Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1389 Agent Coulson’s Worries (2-in-1)

Howard Stark left a rich technological legacy for SHIELD agents, and the notes given to Tony Stark by SHIELD are just one of the boxes at the Lighthouse Base. After Agent Coulson took over Nick Fury's vibranium box, Leopold Fitz naturally became the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research department and mastered a large amount of technical information about Howard Stark. The principle of operation, such as WeChat sonic shock bombs, etc. - Although Leopold Fitz has not been able to see all of Howard Stark's technological legacy and science fiction, some of the information he has come into contact with can still influence Epsilon Ron Rodney's work on radium 223 helped. Gemma Simmons seemed to see the urgency of the Martian sage. She said to Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 outside the cell through the bulletproof glass, "What we need is communication, science needs communication, you with us."

"I will not reveal the secrets of Mars to you until you can set foot on the red sand yourself."

Epsilon Rodney Radium-223 stood up. Although she is immersed in the world of technology, she is not stupid enough to tell anyone from SHIELD her secrets. "All Howard Stark's research results in this base will belong to me. Without you, my research team can still complete the work." She raised the silver arm that had been replaced by metal and machinery, a square silver edge The black box was held by her three slender mechanical fingers. A small metal rod protruded from the silver mechanical arm, and the metal rod was connected to the inside of the arm. Leopold Fitz saw the lens at the end of the metal rod and immediately determined that it was the probe of a laser cutter.

"Nick Fury hid S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets in a vibranium shell, thinking that no one would be able to get the data inside. Fools who don't understand the mysteries of technology have reason to have such naive ideas, but you certainly don't Yes." Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 said, "Although I do not yet have the authority to dissect this technological creation that uses alien technology, in order to analyze the technological legacy of Howard Stark, the Commander of the Guards, I will A temporary authority will be obtained to conduct research and analysis on this item."

Constantine stood silently in the control room. The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment took turns guarding the staff in the control room. Even the Rangers joined the work in the control room to prevent anyone from deliberately damaging electronic equipment. It hadn't been long since Alfonso McKenzie's team escaped, and the Quinjet on which Daisy Johnson and his gang were riding didn't fly too far. They flew in different directions, but Melinda May told Constantine that all five Quinjets leaving the base would not respond to calls from the base.

Unless Constantine could send five planes in the United States and track them according to the plane routes displayed in the control room, it would be impossible to figure out which plane Alfonso McKenzie and others were on, let alone bring them back. This is indeed the case. Constantine ordered the control room to call the Quinjet but received no response. All Quinjet pilots refused to communicate with the lighthouse base.

The Quinjet will not accept orders from Lighthouse until the highest-ranking person on board makes a decision and lands at its destination. When the internal agent relayed the news to Ronald, the sergeant of the First Secret Regiment with a trembling voice, and Ronald relayed it to the commander of the Guards, everyone was waiting for the Guards' decision. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents believed that the Praetorian Guards would kill one or two people, and then ordered the internal agents to continue trying. The non-commissioned officers of the First Secret Regiment believed that the Praetorian Commander would send orbital fighters to track the Quinjet, just like they had performed similar tasks in the past. As always, sky carriers and orbiting satellites are fully capable of tracking Quinjets within the continental United States, even if they are invisible.

Constantine cannot send Eraser fighters directly to hunt down Quinjets. Such a firefight and invasion will inevitably have an extremely strong political impact. The Guards Commander can only use satellites and sea-based radars to track and ensure that the information displayed in the control room Nothing went wrong with the Quinjet route. Melinda May seemed to think that this would make Alphonso Mackenzie and his group disappear completely, but she underestimated the technical capabilities of the intruders.

"The electronic system of the Quinjet is easy to spoof. The keys and GPS positioning used by the console to track the Quinjet force the Quinjet to receive and send data. As long as it can receive data, it can be invaded, and the pilot will never dare to do so. Turn off the transponder." Epsilon Rodney Radium 223, as someone who passes the control room every five minutes, approached Constantine and made a suggestion, "If we can break through Zephyr 1's firewall, we can break through it. The Quinjet's firewall. I can also force-close the Quinjet's side doors and cargo bay doors until we are willing to open them."

