Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1324 Chapter 1320 The Exodus of the Righteous Americans (Second Update)

When Stephanie Malik took the underground railway back to the Royal Castle, she was immediately found by the long-awaited Diana Lister, who held the action report given by the National Defense Intelligence Agency. The renegade Avengers team led by Steve Rogers and Silver Sablinova's Wild Chapter have completed their mission, but not perfectly. Twelve Albanian and Syrian extremists were killed and three were seriously injured. Sent to hospital, one with minor injuries was taken to the interrogation room.

However, this is not the problem that Stephanie Malik has to solve. She is responsible for the five refugees who died during the operation and the two civilians who were accidentally injured during the rescue operation. To be precise, it is not the result of the treatment of those survivors but the public opinion incident triggered by the victims. The gun ban and gang crackdowns currently underway have many gun battles taking place every day, but the public opinion value of the dead is greater than that of the living. If a person who is supposed to die survives, there will be no news value. But no one will be punished for this kind of thing, not even Steve Rogers or Silver Sablinova who should have solved the incident perfectly, because their job is to solve the extremists rather than rescue civilians, even if they I think my job is the latter rather than the former, and the reality is that not every movie can have a perfect ending.

It was already off-duty time at the Royal City Castle, and the emperor had already disappeared when he sent her to the Royal City underground station. You can imagine how upset Stephanie Malick was after getting the report. "Steve Rogers issued a formal protest." Diana Lister revealed another disturbing news. "He wanted to stop the Coast Guard from taking away the refugees, but the knights refused, and a conflict almost broke out. . The incident ended with the knights firing warning shots, but Steve Rogers claimed that he would pursue it to the end, and he planned to ask the emperor for an explanation."

"When can we get rid of these idiots?" Stephanie Malik's expression wrinkled as if a sour plum had been stuffed in her mouth. "Do we still have to help those refugees start a family and start a business? Give them all away. Go to Turkey and don't stay in the Balkans. Tell Steve Rogers that because we can't interfere with the beliefs of these refugees, we send them to a place where superstition is tolerated. If he wants to be Jesus, let him Act out your own Exodus!”

"Why are you so grumpy, ma'am?"

"Because I hate those idiots from the Avengers!"

"Steve Rogers' work has been completed. Now the whole world knows that Captain America has defected from the United States, and his public opinion value has been depleted. The continued stay of these people is likely to have an impact on our work. It is better to remove them Changed hands to Wakanda, T'Challa's Wakanda royal family admires Western culture very much." Victor von Doom faced the buzzing holographic projector, and the captured light spots accurately depicted the communicating parties. facial and clothing details. Seeing the person on the other side of the holographic projection communication frowning, the regent immediately increased his tone. "Don't be so impatient, and don't think that I've disturbed your family time. You brought these people here, so I have to ask for your opinion when making decisions, unless you want to send the Imperial Guard to kill them all. Only then will I shut up. I promise to give you my all, so it makes sense to listen to my complaints, doesn’t it?”

"You decide for yourself, the Avengers have no value to me anymore, but I have to remind you to continue to upgrade the firewall of Skyward Space Station. You know, in the comics, they will definitely contact Nick Fury, and then the latter He will reveal to them that he is the builder of Tianjian Space Station, and then both sides will use our modified Tianjian Space Station to deal with the villain who wants to rule the world." The emperor nodded, "Yes, that's me. Threatened to rush in The White House kills people who no one dares to be president. Such people are definitely villains in the eyes of the people who are stupid enough to think that the world’s autocratic countries are the axis of evil. I am ready to appear on the big screen in Hollywood as this year’s Tom The villain of Cruise's new movie."

"At this point you are still joking!" The regent was a little angry at the emperor's dismissive attitude. However, these angers were immediately suppressed by himself after the little figure struggling to climb behind the emperor poked his head out. He even lowered his voice to avoid scaring the little guy. "Don't you think it's more important to add illumination to the codex in your hand than this?" he asked softly. "Steve Rogers is eager to see you!"

"I'm making a fairy tale book for Milia, but it's in the middle-world style." Salomon twisted Milia up on his knees and let her sit firmly on his lap, while he also Scolded the Cheshire Cat who tried to fiddle with the holographic projection device to prevent it from dropping Victor von Doom to the ground. "I added some safe and harmless illusions and psychic spells. Think about it, every time she reads out the story, she can experience the scenery and characters in the fairy tale immersively, and the colorful storyline. She even Participate in an epic adventure yourself..."

Victor von Doom raised the corners of his mouth, and the complaints about the emperor in his heart were relieved a lot.

"I believe your hard work will definitely bring her good childhood memories." He softened his tone again, and even waved to say hello to Milia. Although the girl was a little afraid of the man wearing an iron mask, she still mustered up the courage to respond. "She's lucky to have you as her guardian."

"...With this thing, this little brat can be more at ease late at night, and the witch and I can get along for a longer time. They are hard to be satisfied." The nagging Salomon raised his head from the manuscript , the soft capillary pen tip stuck to the gold paint is still filling the gaps originally reserved, drawing exquisite golden patterns. Books in Europe were extremely expensive because they did not have movable type printing. Each book would be carefully carved and decorated after driving the scribes crazy. Later, it became a kind of work of art. "What did you say?"

"No!" Victor von Doom's face turned cold again.

"Anyway, Wakanda is the only camp that has the ability to stand with us now. Just give the Avengers as a gift. It is a civilian security exchange meeting in name. Give them a visitor status and tear up their passports when they land. Yes, the method of illegal immigration is actually quite effective."

"I shouldn't have asked you."

"I'm not going to answer either, it's off duty time now."

"Rulers don't get a break, you know, it's your responsibility."

"The nuclear warhead still needs time to maintain! I leave the internal affairs to you just to free up your hands to do your own thing. Don't bother me, we still have a lot of research to do!" The emperor waved his hand impatiently, "When? When can the starship be launched? When will the first phase end? If you can’t take your hand away, then I can only do the research myself. The Mars Foundry is also working on it simultaneously. I will open up the waterway between Mars and Earth as soon as possible and start a large-scale To transport materials and personnel, our next transportation level will be in units of 10,000 tons. When you visit to discuss cooperation, we will use a container of Martian soil as a gift..."

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