Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1272 Crisis and Opportunity (Second Update)

For prisoners, life in prison is only a brief moment. Even for prisoners who were still alive to some extent, all activities were halted by the confinement measures.

There is no more metabolism, no more breathing, no more thinking. Even a little flash on the edge of the soul has the ability to be frozen in a certain moment, just like a creature solidified in amber, in the river of time. It gradually became clear under the wash. Each generation of the Supreme Sorcerer will add more prisoners to this dungeon, from the stone slab of Agamotto that sealed the demons, to the Holy Grail that Merlin kept here, from the Old Ones and Outer God Avatars captured by the Supreme Sorcerer, to the Emperor placed here The key to the abyss of the universe.

Sometimes the emperor would also find some interesting things from these prisoners (which can also be said to be collections), such as four-legged, chubby land sharks and half-flesh, half-silicon creatures that came to the earth from aliens. The prisoner was lightly imprisoned, and the Watchers trained the former as a hunting dog, and hard-linked the latter, who was defeated and disarmed by Agamotto with most of its functions, to a holographic projection screen and a unique password input device, using it as a A tool for production and recording.

The parchment text record obtained by the emperor came from this. After the alien silicon-based creature was subdued, the humanoid plastic alloy arm was fixed into a posture of holding a quill, and then compiled by the watcher The group's code is recorded on parchment. However, the data soul of this half-flesh, half-silicon-based creature has not been completely annihilated. Sometimes at the end of the standard format of parchment records, this data ghost will give his own opinions that will never be accepted by anyone.

The Guardians, who have lost sight and hearing since infancy, will never pay attention to it. Even so, it still talks non-stop. Now the arrival of the Emperor and the Praetorian Guards has made this half-flesh, half-silicon-based creature even more biologically abnormal. Excitement, especially for the armored Praetorian Guards, who looked more like robots than humans, and some incomprehensible silicon-based emotion caused the android's core processor to open up.

"Hello, immortal man from the constellation Cygnus." The emperor responded casually. As if he heard this voice, the parchment full of words slipped from the machine like a waterfall. The paper was full of the absurd ideas of the silicon-based ghosts. Many of them still had a sense of humor that was difficult for ordinary people to understand. It was as if this guy wanted to Tell jokes to others. "Tear this thing down, thoroughly clean its data storage chips, consecrate all components and replace it with specialized equipment for the Watchers. These Watchers being launched to our planet like probes are so annoying."

The emperor gave orders to his own wardens and tribunes. This space needs a lot of modifications to meet possible future needs. It is necessary for the biogenetic laboratory in the Immortal City to be moved here to stay away from the growing curiosity of the Wakandans. "Go back and send Nick Fury to the United States. I want him to hand over the immortals at the lighthouse base to me... That fool, how long does he think he can keep hiding it from me? Let's go, let's step into the stone door, go Look at the last prisoners, those void creatures must know something."

Even though the Quetzalcoatl's awakening incident has been resolved, the emperor's tripartite forces composed of Karma Taj, the Immortal City and Latovinia are still busy. The troubles in the material universe and the extradimensional world also require professional people to deal with. deal with. After several years of construction and coordination, these three forces are finally able to operate together. In addition to the regular medical team and emergency relief supplies, Latovinia's rescue team also includes genetically modified warriors and genetic alchemist sages from the biogenetic laboratory. There were figures of soldiers and mystics of the First Secret Regiment, all carrying out different orders given by the Emperor.

However, as the ruler, the emperor has to face the next threat non-stop.

It's not Ragnarok in Asgard. The outcome of that catastrophe has been determined by multi-party games; it's not the fleet invasion of the Dark Order. No matter how fast the dark tyrant Thanos is, he comes to the solar system where Orion cantilevers human survival. It won't be so fast; instead of being a so-called superhero in a tight-fitting suit and having street adventures, the Kingpin, who is still surrendered to the emperor, is further expanding his business territory with the support of Latvinia, reaching into the European and American judicial systems from the bottom up. , helping each other with spies arranged by Latovinia. If there were superhero comics in this world, then the biggest villain in European and American superhero comics would be the Emperor himself; let alone General Hale, the four-star general of the U.S. Air Force, who has a secret connection with the Kree. The Kree have no idea or ability to invade the solar system on a large scale. Ronan the Accuser, the main militant faction, has completely lost power. The martial spirit of the Kree Empire is gradually turning into fertile ground for the indulgence of bankers and politicians. The Kree invade the earth sporadicly. The Rito is no match for any well-trained and well-equipped Latvian soldier.

None of these were threats, even if they were as light as a feather in comparison to the answers the Emperor was about to receive. The emperor wanted to know the cause of death of the current Supreme Mage - the Supreme Mage who had guarded the material universe for more than a thousand years chose to leave by death. In this, games behind the curtain of reality are not uncommon. The Emperor knew how difficult it was for the current Supreme Mage to seize such an opportunity and obtain the freedom of his soul, even if this opportunity represented a crisis.

There are many participants in the eternal game between the lords of extradimensional creatures. The emperor knows that the clone of one of the participants is now locked in the dungeon. He believes that the guy who is keen on pranks will definitely give some mixed true and false information. Try to coax him. Even if he knew that he could only obtain lies, the Emperor had to do so, because the fragments of the timeline displayed by the Cauldron of the Universe could not provide more information, and to this day he still knows very little about the detailed information of the disaster. He only knows that extradimensional creatures awaken in the future timeline and cross the timeline, intending to start a bloody rule from the past. He also knows that he will stop that monster, but the price is that he must travel through the timeline and return to the beginning of human civilization to defeat it. it.

This is his opportunity to travel through time.

Lara Croft's work has sorted out what she did hidden in human history for thousands of years, but the history further back is still shrouded in mystery. History turns into stories, stories turn into legends, and legends turn into myths. The myths passed down orally are deliberately added with various fantasies that deviate from the facts to achieve their own goals. After a long period of time, even the wisest archaeologists It is impossible for anyone to completely restore the historical facts. Coupled with complex time jumps and confusing timeline logic, everything must be experienced by the emperor himself to obtain the truth. Lara Croft's work only reduced the emperor's doubts to a certain extent and created more mysteries. Still buried under the desert of time, even the Emperor's repeated excavations of the Akashic Records could only yield information about scale claws.

He is a saint of the prophetic faith in Kit City and Huhunapu, the corn god in South American mythology. He has fought against world-destroying floods in the Mesopotamia and even around the world. He has more identities and identities that he cannot know now. secret. The Sorcerer Supreme's departure from the physical universe was not only a crisis, but an opportunity for him to sort out his actions in the past timeline.

"You know what I want to ask." After a long preparation, the emperor brought the two collections to a secret location in the dungeon. The Praetorian Guards brought in automated weapons platforms and put together pre-programmed servitors and stashes. The emperor turned off the stasis device, looked at the woman in front of him wearing a cheongsam and holding a fan, and raised the silver key in her hand. The light from the outer dimension burned in his eyes, and at a certain moment, his image became inhumanly tall and majestic. "I want an answer. You can choose whether to answer or not. Whether you cooperate or not, you cannot leave here."

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