"Please speed up, I don't want anyone to parachute midway, which will completely cause us to lose the position of key personnel." Constantine nodded. At least until the Rangers put all the key items into Zephyr 1, Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 still has time to conduct a cyber offensive. As a prisoner, Enoch stood aside without saying a word, as if he didn't care what method he used as long as he could gather the mission personnel. "I will call in a Pegasus-type assault transport craft that is still in low orbit, just like when we came." The guard commander looked at the immortal man, "You will come with me, Enoch, I The Lord wants to see you.”

Enoch nodded. "I know who your master is, and I want to see him too."

Constantine stared into the emotionless eyes of the bionic machine, and finally agreed with Enoch, and relaxed his grip on the garrison spear slightly. In fact, Enoch, who has been staying at the lighthouse base for a long time, is not ignorant of the outside world. In events such as the Chitauri invasion and the dark elf invasion, the emperor's past identity always appeared and participated in key events. This It was enough to make Enoch pay attention to him. What's more, the power shown by the emperor was a power that the Enoch tribe had studied deeply and abandoned at the last moment. The existence and symbol of Kama Taj was reflected in the robe of the emperor who was still Salomon at that time. Enoch would definitely put the Emperor on his radar. However, only Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff within SHIELD knew where to find him. Even in the most secretive lighthouse base, Enoch still could not track the emperor.

Agent Coulson looked down at his phone. The text message sent from an unmarked number clearly pointed out which airport he should go to to catch a plane, which safe house he should go to to obtain cash and a fake identity, and which second-hand car dealer he should go to to obtain a second-hand car that had completed the transaction procedures. car. This was a message from the exact double, the person or organization that controlled the exact double. This kind of office efficiency made Coulson feel envious, and he even felt like he was still performing tasks in the past SHIELD.

When he got this information, he had already squeezed into a bus in Los Angeles. This time was not commuting time, so the environment and space in the car allowed him to sit down and take a breath, and at the same time get rid of those who were filming the weird "nature". Phenomenon” excited Google employees. Now he saw the footage taken by the employee on his mobile phone. The terrain and other natural conditions in the San Fernando community do not allow for fire tornadoes to occur here. After all, there are no forest fires that are so violent that they can burn everything and heat the air in the entire area. This strange phenomenon will soon attract attention. In a while, SHIELD led by Jeffrey Mace will come here to investigate. Agent Coulson now only hopes that he can leave Los Angeles and return to the lighthouse base as soon as possible.

The Emperor's actions clearly told him that it didn't matter whether Robbie Reyes was willing to hand over the "Dark Book of Darkness" or not. What was important was keeping him away from the Lighthouse Base. Now he just wants to contact the Lighthouse Base and Melinda May to find out what kind of dilemma the Lighthouse Base and SHIELD are facing now. He spent the whole day trying to contact Melinda May or any agent through indirect means, but he could not contact anyone, not even Zephyr One, which was supposed to be on patrol. No, this gave Agent Coulson an ominous premonition, and he thought the situation might be worse than he expected.

However, the instigator did not take Agent Coulson's concerns to heart. He was concentrating on attacking the fried bacon on the plate in front of him. Like all juvenile males—or maybe not all juvenile males—Salomon had a tendency to get into trouble when he didn't want to eat breakfast. Like the crispy bacon he creates on the plate, the loyal and brave soldiers of saltwater peas fending off the fearsome invaders, the crumpled, disgusting cherry tomatoes fried in olive oil. At any moment, giant monsters could break through the defenses and eat the mayonnaise and broccoli commanders behind the bacon trenches.

