Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1346 Taking off the disguise (second update)

"The bill to cancel the legalization license of the custom industry and establish facilities to guide, maintain, educate and re-employ people employed in the custom industry", a total of 68 articles...start voting; "The bill to establish adult night vocational schools and light industry employment encouragement subsidies", A total of 152 started; "Act on Improving the Efficiency of Government Functions", a total of 354 items, started; "Proposal on Accountability for Corruption Cases", a total of 588 started; "Energy Enterprise Nationalization Act", a total Article 1126…voting begins.”

The Speaker of the Hungarian Province held a folder and read out the details of the federal bill one by one. The long process and vague voices made many people start to doze off, but they had to endure it and sit here and give a thumbs up to the bill read by the Speaker. Vote yes. The emperor showed them all a document that recorded in detail each of their living habits, interpersonal relationships, transaction records, communication details, etc. There were many shady things in it. The content of this document was enough for the emperor to drag them out of their offices and shoot them for ten minutes, but he still allowed these people to live because he wanted to use these people to change the laziness and corruption that had always existed in the Hungarian province.

The speaker's mouth was dry as he read, but he could not pick up the mineral water in front of him and drink it all in one gulp because the front and back doors of the voting hall had been locked from the outside. Many soldiers surrounded the entire building and no one was allowed. near. The Speaker's request to go to the toilet was denied, and so did the other MPs, except for some lucky ones who dozed off in the first place.

The leading guard told the speaker that no one could leave the hall unless the bill was passed. Even if they defecated like wild beasts in this historic building, the bill must be passed. At first, no one believed that the emperor would do this, until a soldier put the muzzle of his gun on the thigh of a protesting congressman. The hot laser instantly burned through the flesh and blood, and all the nearby congressmen smelled the disgusting burnt smell. . If the medical staff had not arrived in time, the congressman's edematous thigh would have been infected or even amputated. Although the congressman survived, his bones were burned through, and after being injected with painkillers, he could no longer perform his duties. Therefore, he was dismissed by the imperial guards representing the emperor and withdrew the high-tech medical care that officials were entitled to. , then throw it aside and let it die.

The bill proposed by the emperor involves the government system, tax system, financial services industry, social morality, citizen rights, higher education, compulsory education, etc., except for aspects such as religion and economic system, which are basically incompatible with the political philosophy of the current right-wing ruling party. There were too many differences, but it was this difference that made the emperor unable to tolerate it any longer.

During the First War of Expansion, the Emperor's Martian Foundry had taken over some of the privatized military industrial enterprises in the province, including 4 ordnance factories, 3 forest lands, and 2 small businesses. In addition, there are shares in eight power plants, as well as the Hungarian natural gas company acquired by Italian companies Italgas and Snam, and instead obtain cheap natural gas from its ally Russia.

This re-nationalization of energy companies has not been formally implemented before, because even if the EU announces sanctions, Italian energy companies are unwilling to withdraw because gas bills in the Hungarian province are really high. It was not until the regent Victor von Doom signed the terms of trade and secretly constructed and maintained the natural gas pipelines in the former Soviet Union that the bill to nationalize energy companies was thrown out and the technicians who had been prepared were ordered to take over the facilities by force. The Balkan Peninsula lacks traditional fossil energy sources of oil and natural gas. If it were not for its abundant lignite reserves, even the most basic industrial capabilities would be restricted. If the emperor and regent do not carry out nationalization reforms in Hungary, the mess left by privatization after the drastic changes in Eastern Europe will continue to erode Latvinia like a boil, causing a continuous loss of assets.

These are all fatal issues. The emperor also needs money to manufacture armaments, train soldiers, ensure food supply, etc. It is impossible for anyone to interfere in this. Otherwise, when the fleet of the Dark Order arrives, the whole of Europe will be in chaos, social production and stability will completely collapse, and Hungary, which will have a large number of companies controlled by foreign capital, will be directly paralyzed. The foreign debt borrowed from the World Monetary Fund will be enough to choke Hungary. This country is dead. Although the emperor claimed to the regent that the vote was just a delay, some issues had indeed reached the point where they had to be resolved, and it was actually a good thing to temporarily use the legal principles of parliamentary rule to implement some of them.

While the deputies were still voting, the Emperor was already in the streets of Budapest.

There is a very good restaurant in a 13th-century old house near the Fisherman's Bastion. From a non-professional perspective, this is an elegant and retro restaurant. The foie gras appetizer in the menu is quite outstanding, and the food is cheap and delicious. Not that easy to find. In the eyes of ordinary people, the emperor was just a foreign tourist with Semitic ancestry. Although he was handsome and tall, he was not that unapproachable. He could also speak fluent Hungarian with a charming voice. Just a short conversation could make him happy. Strangers felt his gentleness and erudition. The owner of this restaurant recommended to the emperor his collection of famous bull's blood red wine, and also helped him contact the person in charge of a private museum near the Capitol, intending to invite the emperor to look at the works of art after he finished his dinner.

The restaurant owner found the emperor who was still having dinner with an apologetic face. He told the emperor that he had been informed that the road near the Capitol was blocked, the Freedom Square after crossing the bridge from the Fisherman's Bastion had been closed, and the private museum had no choice but to do so. It is temporarily closed, and it is unknown when it will be open for visits again. Immediately afterwards, the emperor heard a burst of complaints from the boss, many of which were accusations against the previous government and the emperor. The restaurant owner neither liked Orban nor the emperor, because the emperor had brought too many changes to everyone's lives. are inevitably affected.

The emperor's concept of efficiency is not suitable for this slow-paced city suitable for tourism. The war has also greatly reduced the number of tourists. Unless required for work, few European tourists come to Budapest, so that in restaurants that originally had a large number of customers, There is only one guest. Although pessimism about the future, lazy work attitudes, poor information infrastructure and other problems have been improved, and the outflow of labor has decreased, the boss is still very dissatisfied because the blockade during that period has delayed the delivery of ingredients. Delivered.

Guests are also unable to leave their homes, and the entire restaurant continues to suffer losses. One of the Michelin-starred restaurants in Budapest has been forced to close due to a cash flow shortage. Salomon stuffed things into his mouth while listening to his boss's complaints, nodding in agreement from time to time, without any appearance or attitude of being accused. After the meal, he shied away from the restaurant owner to find an after-dinner activity for him. The sex trade in Hungary is legal and legal, and there are at least 10,000 female sex workers in Budapest. The restaurant owner also pointed the way for him, completely unaware that the man in front of him was about to clamp down on legal trading venues.

The places recommended to him by the restaurant owner were all tourist attractions. It was not like he had not investigated the world outside Budapest. After tearing off the mask of warmth and historical buildings, he found that there was a weak sense of the rule of law, overflowing bureaucracy, lazy public security, and social problems. The true face of bad security. Although his army has cleaned up a large number of civil illegal groups - that is, gangsters - if he had not dined near the Parliament Building and Fisherman's Bastion but entered Pest on the outskirts, he would have seen a lot of drunken people parading around in the streets. European white leftovers and pet dogs that are never on a leash and run around everywhere.

If he had to go through any formalities, it would be even more torture.

Fortunately he is not really a tourist, but a ruler, and he has the power to change things.

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