Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1282 A strange tacit understanding (second update)

"Don't you understand, Lara Croft? There is no natural space behind this stone door. Spectral analysis found that the minerals that make up the stone door do not come from the earth, and there are also supernatural powers whose functions are not yet clear. No one knows. What will happen if you open this stone door?" Supiluliumas said seriously. The mystic who came here from Kama Taj is busy performing prophecy rituals and obtaining a few words on the silver stone door. The technicians of the Mars Foundry are conducting chemical analysis on the rock wall and stone door, while conducting chemical analysis on the snake people who invaded here before. In vivo research. Martian technicians and Praetorian Order intelligence officers believe that the snake-men who appear here must have some unknown purpose, so it is very necessary to torture information from their deformed mouths.

Even if it's just to get some unexplained hiss.

"If the risk of opening exceeds the price we must pay for knowledge, then we will choose to completely bury this place and solidify all the spaces here with magma until we are able to destroy this mountain in the future. We need you to find clues to prove that we can pay This bill, and we think you may be able to communicate carefully with Queen Yasok and gain some knowledge that we don't know."

"Our master can also communicate with her, why doesn't he do it himself?"

"Because he doesn't have time, ma'am." Supiluliumas keenly discovered Lara Croft's dissatisfaction, and he said patiently, "His every move is related to the life and death of thousands of people. So he has to devote his limited time to work. Like now, he should be dealing with crime caused by extremist refugees at the border."

"Really?" Lara Croft asked dubiously.

No matter how much the London tabloids maligned her and her father, claiming that her father, Richard Crawford, had almost crazy archaeological fantasies, the Crawford family still held peerage and had access to the Botanic Gardens of the House of Lords. She had never heard of a ruler who was so busy running around the world without giving himself any time to relax and attend various receptions. But considering that this ruler was her sponsor, and not long ago he fought a monster dozens of kilometers long in the Koboy belt, it would not be surprising what happened. If the leaders of other countries in the world knew about her If the sponsor has this ability, I am afraid he will directly refuse the national conference invitation.

"I'm not sure. Even if I know, I can't tell you my lord's whereabouts. This is the secret discipline of the Guards." Supiluliumas shrugged, "But judging from the content on the schedule, my lord He must be dealing with official business now. Whether he is still on Earth is not something others can know. Stand here and don’t move!"

The Guards suddenly pointed their spears at Queen Yasok, so fast that Lara Croft didn't even have time to blink. She only felt an oncoming strong wind, followed by the stirring crimson tabards and the entwined... The smell of ozone from the electric current on the blade. The communication grille amplified Supiluliumas's voice to the point where it could almost shatter the eardrums. It also frightened Queen Yasok who tried to attack the knight. The poor man stood stiffly in place.

The other five knights from the tactical team originally stationed here immediately rushed over, as unstoppable as a moving train. They immediately joined the five-person team that had greeted Lara Croft and Queen Yasok, and then immediately did react. This is the security personnel assigned to Lara Croft by the First Chapter Commander Apalixia, a standard tactical team that is fully capable of ending a street fight in the Middle East on its own.

"Put down your weapons!" The Imperial Guard was a little nervous. The spear in Queen Yasok's hand is not an ordinary primitive weapon, but a hunting spear engraved with runes and of unknown origin. Although Queen Yasok cannot use this weapon's true purpose, it does not prevent her from using it. The Praetorian Guards were always vigilant, fearing that the hunting spear would suddenly take effect. After all, extradimensional items do not follow common sense. If it were not for the respect for the Yasok family and the desire to see if the hunting spear is related to the stone gate, Supiluliumas would not have allowed this thing to appear in this cave. .

"Hey, don't hurt her! She's already scared!" Lara Croft hurriedly stood in front of Supiluliumas' garrison spear. But in front of the dark muzzle, she was just an inconspicuous obstacle. "Your monarch made a promise to her, can the honor of the Guards be able to trample on this promise?" She tried to use the knight's promise she knew to sway the Guards' thoughts, "Tell me, Supiluliumas , isn’t this important to the Imperial Guard?”

"You don't understand the authority given to us by our Lord, nor do you understand the Scarlet Fire Sect." Supiluliumas abandoned all the humor he showed in the previous conversation, and suddenly transformed into a cold-blooded killer. Even his voice became gloomy. "I need to remind you, Lara Croft. Don't be too eager to know what's behind the door and make misjudgments, because the cost of your misjudgments is shared by all of us." The scene was deadlocked until Wanda... With the arrival of Maximov, Supiluliumas slowly lowered his garrison spear, "Ms. Maximov." The guard said with these respects, "I hope what happened here did not disturb you. work."

"To be precise, it's their job." Wanda pointed to the Kama Taj mystics working under the xenon lamp behind her. "I just sat aside in a daze. This kind of prophecy ritual is not the magic I am good at. This person Is this my archeology partner Lara Croft?" Although Wanda Maximoff remained calm, Supiluliumas still noticed beads of sweat appearing on her forehead, fiercely The sound of her heartbeat indicates that she is not actually calm, and that Wanda Maximoff is simply imitating the monarch's past behavior.

The strange thing is that Queen Yasok immediately relaxed after Wanda arrived. She turned a blind eye to the knights and guns surrounding her, walked towards Wanda as if no one else was around, and said a lot of words that others could not understand. , as if he regarded the red-haired witch in front of him as a certain existence in his cognition, and talked endlessly in incomprehensible language.

Lara Croft also sensed Queen Yasok's familiarity and her future archaeological partner Wanda Maximoff's embarrassment. However, recalling that the Yasok clan had previously made her patron Huhunap, the corn god, and regarded the Guards as the embodiment of golden corn, Lara Croft relaxed and thought that this was nothing to make a fuss about. In the past, humans would call aliens from Asgard gods, so it is easy to understand how the Yasok family, who are still in a state of ignorance, would view the world and other people.

Supiluliumas nodded and signaled the tactical team to put down their vigilance and return to patrol status.

"Yes, ma'am, this is Lara Croft." Because of Queen Yasok's enthusiasm, the hurried witch was a little embarrassed. She needed to pretend to understand Queen Yasok's words while receiving messages from the guards. Fortunately, Supiluliumas was concise and concise, so she didn’t need to convey too many instructions to her. "My Lord hopes that the progress of the work here can be accelerated, and it is best to complete it before the end of the cooperation period with the Shining Path."

"There is no politics here," Wanda Maximoff retorted. "We need time to dissect the Silver Stone Gate."

"There are politics everywhere, ma'am. The South American branch of the CIA and the Navy SEALs have formulated a combat plan to infiltrate here. Although we can kill all the invading enemies, we still need to evacuate before triggering a full-scale war." Supiluliumas said softly, "It is inappropriate for both of us to join forces now to cover up the truth about the sinking of the USS George H.W. Bush of the U.S. Navy's 6th Fleet and trigger another conflict in South America."

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