Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 132 The beginning of fanaticism (second update!)

Salomon finished writing an adventure novel with the posture of changing 30,000 a day. It was already dark when he finished writing. Agent Coulson returned to his room with the manuscript, intending to memorize the article overnight. The mystic mage lay down on the bed in a daze, and was immediately hugged by a warm body. Natasha Romanov didn't mean to shy away at all. She took off her tight combat uniform and helped Salomon put the bits and pieces of her body on the bedside. The mystic did not open his eyes the whole time, and just let Romanov help him take off his clothes. He is not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery now, what he needs is sleep that can replenish his spirit.

"Sleep, magician." Natasha said softly, "I still have work tomorrow morning."

The next morning, Salomon woke up late because he got the standard eight hours of sleep. When he opened his eyes, he found that Natasha was already dressed and sitting aside. "Agent Coulson has already woken up. Randolph Carter went out very early. I don't know what he is going to do. I suggest not to follow him for the time being to avoid causing hostility." She first finished talking about the situation when Salomon fell asleep. , Immediately afterwards, she said with a teasing tone, "You don't look like an adolescent boy at all. When I hugged you, you didn't respond at all. I even doubt whether you are interested in women."

"Oh." Salomon smiled disdainfully, "Of course I'm interested, Agent Romanov, I have to admit that you are beautiful in terms of face and figure. But if I don't Self-control, then it is impossible for me to get full marks in the first class, and what I care about is not your beauty, but your ability, other things are worthless to me. And there is... I prefer Girls with abs."

"Thank you for the compliment, Sir Damonette. You are telling the truth, and your browsing history proves it. But, there must be something else besides that, right?"

"What's wrong with liking paper girls! Don't read my browsing history next time, that's my privacy!" Salomon blushed immediately after revealing his secret, "Also, why are you still here?"

"Then maybe you should change to another computer to watch those things, I didn't even know your taste is so strong." Natasha raised her eyebrows in satisfaction, "Besides, I'm your maid, I have to stay here to serve you Master, this is the role I will play this time."

"Okay, okay." Salomon rubbed his hands, jumped out of the warm blanket, and quickly put on his clothes, "What is Agent Coulson doing now?"

"He took the gold you gave him and exchanged some pennies, and then went to the tavern in the town, where he hoped to gather information." Natasha curled her lips, fully expressing her ridicule, "Looks like Aren’t all the people in this small town particularly devout, otherwise the tavern wouldn’t be able to open in the morning.”

"They will ask others to be devout, but as for's just casual. It is the nature of human beings to be more lenient than themselves and stricter to others." Salomon dressed and brought everything he needed, including the oath of victory. sword. He said, "We can wait until Randolph Carter comes back to say goodbye. It is not a gentleman's behavior to leave without saying goodbye."

"But now... let's go. Try to complete the exploration before the owner of this house comes back." Natasha showed Salomon the equipment on her wrist, "Even without a gun, I can solve the problem. I suggest You'd better save your bullets, only muskets are available in this day and age."

"I have a wand, I have magic, and I even have a sword."

"You can lend me your sword, I have learned a little bit of swordsmanship."

"Don't even think about it, Natasha Romanov." Salomon rejected the proposal, "There are only two people in the world who are qualified to hold this sword, but you are not included."


"Well, there is no information." In the afternoon, Agent Coulson returned to Carter's residence, and he sat on the chair in the guest room with some frustration, "I have booked three rooms in the hotel. Perhaps the scope of our activities tomorrow It can be expanded. What about your findings?"

"A little bit." Salomon sat on the bed, his boots were still stained with black mud. He said, "Even if I took out the Agamotto crystal ball, I didn't find the birthplace of the alien magic power and the monster lair, because the forest is full of alien magic power, but we still noticed some places where the magic power is densely distributed. We Found something there..."

"There are more than one clearing in the forest, and people have stayed in those places." At this time, Natasha has changed into the local clothes, covering the tight combat uniform tightly. This is what Salomon asked when the investigation mission ended. She bought it herself. She said, "We found a lot of footprints there, fresh footprints, some of which are local people's shoe prints, which are easy to identify, and some are barefoot footprints. Moreover, those footprints seem to be messy, but they are actually regular. It's like... like some kind of dance. Judging from the size of these footprints, they should all be female footprints."

"Witch Coven." Salomon mentioned a word, "There are really witches in this town."

"Then the suspicion of Abigail can be ruled out. She didn't leave the house last night, and she didn't leave the house a few days ago." Coulson shrugged, "Remember those girls we met last night? I met them today They, and chatted with them for a while. In fact, last night they were having some kind of ceremony, which Abigail told them, and her uncle seemed to know about it, the poor girl's lunch Canceled. But I sneaked her some food from the tavern, the same you just had, and I bought three."

