Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1264 Chapter 1260 Adventure Commemoration (Second Update)

"They are about to anchor." Natasha Romanov stood in front of the porthole and said calmly. Lara Croft was a little surprised. It had been several hours since the Sky Battleship passed through the portal and arrived near the Tianjian Space Station. During this period, there was no movement on the ship and it was as quiet as dead water. Natasha Roman Nov had been standing with her by the porthole looking at the boundless universe. A young girl like Lara Croft had her expression written all over her face. As a top spy, Natasha Romanoff could see her thoughts at a glance, but she did not mention that the Sky Battleship was docked. thing, but brought up another thing. "Do you know who built this space station?"

Lara Croft shook her head.

"Nick Fury is the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I believe you must have seen his name on TV. In addition, there are a large group of aliens here, but now they all stay in the laboratory and become They are experimental animals without dignity." Natasha Romanov did not pay attention to the archaeologists' surprise when they heard the word "alien", and instead pointed with her chin at the sky battleship parked dozens of kilometers away. , "Your sponsor came here in such a ship, killed all the aliens, and arrested all the senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. That ship was from the Hydra rebellion period, and he came from Hydra The thing he grabbed from his hand was transformed into his space battleship."

"Is there a moral to this story, Ms. Romanoff?"

"It doesn't mean anything, Laura." Natasha Romanoff put her hands on her hips. "I just want to remind you that your sponsor has a very big appetite. It is impossible for him not to know about Hydra's insight plan and not know about it." May not know the actual situation of this space station, but he did not tell anyone and lurked silently until he was sure that he had the ability to swallow it whole. Nick Fury's life's work has become his asset, you can watch Look at what the former king of agents has become now, isn’t such a person scary enough?”

"Compared with your career, is this kind of little trick a bit childish? We are not rich girls who whisper and form cliques in a girls' school or Wharton School of Business. I didn't expect that 'superheroes' would also play such childish things. Game." Lara Croft lost the smile on her face. She said somewhat rudely, "So what exactly do you really want to say, Ms. Romanoff?"

"This is not a place you should set foot in, Laura. Stop pursuing those ruins that are too dangerous. Although there is no evidence, my intuition tells me that he has been using you as a tool to dig out some secrets from the past." Natasha Romanov was not angry, but looked at the lights of several gunships in the void - the emperor and his Praetorian Guards were on one of the assault transport boats, but no one knew the exact identity of the emperor except themselves. Location. Even in this place, the Imperial Guards remained vigilant.

It must be said that Natasha Romanoff's intuition was very accurate. She reminded Lara Croft of the group of Eastern Roman Byzantine immigrants in the Lost City, and the influence of the leader of those immigrants, the immortal Jacob, on her. The name of the sponsor. The only thing Lara Croft can be sure of is that without sponsors, this Peruvian archaeological activity will cause an irreparable disaster. However, Natasha Romanov's words made her hesitate again. She didn't know whether Quetzalcoatl's awakening could be prevented from the beginning, and whether Paititi and Yasok could stop it from happening. There was no need to lose their homes in the first place, and the people who died in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis in this world didn't have to lose their lives in the first place. Once this suspicion started, it couldn't stop unless her sponsor could answer the question head-on, and Lara Croft had a hunch she wouldn't like the answer to this question.

"Here, you have to accept the fact that someone dies every day, because everyone is just a tool to him. If you die on the adventure, he will not shed a tear for you." Natasha Romano The husband patted her shoulder, "I know your father Richard Crawford, he is a great archaeologist... but this is your life. I believe your friend Jonah also follows You said something similar, you are not a superpower, and sooner or later you will die on this road if you continue like this."

"What about you? Aren't you going to resist?" Lara Croft asked, "Did Jonah ask you to persuade me?"

"Jonah didn't ask me to do anything. I came to you on my own initiative. I saw your information and knew what impact the relics you found had on him. He got much more than what he paid for. ." The former spy said with a smile, "I have already made a deal, but you haven't. Just like Faust who made a deal with the devil, you can get everything you want by making a deal, but it also costs your soul. The same is true for those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who stay here... They exchange their jobs for the chance to survive. Otherwise, the only outcome for these 'alien sympathizers' is to go to prison or be transformed into a robot for mining. Here Not for the kind, Lara Croft, this is only for the cold.”

"So, only I can know whether what I exchanged for my soul is worth it."

Natasha Romanoff nodded and stopped persuading. "Let's go and see the people brought back from Keboy. The scientists on the space station must be so excited that they faint." She paused and changed her tone to a friendly tone, "By the way, I'm telling you , a shepherd dog in the animal experiment area gave birth to several puppies. If you are willing, you can adopt one of the space dogs. But you have to act quickly. Most of the staff on the space station want to adopt pets. After all, Many people here will never be able to leave here in their lifetime.”

The emperor did not stay too long at Tianjian Space Station because there were still many official duties waiting for him.

He ordered Victoria Hand and Tita to carry out cleaning and repair procedures on the Sky Battleship, which meant that the Sky Battleship would not be able to start again for the next few months. He briefly met with Enuratu, the Queen of the Paititi people, and promised her that he would help the Paititi people rebuild their home. As long as the knights on the ground completed their tasks, the engineering team would build on the ground in Paititi. Houses and farms, the migration of livestock and farm machinery allowed the Paititi people to be self-sufficient and even trade with Latvinia.

As for Queen Yasok's Scarlet Fire Cult Priest Chalcek, the emperor also communicated with her in the ancient Quechua language. He bluntly said that this is not the underworld but a transit station. The Yasok family will return to Paititi one after another and go to the underworld through the underground passage - that is the underground cave that the knights discovered during their mission. There is a silver stone door at the end, which cannot be opened by blasts or individual melta. After the image of the silver stone door was transmitted to Tianjian Space Station, Lara Croft, who was temporarily living here, recognized at a glance that the stone statue next to the silver stone door was the goddess of the blood moon (waning moon), the legendary creator of the Yasok clan.

After this, Lara Croft will perform an exploration mission with the second batch of Knights of the Second Company setting off to the surface to find out what is behind the silver stone door. "Thank you very much for your help, Laura." The emperor nodded to the archaeologist. It wasn't until this moment that she realized that the emperor's face was haggard, and the grace he showed in the hangar was all disguise. Although she didn't know Quetzalcoatl's final solution, it certainly wasn't easy now. "If it weren't for you, the disaster caused by Quetzalcoatl would be even more terrifying. The Chakchel Key and the Ixichel Silver Box are now useless. Both Enuratu and Queen Yasok agreed to give away these two items. To you, as a memento of this adventure.”

Lara Croft hesitated, but finally accepted the gift.

She still didn't open her mouth to ask the question, just like she thought, she knew she wouldn't like the answer.

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