Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1371 Double Trust (First Update)

The driver turned the wheel and headed north, leaving Ronald Reagan Airport in the distance. Agent Coulson was not surprised at all by this answer. The man never allowed others to interfere with his plans, and Nick Fury's past was worse than this, and Agent Coulson thought he was tolerable.

Out of respect for the hostage he was about to play, he felt it necessary to ask where the destination was. "Los Angeles." Before he could ask, the passenger in the passenger seat made no secret of his ability to detect thoughts, "Metropolitan area, Gabe Reyes."

"He's a good boy." Agent Coulson tensed his back secretly, "You don't know how to play some cheap tricks, do you?"

The look in the rearview mirror was quite calm, but Agent Coulson still saw some disdain. "I know you have used kidnapping methods, but don't put the methods you have used on other people's heads. Going to Los Angeles is just because Robbie Reyes is going to find his blood relatives, that's all."

"As far as I know, you once took away Robbie Reyes and seemed to have signed a contract with him."

Saying this is equivalent to admitting that he has had contact with Robbie Reyes and the "Book of Darkness". Interrogation does not simply require the other party to give information. The interrogator should give information appropriately to stimulate the spirit of the person being interrogated and obtain information through inducement. This was the first lesson Agent Coulson received shortly after joining SHIELD after graduating from high school. Over the years, it has become his instinct to act.

The passenger in the front passenger seat was nonchalant about the information he revealed and seemed to already know about it, but he still told some things Agent Coulson wanted to know. "That contract is used to limit the spirit body, not the human being. I cannot force Robby Reyes, as the carrier of the spirit body, to perform the actions in the contract. He has a free soul, and no one can force him to do something against the will of his soul. The attached spirit body also protects his free will from infringement." The co-pilot passenger said, "Robbie Reyes can only gradually understand his responsibilities through communication with the spirit body, and that's it. It is his freedom to perform his duties in any manner he wishes.”

"What the hell is that flaming skull?"

"Even now, you don't give up any opportunity to obtain information?" The exact double rolled his eyes vividly, "Do you remember what we encountered in the small town of Salem? I can only tell you that possessed Robbie... Reyes's spirit body is an extradimensional creature, but it does not belong to any extradimensional evil god, nor is it a descendant of any monster in your memory."

"You're not telling the truth." Agent Coulson said, "According to your past attitude, all extradimensional creatures must be killed. Why is the spirit possessing Robbie Reyes an exception? Is there something wrong with this? A secret to tell?"

"I just didn't tell the whole truth. Do you still expect to hear what you want to hear outside the interrogation room?"

The car drove silently out of the District of Columbia toward the Bladensburg Seaside Park National Preserve in Maryland. During the half-hour drive, Agent Coulson stopped talking, and the passenger in the co-pilot also remained silent. It wasn't until the former saw the Quinjet parked near the picnic area that he couldn't help but speak again. "This place closes at five o'clock in the afternoon. Even so, don't you worry about being discovered by the U.S. Air Force or tourists who haven't left yet if you park your Quinjet here?"

"All intelligence agencies in the world know that the Quinjet is an aircraft of SHIELD." The accurate stand-in opened the rear door for Agent Coulson, "And we have modified the aircraft and installed a fully automatic pilot. You need to worry about leaks."

"So in order to take me away, you did not hesitate to expose an agent lurking in the new S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Agent Coulson pointed at the driver who was driving away and said, "Don't you know that any rational intelligence agent Will everyone suspect him?"

"That's very well said, but he is not my agent." The accurate double did not explain too much, but invited Agent Coulson to walk up the ramp lowered by the Quinjet. Yet Agent Coulson stood there, demanding an explanation. "He is innocent. He was just manipulated by me. He will stop working for a few days to find out the details and then return to work. Are you satisfied with this answer? Or do you want me to do the same thing to you? I won't be so gentle to you. , Phil Coulson, I will manipulate your brain's electrical signals, manipulate your blood and muscles, and you will come on the plane with me conscious."

"Why does it have to be me?"

"Because Robbie Reyes trusts you, and that spirit trusts me. Robbie Reyes has always believed that the spirit is a demon, so he has always had doubts about the spirit's words. In essence, all etheric entities are the same , Robbie Reyes’s caution is correct, but he knows too little and has too many doubts. That spirit is very different. I need you to persuade him and let him believe what the spirit says.”

"Where's the lighthouse base?"

"I will ask the soldiers not to harm those who surrender." The accurate double said, "I can only do so much, and you should hope that Melinda May will not be too stubborn. Don't worry, I will let you talk to the lighthouse base. , you can make sure they survive.”

"Channel C-10 to C-3 is occupied, channel D-10 to D-1 is occupied, A elevator and B elevator channels are occupied, E-5 ambush site is destroyed, E-3 ambush site is destroyed, all armed Everyone was wiped out." Melinda May looked at it once and put down the data pad. "The loss is too great. We have left at least thirty lives outside, and ten people are still missing. We cannot afford this loss. In order to protect the warehouse, we may have to leave at least twenty lives, and the warehouse It is very likely that it will fall again. This is already the result of the use of machine guns and recoilless rifles. According to feedback from frontline personnel, the enemy's losses did not exceed 5 people."

"Shrink the defense line and abandon the defense of the warehouse according to priority. I hope the key items have been evacuated."

"I can't do it, Agent Hill." Melinda May was furious. She tried hard to restrain herself from asking Maria Hill why she came here, because she felt that the answer would most likely tear the entire SHIELD apart. "Carrying food and water to various rooms has cost almost all the internal agents we have. We cannot waste human lives in vain and let field agents spend their lives to protect something they don't understand. What's more, on the list you gave Some of the items are so big that we can’t use machinery to move them right now.”

Maria Hill was noncommittal about the answer.

She failed to point out Agent Coulson's oversight in setting up the Lighthouse base's defenses, and Melinda May's increasingly indecisive turn in recent years. Just as Victoria Hand warned her, SHIELD, now led by Agent Coulson, has become an unorganized and undisciplined vigilante force, operating reluctantly relying on the remaining organizational framework of SHIELD in the past. At first she thought it was just another lie, but a series of situations from the defense preparations to now told her that Victoria Hand's disdain for Coulson's agent team was not out of jealousy or other irrational factors, but out of jealousy or other irrational factors. It is a practical and rational judgment.

"Where's Daisy Johnson?" she asked, turning to another person. "Did her aircraft take off?"

"Mike (Alfonso McKenzie) has not sent the code yet." Melinda May sighed, "But with Elena Rodriguez here, they should be able to break through the B-3 channel. We can be sure The enemy has not set up defenses on the B-3 channel, and they are facing the same manpower shortage problem as we are."

"Then we can only hope that Agent Coulson receives the message in time." Maria Hill sighed, "We also have to hope that the enemy knows nothing about the purpose of the items in the lighthouse base warehouse."

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