Milia sat on his lap. The two of them each held a set of cutlery and started fighting on the dinner plate. They kept making childish sounds such as "咻——" and "嘘——". Joan of Arc was engrossed in her breakfast and refused to comment on this behavior. Only Bayonetta rolled her eyes every few seconds to express her dissatisfaction with Salomon's excessive pampering. However, she did not stop this childish game played by young humans, because every time Commander Broccoli was killed, Salomon would dip it in sauce and stuff it into Milia's mouth. The girl did not express any objection at all. Even enjoying it.

"I have to go out to work today, Milia." Salomon told Milia when he stuffed all the vegetables on the plate into the girl's mouth. "I want to make sure that no broccoli commander is fried today." Eat the tomato." Milia nodded heavily. This time she understood what her adoptive father meant. She would no longer regard Salomon's behavior of going out to work as a sign of leaving her here, and there was no need for Dinah to comfort her with small snacks. She didn't have to worry about the noise of the Pegasus-type assault transport craft taking off that would frighten her.

Salomon looked at Bayonetta, "Go home around dinner time."

Perhaps because his performance last night satisfied the witches, this time Bayonetta did not get angry at the promise he always broke. "You've said this more than once, but every time you work overtime until late at night." She just said it in a complaining tone, and even sounded like she was being coquettish. This kind of behavior is almost impossible for a witch. When she realized what she said, she immediately pretended to be nonchalant and fiddled with the food on the plate.

"This time I will stay in the Balkans. There is only one hour's time difference between there and the UK. I won't forget how to calculate the time difference." Salomon picked up Milia who was sitting on his lap and handed her to the side. android maid. Although she is a maid, maids carrying bolt guns and chain swords are very common in this manor. Milia is not at all intimidated by weapons. She herself often receives weapon training from witches. But this little guy should not be angry anymore. After a while, she might even cling to Bayonetta and Jeanne like before, leaving no time for Salomon and the witch to be intimate.

Dinah picked up the ironed suit and stood aside, ready to put it on for her master.

"I'll give you a Kimber M1911, Miria. Do you like pistols?"

"Yeah!" Milia nodded excitedly, "I want a pistol!"

"This is another hobby that will land me in jail," Salomon shrugged. The lesser of two evils, Milia will be very familiar with those weapons in the future, and using some simple weapons first will help her become more familiar with firearms and combat. It is much better to let Millia play with ordinary live ammunition weapons than to expose her to bolters, laser guns and plasma weapons. Those android maids are always thinking about letting Millia learn the violent culture of the Sisterhood monastery, but Millia Leah's exposure to those highly dangerous weapons now would only cause harm to herself. No one in this manor is afraid of ordinary bullets. If Milia uses a gun to shoot some small animals, it is just her naughty behavior in the eyes of the manor owner. "When I go home today, you will be able to see that pistol. But you must continue to learn shooting with the witches, otherwise I will not give you the bullets, do you understand?"

This time it was Jeanne's turn to roll her eyes.

She was responsible for every shooting session with Milia. Perhaps it is the cultural imprint of the witch clan. Joan of Arc does not think there is anything wrong with a girl like Milia being exposed to weapons, and Milia's physical development speed is enough to support her training. However, she does not like Salomon very much. The shooting style taught to Milia - although they are all standard tactical shooting movements - the shooting posture and shooting ability of the witch clan are incompatible with the so-called "tactics". Crazy, gorgeous, sharp, precise, flexible... and other words used to describe extremes can be used to describe the scene when the witch shoots. It is really boring to shoot a target that is not moving dozens of meters away with a pistol. However, Milia only needs this kind of training. She has not yet shown her physical talent. Safe and reliable shooting training is the technique and tactics she must learn at this stage.

As for the magic training that Joan of Arc had always wanted to do, it was completely prohibited by Salomon.

At least for now, Milia cannot carry out in-depth magic training, only meditation and control, and nothing else. The instinct of living things is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The power emanating from Salomon is like the midday sun. A beam of hot and blazing light can easily melt ice and snow. Milia's soul obeyed Salomon, subconsciously restraining her consciousness, abandoning her flamboyant nature, and suppressing the magic power flowing in her veins.

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