"Where is the source of the ceremony?" Natasha asked, "Could it be Tituba? I have never studied American history, and I am Russian."

"That's right." Coulson nodded. "The black girl was also punished, just before Randolph Carter left home. The locals seem to be somewhat hostile to the Voodoo belief."

"Even after three hundred years, the Puritans will be hostile to the pagans. It's not surprising." Salomon sighed, "The current situation is that there are really witches in the town, but they are not the same as Abigail and Titus." Bara doesn't matter, does it? Those rituals are useless, there's no magic in them."

"Yes, maybe those witches are the reason why we got into this abnormal situation. Salomon, look away from Abigail and Tituba, she is not the one who caused this." Coulson said optimistically, " We don't know who those witches are, but we'll find out and fix it, because I've also found cases of non-white children disappearing in town, and maybe those things were done by witches. As for Randolph Carter In the current situation, I think there will be a result tonight, but before that, we need to solve another thing."

"What's up?"

"The Salem Witch Trials," Coulson said, "have begun, and I've heard rumors in the tavern that it's the girl we all knew, the Putman's helper, Mary Walcott. Reverend Parris has gone to her house to exorcise demons, but it is of no use. I have sworn to protect the innocent, and this time will be the same."


However, things did not develop as Coulson imagined. When dusk approached, Mary Walcott, who had regained her composure, confessed what she had done in the woods, and she also explained that these rituals were taught by Tituba, a black slave girl from Randolph Carter's family.

Then blindness and fanaticism began to spread like sparks in dry grass.

Superstitious and fanatical townspeople held torches and followed the Putman family to Randolph Carter's house. Agent Coulson pushed Tituba into the gate of the house, let her stay with Abigail, and asked Natasha and Salomon to take care of them. He stood alone in front of the gate, blocking the small town residents from breaking into the house. Agent Coulson didn't want to hurt them, so he could only lean his back against the gate, barely pushing and shoving these fanatical people.

No matter what he said, these people just didn't want to listen. Residents didn't think they had to listen to an out-of-towner, and Ann Putman's parents even threatened Coulson that they would throw torches on him if he didn't move out of the way.

Coulson took a deep breath. "No." He took out his pistol, "Don't even think about it."

"How do you think Coulson will solve this matter?" Salomon stood by the door, looking at Natasha and Tituba and Abigail trembling in her arms. "Have you ever encountered such a situation during your mission?"

"Often," Natasha said, "but back then we had guns, lots of guns, and high-tech equipment and even Quinjets."

"If not, I will protect the safety of Agent Coulson." Salomon said, "Don't worry, I won't kill them. It's just a broken bone."

"Don't be afraid, Tituba." Abigail stood on tiptoe, comforting the servant who was older than herself, "Mr. Coulson is a very powerful scholar, he will persuade them, and Miss Maid will protect them." your."

Tituba didn't answer, but hugged her shoulders and curled up in Natasha's arms.

"Listen to me! Listen to me!" Agent Coulson yelled. "Calm down! You understand that you have no right to do this!"

"God gave us the power! She summoned the devil!" They waved the torches grimly, "Go away, Cockney! This is not London, go away! Go back to your cabin!"

"What's going on?" The tension eased a little as Randolph Carter made his way through the crowd and appeared before the frantic residents. Unlike Coulson, Randolph Carter had a very high prestige in the local area, not only because he served in the seminary in Boston, but also because he was a wise man in the town, and many people would listen to his opinions.

"I thought it was a prank my daughter and friends used to do yesterday. But this morning, Mary, my servant, suddenly became unwell and struggled like a fever," Mr. Putman said. "She He even made strange noises, trying to strangle the pastor's neck."

"She's very strong, she doesn't look like a girl at all." Pastor Paris also chimed in, "It's's like being possessed by a devil! Then, we found this from the straw on her bed. "

Pastor Paris took out a crude wooden doll, "This is a prop used by witches to curse!"

"My daughter told me." Mr. Putman said, "This thing was made by Tituba!"

Coulson looked at Ann Putman who was hiding behind Mr. Putman. The girl looked horrified. "I didn't know that at the time!" She looked a little hysterical, even under the light of the torch, her face was a little pale, "That thing is so scary, it's a prop for witchcraft!"

"It's obvious that An and the others took that thing by themselves!" Abigail muttered angrily behind the door, "It's obvious that they were all by themselves..."

Salomon glanced at Abigail. The girl in front of him was still haunted by mystery. Is this the girl who escaped from Balthazar's seal? If not, then where exactly is that Abigail? What is this Abigail?

Randolph Carter opened the door and let Tituba come out. Coulson tried to stop it, but failed. When Randolph Carter saw Salomon standing in front of him, he whispered something that the mystic hadn't thought of at all, but only he could hear.

I update so diligently, how can I not give votes? I don't know if anyone can see from the foreshadowing who is doing the trouble?

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