Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1373 The first shovel (first update)

In 1962, a farmer nicknamed "Johnny Boy" went bankrupt and had to sell his farm. There are many farmers in nearby villages who have the same experience. The fashionable and young farmers have many choices. They can choose to sell off their property and go to the West Coast to make a living in the newly established cities in the Nevada desert. They can either rely on years of hard work and training. Just use your strong arms to take your place in that land of guns, booze, money and beauty, or simply hitch a ride north to Canada to sing "Happy Birthday" to Marilyn Monroe for President Kennedy. Zhongyuan left his hometown and set foot on a country that had not been fully developed by the colonizers.

"Johnny Boy" did not plan to leave the United States or go to the desert of Nevada. Relying on the connections he made in elementary school, he contacted a classmate who had already left the village and joined an engineering team in a nearby city. Although he knows nothing except farming and raising cattle, the city that is sucking up population, money and fuel needs people like him. The rising skyscrapers require the sweat and blood of rural boys one after another. "Johnny Boy" saw a movie and "Lawrence of Arabia" for the first time in a display window in a big city. He saw the appearance of the girl with a charming voice on the radio for the first time. Although the picture was a bit blurry, But the beautiful face printed on the newspaper had already made his heart beat.

He learned the way of life of city people.

Lucky Strike cigarettes and cheap whiskey are the best solace after physical labor. The noisy, crowded pub that smells of sweat and feet is the only place he goes after get off work after refusing to return to the cheap rental house. He wears colorful clothes on the street. The prostitute is his wife who he spends weekend nights with. But what he couldn't forget the most was the cheap coffee and the always hot hot dogs. That was the first thing he ate after the procedure. At that time, his old friend drove a red Ford Galaxie 4-door sedan to pick him up in New Jersey, and then took him to a delicious meal at a roadside food truck. Along the way, he was bragging about his relationship with the local Mafia boss and showing him his car, suit and watch. "Johnny Boy" nodded in confusion and kept stuffing it into his mouth. Hot dogs, leaving crumbs all over the seats.

"You have to stand out, my friend." On the day he came to pick him up, "Johnny Boy" didn't understand why Fa Xiao deliberately imitated an Italian accent, but this did not prevent him from listening. "This job is not as easy as you think. The union leader is one of our people. If he asks you to go on strike, go on strike if you can make a living. If he asks you to march on the streets, you will march on the streets. Do you understand? Don't be greedy for the hard-earned money, John ·Gotti won’t treat you badly. No matter what you think, you can make money just by listening to John Gotti, do you understand?”

Johnny Boy nodded.

He didn't understand the meaning of this sentence that day, until he received a message at work one day, asking him and other workers to take their tools and go to a newspaper office in New York. There was a strike going on there against printing automation, and the newspaper was actually the property of a certain Mafia godfather. Many years have passed since then, and "Johnny Boy" has also become slightly famous, and the boy who brought him into the gang died in a revenge shooting. To this day, the murderer has still not been found, and many people speculate that It was an assassination attempt by a rival gang.

Before "Johnny Boy" could begin his revenge, the godfather called him to the mansion and personally gave him a mission.

Recently, the family received a very profitable project, and many construction companies established by gangs were fighting fiercely for this project. Seeing that they were about to dig out old and new accounts and fight together, several godfathers suddenly decided to jointly contract the project and sent trusted supervisors to control the project. "Johnny Boy" was one of the trustworthy people, and the godfather planned to send him to upstate New York to supervise the project while preventing other families from taking advantage of the project. It is said that this project is a government tender, and the government officials who the godfather knows specially said hello, explaining that this project is not like past municipal projects where corners can be cut. If it is too blatant, the gang of jackals in the Pentagon will divert attention.

After arriving at the project site, "Johnny Boy" discovered that the difficulty of the project was far beyond his imagination as a person who had only done municipal engineering for a few years. There is a dike made of sandbags and concrete on the wide lake surface, which cuts the lake surface in half. One side of the lake is hot in the sun, and the other side is full of muddy mud. The old red lighthouse stood on the rugged rock, weakly emitting the dim light of the oil lamp.

At this moment, someone has already started working, digging the first shovel into the muddy land.

Nearly fifty years later, the first hole dug with a shovel has been covered with thick concrete and alloy. The lake water on the shoal, accompanied by a loud noise, fell from the tightly connected steel, forming thousands of tiny holes. Fall. "Johnny Boy" would never have imagined that the mud-filled shoal he had seen had turned into a huge pothole, because the heroin slowly in his body and blood vessels had been deeply buried in the concrete piles. Sinking to the bottom of the lake.

Five jet-black geometric aircraft rushed out of the crater at an astonishing speed, dragging long tail flames into the sky.

"The dove has flown! Repeat, the dove has flown!"

Melinda May clenched her hands excitedly, allowing herself to indulge her emotions a little.

"Start taking back the medical room!" She gave the order concisely, "We have to take away all the medicines!"

This is not a whimsical decision. Melinda May knew very well that the enemy could also hear this command. However, as this command was issued, the undamaged concrete alloy gates of the D-4, D-5, and D-7 passages would be opened. They were previously blocked in A team of mechanical soldiers in these areas will be attacked by an armed team from D-6. This team will begin to evacuate towards the elevator within a few seconds of the firefight, and the armed team from the D-3 channel behind will join the battle and lock all channels leading to the medical room.

Food, water and medicine are necessary supplies to allow SHIELD to continue fighting.

Even if the noose is around her neck, even if the breath of life is slowly being strangled, Melinda May will not give up the fight.

"You have never been taught how to be a battlefield commander, May." Maria Hill asked, "I'm curious where you learned this knowledge. There is no education related to this on your file. experience."

"When Agent Coulson led all of us to survive, many things were different. Agent Hill, don't look at the current SHIELD through the eyes of the past. We are moving towards what Agent Coulson expects. direction of development.”

Maria Hill observed Melinda May's face. When Agent Coulson was mentioned, her body language and micro-expressions showed her trust in Agent Coulson. Most of the agents in this base were personally recruited by Phil Coulson. Some are past SHIELD agents who are still being hunted by the US government and NATO countries today. Some are even survivors of the SHIELD Academy massacre. Everyone here trusts Phil Coulson, which is something that SHIELD in the Nick Fury era simply couldn't do. I'm not talking about charisma, but rules and regulations. Today's SHIELD is like a big, open family, and there are no secrets between all agents.

This alone is enough to make Maria Hill frown. She understands that trust is needed to rebuild the organization in the post-SHIELD era, but this trust seems to have turned into a family atmosphere and a lack of discipline. There is a brotherhood to speak of. Even if they firmly believe that they are doing the right thing, as long as any leader leads them in the wrong direction, this group of people who hold SHIELD's secrets and technology will completely go astray. She was now grateful that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was still Phil Coulson, and not the more fanatical Melinda May, or the indecisive Alphonso Mackenzie, or even the fledgling Daisy Johnson.

Even former top agent Gonzalez was much better than these guys.

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