Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1355 Election Day (first update)

Pungent water droplets dripped from the gaps between the steel. The liquid, whose main component was bleaching powder, did not fade the robes of the mechanical soldiers because this fireproof material was also resistant to corrosive liquids to a certain extent. This group of wet mechanical soldiers, led by the equally wet and pungent-smelling Martian Sage, walked toward the black-painted Pegasus super-heavy assault transport craft on the tarmac. At the end of this team was a four-meter-tall automatic combat robot, a mixture of machinery and flesh that moved neatly like a single person. They do belong to the same command, and all thoughts are gathered in a local area network chain of command. The movements of the mechanical soldiers can be completely controlled by the Martian Sage. She can even link the soldiers' mechanical implants and see what they see. Those who arrive hear what they hear.

This fortress-type automatic combat robot is the result of Epsilon Rodney-Ra 223's fight for Constantine - at least that's the truth of the matter in her circuit - she told Constantine, She performed extremely complex calculations for this mission. Through the Laplace divination system, she determined that adding a fortress-type automatic combat robot would increase the mission success rate by 7.4%, so she requested to call a fortress-type automatic combat robot used for security work near the Royal Castle. , placing control down her chain of command. I don't know if it was to avoid this annoying Martian sage, or if Constantine believed her words, he actually called the fortress-type automatic combat robot to her.

"The probability of this happening should not exceed 0.1%." Alpha-Bronze 02, the captain of the mechanical soldiers, reminded, "Possibility one: As flesh and blood bodies, the Imperial Guards will inevitably make mistakes, and the metabolic products will cause the Imperial Guards to make mistakes. There is a broken code in the thinking circuit of the Guard Commander; Possibility 2: The Guards have other purposes. According to the public information in the database, the Guards are a great miracle of genetic alchemy, a creation of genetic engineering, and their creator is the emperor himself ...Sage Epsilon Rodney-Ra 223, you must be vigilant."

"I have overridden the command protocol of the Fortress-type autonomous combat droid Alpha-Alpha-121." Epsilon Rodney-Radium-223 said using her adjusted voice generator. "I prefer to treat it as Being impressed by the mechanical precision of flesh and blood." Alpha-Bronze 02 didn't say much. He archived and marked the conversation and waited for the next opportunity to debate. He did this because the combat visor had captured the silhouette of the Praetorian Guards. Even in the eyes of a prosthetic eye using neuron synaptic sensors, the abilities displayed by the Praetorian Guards made Alpha-Bronze 02's implants and remaining flesh scream silently.

Mars has always promoted the idea that machines are superior to flesh and blood. Mechanics are strong, flesh and blood are fragile, machines are stable, flesh and blood are erroneous, and so on. But this rule seems to have failed with the Praetorian Guards.

Alpha-Bronze 02 has no idea what kind of miracles the emperor has created in genetic engineering. The flesh-and-blood body of the Guards has precision and violence comparable to machinery. Even the most sophisticated and complex brain has extremely strong information processing capabilities and Memory, Alpha Bronze 02 was unwilling to let Constantine hear the conversation between him and Epsilon Rodney Radium 223. After all, everyone knew that Mars and the Emperor were not as close as they seemed.

A large group of 1st Secret Regiment soldiers wearing void combat uniforms entered the cabin with weapons in hand. Constantine stood under the ramp. He was the last to board the plane until all combatants were in place, and manually closed the rear ramp. As the dim light from the outside world was gradually swallowed up, there was only pale lighting in the cabin. No one spoke, even the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment, who were only made of flesh and blood, remained silent. If it weren't for the whirring sound of the breathing filters on the black helmets and the obvious inclusion of fleshy fingers on the combat gloves, the robotic soldiers from Mars wouldn't look much different from the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment.

The exoskeleton of the all-environment combat suit is buried under the bulletproof armor plate, and the auxiliary output relies entirely on the contraction and traction of several interlocking robotic arms. This technology is not a brilliant solution in the eyes of visitors from Mars. It can even be called crude, but it is very suitable for mass deployment to ordinary soldiers. During the flight to the destination, Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 kept looking at the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment, and then nodded from time to time, expressing his views to Alpha Bronze 02 through the binary code package .

On a small island far away in the southern hemisphere of the earth, the well-dressed agent Maria Hill finally boarded a familiar Quinjet. However, the information shared by her former colleagues made her unhappy. The joyful moment when the fighter planes reunited after a long absence was tasteless. The US government's newly established S.H.I.E.L.D. found a man named Jeffrey Mace as its director, and the Secretary of Defense, General Talbot, was also on hand to express his support, because Jeffrey Mace was appointed by the President The person best suited to take over S.H.I.E.L.D. directly appointed before the end of his term.

To make matters worse, Agent Maria Hill didn't know why Agent Coulson would think so and let Daisy Johnson appear on television. The new S.H.I.E.L.D. Director even called Daisy Johnson the most dedicated undercover agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., who has done a series of heroic deeds to protect ordinary people, which has earned this young super-powered agent a series of followings from the media and the public. applause.

"This is political propaganda. Congress needs the public's trust, and the people need confidence to make up for the impact of the split of the Avengers and the defection of Captain America. The CIA, Homeland Security and FBI are now synonymous with evil, and Congress will not Let them take on the roles of the Avengers in the past. SHIELD, which only has a name, is the best choice." The former SHIELD agent calmly took back the data pad, "Now the whole world knows that SHIELD is not dead, Nine Heads Snake has been eliminated. Many former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents like myself may reach out to the U.S. government in hopes of being reinstated."

"This is a trap." Maria Hill made a simple and direct judgment. "It is absolutely impossible for the new SHIELD to use past agents. In the eyes of Congress, any former SHIELD agent is Hydra..." ...Or they themselves are Hydra, and they know that many people have been wronged, so they refuse to hire those agents."

"Anyway, we no longer have the right to investigate this kind of thing. The Security Council will not support the Balkan Federal Defense Intelligence Department composed of former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to investigate the U.S. Congress." The former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent smiled mockingly. He raised the data pad, pointed at the new S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Jeffery on the video and said, "About Jeffrey Mace. Before this, we have never seen that he has the potential to become an agent. He has a pilot's license and has been exposed to military training, that's all. At least his appearance fits people's imagination of a soldier - upright, brave, honest, without elitist arrogance - this kind of person is very suitable for becoming a politician. Look, what Everything can be related to the upcoming presidential election."

Maria Hill did not answer, she seemed to be thinking about something.

"Where is that 0-84 item now?"

"It may be in the hands of Dr. Radcliffe, given to him by Agent Coulson, and it may also involve the second known Ghost Rider, Robbie Reyes. The Intelligence Analysis Department controls Radke The cameras near Dr. Reeve's house had information on everyone who entered the house, and Robbie Reyes appeared once in his human state."

"So our opponent has 0-84 items, an AI robot, and a monster from hell?"

The former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent shrugged. "What's so strange about this? Isn't this exactly the same as before?"

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