Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1312 Chapter 1308 The Emblem of Glory (Second Update)

In the hall with its warm fireplace, the Emperor told General Hale some news in a soft tone.

About the size of the alien fleet approaching the Earth, about the relationship between the alien fleet and the Chitauri, and about the notoriety and attacks the leader of the alien fleet has in the galaxy. Even if the expensive sofa beneath him is comfortable enough to make people doze off, even if the scent of burning wood in the fireplace is warm enough, and even if the sherry in his hand is mellow enough, General Hale still acted like he was sitting down after hearing the news. It's hard to settle down.

She's not optimistic enough to think the U.S. Navy can counter a strike from orbit.

At present, Latovinia's military advantage is orbital strike. This alone is enough to make the entire earth fearful, and they are trying to find ways to control the scale of Latovinia's orbital military through United Nations resolutions. Now the alien fleet has more advantages in this regard, and UN resolutions have no effect on the alien fleet. "There will be many capitulators." General Hale immediately realized the social situation after the arrival of the alien fleet. "If the alien fleet claims to only wipe out half of the population on the earth as you said, then there will definitely be people willing to do it for the alien fleet. The aliens slaughtered half of them in exchange for their own survival. Even if they realize that they must cooperate to fight the aliens, human countries will go to war with each other. At that time, the alien fleet only needs to dispatch a small number of soldiers to achieve its goal."

"Very keen." The emperor nodded appreciatively, "Judging from the past conquest cases of the Dark Order, this situation has occurred more than once. After that, some human countries cooperated with each other to fight against aliens and fellow humans. The global supply chain is disrupted, food production is reduced and distributed unevenly, industrial production facilities are destroyed, and diseases that could have been easily treated become fatal due to supply chain problems... This is a disaster, General Hale. The death toll is definitely more than 3.5 billion People, you can understand this as the entire earth becoming Afghanistan or Syria, the entire human civilization and scientific progress will be destroyed in a short period of time, and the human race must survive in the face of this disaster.”

"What about Asgard?" General Hale straightened his back. The emperor's description revealed some particularly useful information. For example, the monopoly of pharmaceutical companies and food companies may intensify in the future, and the influence of railway groups and oil groups will be reduced due to the shortening of supply chains, etc. But these are not the issues that General Hale is concerned about now, and she did not foresee the future of warlords and monopoly of large companies. "Thor claimed that the Asgard Empire is the guardian of the earth, and alien fleets invaded the solar system on a large scale. Will they also sit back and ignore it? According to SHIELD's description, the Asgard Empire is the most powerful force in the galaxy..."

"The destruction of Asgard is in sight. No one can stop it. They have failed on the road to fight against fate." The emperor interrupted General Hale's beautiful fantasy, "We will inherit the legacy of the Asgard Empire. , I have made a lot of preparations for this.”

"Can your power extend to the Asgard Empire? How did you do this? We don't have a rainbow bridge?" General Hale was a little unbelievable. "Besides, I don't understand what disaster Asgard is facing. They can't Resistance to an alien fleet, or civil strife?”

"The Rainbow Bridge is actually the Asgardian name for an ancient interstellar transportation facility. Asgardians can use it, so can we, and I have mastered many of its secrets. But building the human race's own rainbow The bridge takes a very long time, and the results may not be visible for hundreds of years. Of course, just relying on our technology, an ordinary person can survive until that time." The emperor took a sip of the snow presented by Gideon Malik Li wine. The old guy had been silent since the beginning of the meeting. He just sat on the sofa nearby and drank one glass after another. The blood filter cleaned the effects of alcohol without any hindrance, allowing Gideon Malik to taste drinking. of happiness. "Asgard, like Latvinia, is a country established and maintained by personal authority. The disappearance of the leader means the disappearance of the deterrence, and the disappearance of the deterrence means the death of the country. Those Asgards outside the Nine Realms The Gard colony will soon launch an independence movement. Regardless of whether Asgard can survive this disaster, they are destined to become a nation without a home planet and technology."

"Very straightforward." General Hale was somewhat impressed by him. "Not every dictator can realize his own shortcomings."

"Let's go back to Asgard." The emperor said, "In any case, Asgard will not be able to help the earth when the alien fleet arrives. We can only rely on ourselves. But I know what the Dark Order wants. I know The factions and secrets within the Dark Order, it is not difficult to drag them to the ground battlefield. This war is a reshuffle of the forces of human society. I am sure to defeat the Dark Order, but it cannot be just me and Latovinia. I Can you understand that?"

"You want to take advantage."

"Yes, I want to establish a human federation with the Milky Way as the goal. The life span of ordinary humans is too short and their will is too fragile. No matter how beautiful their ideals are, they will be corrupted by time. Or they are afraid of death due to aging. , or because of the arrogance and impracticality caused by holding power for a long time. Only a supervisory system established and maintained by people with long enough lives and long-term vision can drive the human race out of the earth. You can describe this process as... forced weaning. "

"Very humorous," General Hale said with a smile, "but also very idealistic."

The emperor did not provide substantive evidence to refute, and he did not need to do so. Time will tell everything.

He looked around and saw that Stephanie Malik wasn't here, and she hadn't come back yet.

She pulled Ruby away from this hall. In name, she was taking Ruby, who had never experienced outside life, for a walk. In fact, she was implanting a tracking chip into her to ensure that the Praetorian Order and the Emperor could know her situation immediately. and location. At the same time, Stephanie Malik will also tattoo a very small number tattoo on the skin of her gluteus medius (that is, the outer thigh) to ensure confidentiality while also marking the ownership of Ruby Hale - Steph Malik also has a similar tattoo in the same location, but its number and emblem are much more complex than the tattoo Ruby Hale will receive, and it also represents a higher meaning and status.

In fact, Ruby is the second HYDRA woman to receive similar tattoos, Diana Lister not having one, and the Sisterhood android's emblem is more complex and ornate than Stephanie Malick's, on the outer thigh Iris or rose tattoos are very common as basic patterns, and have a stronger religious meaning. Due to the difficulty of removing tattoos, tattoos were used by individuals in ancient times to express absolute loyalty to a certain tribal force. Even if the tribe was defeated and annexed, young adults with tattoos would never survive, and they would not even have the chance to become slaves. , because it not only represents loyalty, but also represents bravery. Although the emperor himself did not force the use of tattoos, Stephanie Malik still advocated the use of tattoos as a sign of submission, and it was useless no matter how much Gideon Malick objected.

"What does this mean?" Ruby squinted at the Roman numeral two on her skin and the ancient Egyptian religious symbols drawn around the number, "Why the number two?"

"Because I am number one." Stephanie Malik put down her tools with a cheerful expression. She first talked about the origin of tattoos and the meaning and power contained in this tattoo. She deliberately lowered her voice so that Ruby could take it seriously, "Now that you are a member of this secret organization, only you and I can gain the emperor's full trust. Although you accepted the mission before, you are not one of us. We cannot We will pay too much for you. It is different now. When you are in danger, we will do our best to rescue you, no matter the cost. There is a room for you on the orbital space station, and a special operations team of genetically modified warriors will be on standby for you at any time."

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