Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1290 Ruby Ruby (Second update)

Except for having high-strength explosion-proof walls and an alloy explosion-proof door that can only be opened from the outside, Ruby's room is almost exactly the same as an ordinary adolescent girl's room. There are textbooks piled on the desk, messy sports clothes that have not been put into the laundry basket and a few celebrity posters. Although it is not very spacious, it is enough for Ruby Hale to live and live here. She was born in this base, and spent the next seventeen years of her life here. Study and training ran through her entire life.

Until she met the handsome man who suddenly appeared here, who was only a few years older than her, and the date that afternoon disrupted all her schedules and suddenly broke into her boring life. Later, she saw the man again, but only because of her mother's work. Then she had to leave the man, full of loss and a few words. However, she still got some precious gifts from the man. A long folding hunting knife that was longer than her forearm and a pistol were kept on her bedside table and were taken out to play with from time to time. Although her mother often proposed to confiscate these things, Ruby's rare rebellion, the power of the Malik family, and the man's authority finally made her give up these ideas. An omen.

Using a long folding hunting knife requires skilled skills. Ruby discovered that the blade of this knife never seemed to wear out. Even if it was used to chop cattle leg bones, the seemingly thin blade could still withstand huge reaction force, and then Cut the bone cleanly. The excellent sense of balance and the blade made of high-strength alloy make this knife equally amazing in chopping and stabbing. The seemingly complex but actually reliable mechanical design gives this knife good stability and stability. It is concealable and can undertake both frontal combat and assassination missions. Ruby estimates that this knife can be used to dismember the human body as much as it can be used to chop branches.

As for the pistol, Ruby only used it once, and a big hole was blown out of the alloy plate usually used as a shooting target by a special bullet. It has extremely high accuracy, huge bore pressure, and the recoil needs to be carefully controlled. This is a devastating self-defense weapon at close range. The blocking force is enough to see the hit part of the human body being blown into pieces.

At this moment, the blade of the blade had been opened under the influence of machinery, and the sharp tip was pointed at the uninvited guest in the room. Ruby's other hand had already taken advantage of this opportunity to grab the pistol. The presence of the Guards directly filled this small bedroom. The slightly tilted halberd made Ruby feel a sense of fear and oppression. The sweat on her back became even colder as the air conditioner blew it away. Ruby glanced at Stephanie Malik warily. She knew this woman from the Malik family. It was said that she now had a very close relationship with the man, but she did not relax her vigilance because her mother told her that Jiutou No one inside the snake can be trusted, the only ones who can trust are himself and her.

"You said my master wants to give me orders, then who is my master?"

"Don't be nervous, we are giving you a mission. These are his guards. Where did this knife and the gun under the blanket come from? Who is your master? We have the same master, and so does he. ” Stephanie Malik didn’t name a single name but revealed key information. Stephanie pointed to Ruby's lower body covered by the blanket with a smile on her face, "If you understand, we will go out temporarily. You change clothes, and then we will have a good talk."

It seemed that it was only then that Ruby suddenly realized how embarrassing the coldness was. Her cheeks turned red instantly, and the long folding hunting knife she held firmly in her hand began to shake slightly. She thought about having to throw away the sheets tomorrow. She was so shy when entering the washing machine that she wanted to crawl under the bed. "No need." She felt as if her neck and back were being ignited by flames. Ruby raised her head, her platinum long hair was piled messily on her shoulders. She frowned and said, "You can tell me right now what task he wants to give me!"

"You have no say in this matter, girl. We still have some time, you can take a cold shower."

Stephanie Malik chuckled and walked out of the room, followed by Amon, closing the blast door but leaving it unlocked. Since entering this underground facility, the Imperial Guard has been looking around. The emblem of Hydra is blatantly posted on the wall. The classrooms and training facilities he has seen indicate that many people have been accommodated here, and they are all teenagers. .

"I seem to smell hormones," he said. "What's going on?"

"This is puberty. If you don't have puberty, you won't understand it." Stephanie Malik crossed her arms and led Amon along the corridor. "When I first came here, your master brought me here. , in order to show the Malik family that they have the secrets of Hydra. Nowadays, many politicians, civil servants and military officers who hold high-level positions in the US government, lobby groups, research institutes, think tanks and media stars, and even Masonic masters From here. With the Paperclip Project and youth training camps, Dr. Whitehall built a network of radical Hydra, controlling government intelligence, public opinion polls, financial risk control, the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, etc. Even Alexander Pierce and here There was a connection and he even worked as a teacher here for a while.”

"It's an amazing secret organization network." Amon nodded, "Hydra has no reason to fail."

"Dr. Whitehall was too anxious. The life-extending surgery he performed did not last long. Organs from others would always produce rejection reactions. Moreover, he gradually became resistant to immunosuppressive drugs. When we dissected his body He found that the pace of aging had caught up with him. No matter how smart he is, he is still a mortal. Not everyone can escape death, and not everyone is qualified to influence human society." Stephanie shook her head and sighed. He sighed, "But this is a good thing for conservatives. Excessive greed will only make us all fall into the abyss and be shattered. Although capitalist society is suitable for the development of Hydra, there are also many competitors here, radicals Hydra’s secret societies are quite shady. But having said that, have you thought about how to persuade her to accept that order? Your master made an evaluation of Ruby when he first met her, and the psychologist’s evaluation report also I think Ruby's mind is not suitable for taking on particularly difficult tasks. If she were to..."

Ammon knows what Stephanie Malik is unsaid. If the situation is urgent, Ruby is the person most likely to stay by General Hale's side. When the emperor's power is temporarily unable to reach General Hale, Ruby must make the right decision to use the long folding hunting knife. Cut into General Hale's cervical spine or the Kree's neck. Whether facing her mother or aliens, Ruby must learn to hesitate, otherwise she will be of no value to the Emperor.

"Just announcing an order, that's all." Amon untied his cloak, and under the heavy cloak, the extremely gorgeous golden power armor that could be called a work of art was revealed under the white fluorescent light in the corridor, with gems and dense and delicate reliefs sparkling. . He put on his helmet, isolating his expression behind a complex electronic system. "If she accepts it, that's a good thing."

Ruby, whose hair was still stained with moisture, took the ruby ​​pendant set in gold. Only now did she know that the other gifts the emperor had given her contained a miniature receiving device. Because she had been hiding it in a closet, Stephanie Malik had to bring the Praetorian Guard here to find her, much to Ruby's shame.

"Don't forget this time." Stephanie Malik said, "Now you can consider whether you can accept the mission. This mission will not be as easy as training, and all your past efforts will not be of any help in front of this mission. , you can only demonstrate your worth by completing your mission. You will stain your hands with blood, no matter whose blood it is."

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