Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1267 Mutual Respect (First Update)

"Good morning, my dear vicious shrews. Haven't seen you for a few minutes, huh?" Salomon slowly passed by the dining table, where a wide variety of breakfast items were laid out for the master of the manor. , and Dinah, the android maid in charge of these meals, is currently standing at the door of the restaurant carrying the double-edged chain saw giant sword given by the witch, performing routine guarding and serving work. "Are you satisfied with yesterday? Or is destroying an antique four-poster bed not enough?" he said. "Maybe there should be a fighting match today?"

"Good morning, my dear liar stripper, I haven't seen you for twenty minutes, probably since I started brushing my teeth." Bayonetta picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then continued to pick up the spoon contentedly. Fill your mouth with soft beef tongue that has been stewed for several hours. One of the remarkable features of this family is that even breakfast provides extremely high calories and protein. Poor Milia has gained weight at a speed visible to the naked eye since she came here. For Salomon and Salomon who kissed her cheek The witches provide a good taste. After the routine "child eating" session in the morning, Salomon finally asked another witch, "Joan of Arc was still in a coma when I got up. Is she still lying in bed now?"

"She didn't expect you to be so enthusiastic just after you recovered from your injury." Bayonetta raised her eyebrows, with irrepressible teasing in her charming eyes. The thin and exquisite black silk pajamas fell from her shoulders like water, delicate. The black lace trim and faint rope marks emerged from the skirt, attracting his attention. Witches' spells can summon instruments of torture out of thin air. Those torture instruments are there for the fun of witches fighting, but this does not mean that witches will not act as victims and enjoy the items they have made. Many witches are even very enthusiastic about this. , Salomon also learned the skills of training Lorelai under Bayonetta's long-term education. "Also, could you please not wear that idiot jumper with the Cheshire Cat on it next time you go for a morning jog? Pegasus has protested to me many times that he wants you to wear that shirt with him on it. .”

Salomon sat down at the dining table, filled Bayonetta's goblet, and used a silver spoon to break the stewed beef tongue on Miria's plate into small pieces that were just right for the mouth. Last night, he used actions to satisfy the witches' minds and reduce the anger in their hearts, but even now there was something hot and hot in the air lingering between the two of them, igniting like a supernatural flash. Milia raised her head and stared thoughtfully at the emotional spectrum that ordinary people could not see colliding and combining with each other in the air. The ectoplasmic dust rises and falls like a tide, and the supernatural light twists like a phosphorescent fire. These all show that the witch's thoughts are not calm.

Her unusual talent and childish instincts lead Milia to unconsciously learn and imitate, but the electrified black crystal collar around her neck prevents her spiritual power from spreading further outward, preventing her mind that she has not yet learned how to protect from the witch's power. Erosion of spiritual power. Compared with Kamathaj's control and education of gifted children, Salomon believes that this method is more complete and comprehensive, and will not make Milia feel unfamiliar and unfamiliar after she realizes her own power in the future. fear.

"How is Pegasus?"

"Go back to your own dimension and sleep. You can summon it at any time." Bayonetta said, "I want to remind you that Pegasus always thinks it is an insult that you did not let it fight to the end, unless you Agree to wear another jumper and then admit it yourself that it’s more important than the Cheshire Cat.”

"I don't think it's a problem. The Cheshire cat can't do anything except eat, poop, shed fur and scratch the sofa." The Cheshire cat, who was eating tuna mashed by the side, heard this and immediately changed his mind from the cat. Bowl raised his head and objected loudly. However, this protest soon disappeared, because after the Cheshire Cat meowed twice, he buried his head firmly in the cat bowl and ate the tuna as if no one else was around. The Cheshire Cat is less tolerant of wasting time on delicious food than it is of useless protest. "But are these conditions really proposed by Pegasus?" Salomon waved his hand, "I just think these conditions are a bit naive."

"You can't call Pegasus childish, boy." The witch raised her chin and declared calmly. "Is there anything else you want to say about that battle with the Koboy Belt? Specifically, is there anyone you want to thank?"

"Bayonetta, of course it's you." He patted Millia's head gently, asking her to concentrate on attacking the plate in front of her. He allowed Milia to temporarily bypass the fortress made of broccoli, but the firepower points made of cherry tomatoes and sweet corn kernels had to be destroyed one by one. "I won't say that I'm sure I'll escape unscathed. Even if my pride is howling, I won't allow myself to be brave. If you didn't show up in time at that time, I can't imagine what kind of injuries I would suffer even if I win."

"You're welcome. At least this way your adoptive mother won't make crazy calls to harass me."

Bayonetta took another sip of wine, her expression as expressionless as drinking water. Even so, she still couldn't hide the resentment in her tone. She and Athena had been chatting happily for some time in the past, but this time was definitely not included - although Bayonetta was very grateful to Athena for informing her of the dangerous situation in Corboy Belt in time, and for positioning Pegasus He sent her there, but the goddess of wisdom's rough methods made the witch very dissatisfied and even angry. "She wouldn't know the impact of throwing people into the Corboy Belt, but it's as if we were all mortals who were held in her hands and played with in the past. She didn't even remind me when the teleportation started."

Salomon rarely saw Bayonetta so angry. He wisely closed his mouth and only listened.

Bayonetta did not show her dissatisfaction on her face, but continued to express her emotions in a deliberately elongated tone, just like Salomon did when he saw her for the first time, even if he was about to kill him in the next second, She also remains leisurely and elegant. Until the bullet touches the skin or the blade cuts through the bones, the witch's facial expression does not change much. It is still full of teasing and jokes, as if she can give you a kiss at any time instead of a bullet.

"Your adoptive mother is a rude and arrogant person. She lacks the most basic respect for me." Bayonetta observed Salomon's expression from the corner of her eyes. "Sooner or later, I will challenge her and kneel her hard." The ground hit her in the face."

"Few people in this world describe her like this. But yes, her character does have such shortcomings." Salomon was amused by the witch's words, and if Bayonetta hadn't kicked him hard in the calf Feet, he might just laugh a lot. "Then what?" Finding the witch looking at him with wide eyes, Salomon was a little confused. After a few seconds, he nodded as if he suddenly understood, "I understand, a fair duel. Hand-to-hand combat or hand-to-hand combat?"

"Is this interesting?" The witch took out her gun and waved the muzzle in front of Salomon. "She must understand that no matter whether she has given you a primary education or not, she should not show any disrespect to us. . If no one in the Olympus divine system can educate her, then let me do it. According to our original agreement, I will be responsible for family issues."

Seeing that the witch was serious, Salomon raised his hands in surrender. "I'll talk to her."

"It's best to solve it quickly," Bayonetta said, "or I'll do it myself, you know how I do things."

After breakfast, Salomon did not go to Athena immediately, nor did he return to the office in the Royal City of Latvinia to continue reviewing official documents. Instead, he put on regular clothes, took the Pegasus heavy assault transport boat, and took the Imperial Guard with him. Went to Kamal Taj. As he said before, the disaster caused by Quetzalcoatl has not completely ended. The climate anomalies caused by a large number of volcanic eruptions are still continuing. The devastation left after the flood recedes also needs to be dealt with, not to mention the abnormal increase in energy in the outer dimension. The many impacts are not so easy to resolve. When his assault transport craft landed in the valley of the Himalayas, the guard warden who had been waiting on the tarmac immediately handed over a report on the incorporation of the magic school.

"Twenty-six bloodshed incidents." Salomon curled his lips, "I can't believe that those things in Watum Temple didn't scare them. How did such an idiot survive to this day and pass down the secret technique?"

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