicopter gunship) and a golden "Iron Bird" (referring to the Admiralty Guards floating gunboat). The two were about the same size. Aerial dogfights, but the latter is far more flexible than the former.

With a loud noise, the dark "Iron Bird" turned into a ball of burning scrap metal and fell to the ground, triggering a violent explosion that shook the earth, killing mercenaries and followers of the Kukulkan Order in large numbers. , rocks and trees, and the thick smoke almost submerged the entire highland. Enuratu, who knew that Paititi was closed and backward, accepted this fact. She knew that Paititi was involved in a war between outsiders and outsiders, and outsiders and Paititi.

As early as the moment Paititi's ancestors accepted the mission and the colonists brought the San Juan Church, the venom of war penetrated into this land and the blood vessels of the people living on this land with the help of blood, culture and faith, twisting them until today. The reason why Amaru wants to destroy the outsiders is because he knows that the outsiders are now far more powerful than the Spanish colonists, and the backward Paititi will never be able to defeat them; the Praetorian Guard and his master want to protect the outsiders, And destroy Paititi's mission passed down through blood and the outsiders behind Amaru.

Enuratu didn't want to support either side, but reality forced her to take sides.

The only thing she didn't expect was that the god-like warrior and the golden-armored war machine Guards Supiluliumas did not lead the army to overcome obstacles and demonstrate powerful combat capabilities to destroy the enemy's defenses as she imagined. He has been wandering on the edge of the battlefield, specifically selecting targets to behead those who pose a threat to tribal warriors, or looking for some weirder Kukulkan believers with so-called "pollution". He can only repeatedly turn a certain firepower stronghold into a flesh-and-blood mill, colonization Only after the enemy was too scared to move forward would he lead Camilla's team to slowly advance to the next firepower point.

Although he could completely reverse the situation of the battle every time he took action, allowing tribal warriors who had not received professional training to gain the upper hand, he also ordered the golden "iron bird" to spit out flames and destroy the battlefield where the Kukulkan cult and tribal warriors were fighting to the death. It seems that his purpose is not to fight but to kill certain people and destroy certain objects, and does not care about the casualties of tribal soldiers at all. Enuratu is not entirely complaining. After all, all tribal warriors have sworn a sacrifice oath, and whenever she is in danger, Supiluliumas will suddenly appear to protect her, but this does not prevent her from Regretful of this tragic and senseless loss of life.

"This is war, Enuratu." Supiluliumas lowered his head and looked at Queen Paititi, who was squatting behind the prefabricated board fortification. The latter was not used to having communication headsets inserted into her ears. "This war is the only way to save the outside world and Paititi, and the sacrifices of those warriors will be remembered. Even if they did not know what they were fighting for, they still completed our Lord's vision of fighting for mankind. For this alone they deserve everyone’s respect.”

"Then who are you fighting for, Supiluliumas!" Enuratu asked viciously, "Aren't you a war machine? Why are you still here!"

"Because of my Lord and his wishes, certain things should not exist. My mission is to completely erase them." Supiluliumas put on a full magazine, pressed the button on the spear handle and pulled the gun. Loaded. After doing all this, he grasped the spear handle again, activated the power of the garrison spear, and wrapped the blade with blue current. "Everything I did was to allow Paititi to continue to exist. Now that support has arrived, You can order the tribal warriors to attack in place under the cover of armored vehicles. The things inside are not suitable for you. You know, don't follow me until I completely burn that land. Don't be curious, stay here, and don't interact with any Kukulkan cultists. Any communication with the group of believers will not be viewed or listened to, do you understand?"

Half an hour after Supiluliumas left, the sound of slashing that extended all the way to the cave gradually disappeared. Camilla and the team still maintained vigilance in this direction. The charred armored vehicles blocked all Holy Trinity mercenaries and Ku. The escape route for followers of the Cult of Kulkan. Anyone who tries to escape from this narrow mountain stream will be destroyed by a swarm of metal jets and lasers.

Enuratu found that the sky suddenly became dark, as if dark clouds were sinking to the ground. Then she heard a loud roar, and batches of giant "iron birds" that covered the sky swooped down and landed on the other side of the mountain. Then they rose into the sky and wandered in the distance, spitting fire and metal towards the earth. Continuous loud noises were transmitted along the mountains rising from the earth to the feet of the Paititi tribal warriors. This sight made the tribal warriors who finally accepted the power of "outsiders" almost panic. They raised their frightened faces in the thin sunlight, like some panicked animals.

But fortunately, Enuratu stabilized the emotions of the tribal warriors. She claimed that they were warriors brought by the Imperial Guard to help Paititi, and they only needed to complete the battle here to win. Camilla placed the muzzle of the laser gun on the shooting hole and cast a sympathetic and apologetic look towards Enuratu not far away. By blood, Kamila and Enuratu belong to the same tribe. The former is very aware of the superstitiousness of the locals, and even refused food aid from the United Nations because he was worried that outsiders would covet civilian fat (referring to Pishtako). .

As one of the few civilized people in Paititi, it is not easy for Enuratu to unite this group of superstitious aborigines even if they rely on the legal principles of rule obtained through political marriage. No matter which angle you look at, Enuratu is a competent and wise leader. He is just limited by the environment and has to make some appeasement choices to ensure that his people can survive.

Now that the consensus of survival no longer exists, Enuratu has no choice but to choose the side of the Imperial Guard.

Regardless of the outcome, the heavy losses of tribal warriors mean that Paititi will no longer have absolute control over this land in the future. The people occupying this land will change from Holy Trinity and San Juan Church to Latovinia, and Those who practice the creed will take the Paititi people out of their comfort zone, like snail meat from the shell, exposing Aboriginal people who have never been exposed to science and have forgotten all the wisdom of their ancestors to the modern environment. Here, let them be hurt by the harsh reality and drip with blood until they learn how to enter modern civilization. Maybe there will be no more wars, drugs, and crime here, but there will also be no folk customs, myths, and superstitions. Camilla doesn’t know if this is a price for getting better, but she is certain that Paititi’s future will at least be It won't be any worse than it was in the past.

"Want some drinks?" she said to Enuratu. The latter looked curiously at this "outsider" with whom he rarely communicated. Camilla noticed Enuratu's expression, so she showed a big smile. "Although combat regulations prohibit us from drinking at this time, I believe the Praetorian Guards will not mind if we have some rum now. He can't control us anyway."

Enuratu hesitated, then nodded.

She needed some wine, and so did the tribal warriors.

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