Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1364 Chapter 1360 Combat Plan

"Don't answer, this is a trap!"

Maria Hill immediately stood up from the sofa with a cold expression. Before the agent could make any reaction, Melinda May on the side jumped up with an almost stress reaction. She gave the order to the agents. Although she still didn't understand what was happening, her intuition told her that Maria Hill had not disclosed some key information. "Don't answer, don't let Zephyr 1 return, and don't reveal any information about the location of the lighthouse base." Melinda May said, "Tell Zephyr 1 and let them continue their patrol mission."

"But the lighthouse has already started guiding the route. This is standard procedure." The agent was startled. Although he couldn't figure out what happened, he also knew that Melinda May and the unknown agent did not want the Zephyr 1 to return to the base. "Even if there is no guidance, the voyage records can guide the Zephyr 1 to land. We It has been detected that the Zephyr No. 1 is approaching us, and based on the current route, it is estimated that it will reach the lighthouse base in twenty minutes."

"Close the lighthouse, don't open the tarmac," Maria Hill said. If a huge aircraft like Zephyr 1 were to dock on the surface, it would be destined to be detected by satellites or cruise aircraft. Therefore, the lighthouse base has an apron built on the bottom of the lake. Before Zephyr-1 needs to take off or land, a large enough channel will be opened at the top of the apron for the aircraft to take off and land vertically. "Cut off all external communication and close all blast doors. We need a plan. Agent Mei, I need you to activate the central control computer at the lighthouse base and choose a response plan for alien invasion."

Melinda May was confused. She had never seen any emergency plan documents on the old computers from the 1980s at the lighthouse base. However, Maria Hill is so sure that she can only think that Maria Hill has far more control over the lighthouse base than she imagined. It is very likely that Nick Fury revealed something to her that other agents did not know. intelligence.

"Who is our enemy?"

Maria Hill said a name without hesitation.

"Where is Phil Coulson?"

"In Washington," Melinda May replied, "he was with Jeffrey Mace, discussing with Secretary of Defense Talbot the pardon of SHIELD agents. The current president promised to grant all pardons before the election. Amnesty for the censored former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and even if he can't, the Democratic successor will fulfill his promise if we hand over the investigated HYDRA list to the Democrats and provide the FBI, Homeland Security, CIA, etc. Sixteen intelligence agencies hand over Nick Fury's hidden database."

Maria Hill only heard that Agent Phil Coulson was not at the Lighthouse Base. She said with a solemn expression, "Now you have full command of the Lighthouse Base, Melinda May. We must protect this place, and we must not let the emperor touch the things in the underground warehouse of the Lighthouse Base."

The lighthouse base is a building that is constantly being built underground. It not only has a complex structure and numerous rooms, but also contains a large number of secrets that have not yet been discovered by Coulson's agent team. To this day, Melinda May still hasn't figured out what's stored in the nuclear-proof rooms several levels underground, and there's no intuitive list to read.

"I will arrange defensive forces." Melinda May said, "But if our enemy is him, then our armed personnel will not be able to fight against the genetically modified warriors."

Maria Hill looked at Daisy Johnson who was asking the agent about the situation outside the laminated explosion-proof glass.

"We still have her, Shockwave Girl. Apart from her, our symmetrical combat force."

"Even at this time, you are not willing to share the weapons in the underground warehouse with us?"

"I can't do it, Agent May." Maria Hill sighed, "I only know what is stored on the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors, and those things are of no help to the situation we are facing today. . Expired documents cannot help us resist intrusions. Now the network security department is required to attack the information equipment of Zephyr 1. They must try to delay the arrival of Zephyr 1 at the lighthouse base so that we can prepare."

After the order was issued, the alarm was immediately raised. Except for the agents of the network security department, everyone in the entire lighthouse base became busy under the leadership of Alfonso Mackenzie. Although it has not been long since he moved to the lighthouse base, Agent Coulson still has not forgotten his professional skills, and has organized and arranged many exercises with the only personnel on hand. When Agent Alfonso McKenzie, who originally served as damage control director and senior mechanic on the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier, began to arrange armed personnel, almost all agents - even back-office agents all understood their positions and responsibilities. They all picked up pistols and submachine guns, put on body armor and stayed at the rear defense line, waiting for the armed personnel in front to evacuate in an orderly manner. Even though there were many unanswered questions, Alfonso McKenzie also picked up a homemade ax shotgun. Stay behind the first reinforced concrete blast door with a bunker, always waiting for the intruder to appear.

"We're going to face a bunch of Captain Americas?"

Daisy Johnson is also an armed member of the first line of defense. Alphonso Mackenzie, a big man with a rough appearance but a delicate heart, thoughtfully wears a shock absorber made for her by Leopold Fitz. Arm armor to prevent Daisy Johnson from shattering all the bones in her hand if the intensity of the battle was too great later. During the time when the Terrigen Mist inspired the Kree's genetic engineering, she suffered such a loss more than once. Even so, she always carelessly forgot the arm armor with the vibranium buffer in the lounge. Unless she was on a field mission, she would never think to bring that thing with her.

"The people we are facing are much more powerful than Captain America." Alphonso Mackenzie lowered his voice, trying not to let other agents hear the conversation between them. In any case, destroying morale at this time is absolutely unacceptable. Even if the enemy they will face later is extremely powerful, they cannot lose courage at this moment. "Remember that time when Robbie Reyes was arrested? If I'm not mistaken, we will see that genetically modified warrior again, and that man will definitely send his Praetorian Guards on important missions."

"Compared to S.H.I.E.L.D., Dr. Horton Radcliffe is actually your mission, right?" Epsilon Rodney Radium 223's voice carried the faint shrill sound of the chip's operation. Howling, such a sound is easily covered by the noise of the heavy truck engine outside the carriage, but it is clearly audible in Constantine's ears. "What you want is the Life-Model Decoy project, right?" Seeing that Constantine had no idea of ​​​​answering, Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 continued, "In the story spread about the Forge of Olympus, there is It is about the friendship between the emperor and the great sage. The story was exaggerated, modified, and blurred, leaving only the story of the great sage signing a contract with the emperor. It is said that at that time, a city made of steel fell from the sky, and that was The original Olympus Forge. But all of us born on Mars know the truth, which is that Mars' planetary cycle is wrong, the Olympus Forge was built on Mars and our time was accelerated by 253.425 years. "

"so what?"

"There is no city descended from the sky, it is just a myth used to obscure the origin of the furnace." Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 said, "I will not have superstitious ideas about the emperor, nor will I have superstitious ideas about you. . Mechanics, science and rationality will not be confused, and I will not turn a blind eye to your current purpose. I will hand over to you the disks and data of the Life-Model Decoy project, including Aida's data and the original data of the thinking framework, and My analysis report on two data sets. But that’s all I can do, Constantine.”

"You said something wrong."

"Oh?" Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 raised his head, "My conclusion comes from logical analysis."

"Yes." Constantine nodded, "But the day the great sage signed the contract with the emperor, a steel city really fell from the sky."

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