Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1391 Pier and Cabin (two in one)

An iron hook with red paint on the end was squeezed between two wooden boards, and several iron nails stained with rust were pulled out of the holes using the principle of leverage, making a "bang" sound. On the quiet pier at night, the acrid water with black oil flashed and reflected the lights cast by tall buildings in the distance. There is no starlight or moonlight here. Everything is hidden in darkness, like a desert abandoned in the city. There are only the flashlight lights that are constantly shaking in the dilapidated containers, the rats that quickly run across the road, the wet ground and the constant noise. , the noise similar to gunfire when the nails are pulled out shows that this is not a real wilderness.

Although the recipient's contact information was spray-painted on the wooden coffin, the item remained in a container at the dock due to a logistics lull. Perhaps in a few days, the terminal owner will auction off the contents of the container, giving those who hope to get rich by buying high and selling low a chance to gamble.

This is the territory governed by the Japanese gangs in New York, which is why he had to come here instead of making a reservation to pick up the goods. The trigger for the gang war in New York was when Fisk Wilson encountered trouble from the Department of Homeland Security. Some forces thought they could get rid of Kingpin's control, causing some orders from different gangs to no longer circulate. Now the real consignee of the wooden coffin has arrived. He does not intend to collect the goods through legal means. Instead, he takes advantage of this deserted night and the opportunity of the dockmaster's wife to give birth to a child. People take away their goods without knowing it.

The advantage of the information age is that logistics information can be tracked at any time.

"I thought you were going to be dismantled into a pile of scrap metal."

Nick Fury whistled softly and used his flashlight to scan the humanoid contents piled on dry straw in the wooden coffin - the Life-Model Decoy project built in his shape - now made of precision machinery and plastic The bionic skin of the outer skin has been cut open, and the polyethylene bionic muscle fibers and complex electronic equipment on the chest, abdomen and under the neck are completely exposed, and the data interfaces and silver gray are completely exposed to the air.

He Rui skillfully took out an instrument the size of a mobile phone, inserted the data cable extended from the instrument into the data interface on Life-Model Decoy's chest, and began to read the data. He failed to find the GPS satellite positioning data, but he did find a document he had never seen before, and the title of the document indicated that it was what he wanted. The existence of this document confirmed his suspicion, and it also represented the emperor's bottom line when he used Life-Model Decoy to test his secular identity.

Erasing the GPS satellite positioning data so that it could not be used as evidence, and being willing to cooperate in giving information about the Dark Order fleet, showed that the emperor was unwilling to care about his exploration of the secular identity of "Salomon" this time. But Life-Model Decoy, who had his bionic skin peeled off, said that the emperor would not tolerate him performing similar behavior again, just like stuffing the severed horse head into the director's quilt in the movie "The Godfather". This is a kind of behavior. warn.

Nick Fury is not an unintelligent man, and he is willing to take warnings.

This time it was Life-Model Decoy who was skinned off, so the next one to be skinned off would be his own. He had seen the emperor skinning people alive as a threat when interrogating drug dealers in the past, and even gave rise to some desperadoes. The emotion of fear. Nick didn't even know how someone who had never joined the Mafia could possess such old-school Sicilian Mafia-style methods, but that didn't matter. He didn't even know that the skinning process was entirely handled by Dinah. Dinah, the android maid who was given a chain sword prototype by the witch, likes to use chain saw weapons with single-molecule high-strength vibranium alloy, such as the chain saw dagger used to cut through hard cow bones.

Skinning with this tool requires extremely dexterous wrists to ensure complete separation of skin and muscle. The ease with which Dinah cuts and separates flesh with her chainsaw dagger makes it seem like a pleasing art form, as seen in many of the killings and interrogations carried out by emperors using the earthly identity of "Salomon" Her involvement, the red bottoms of her high heels were stained red with the blood of her enemies. It is not particularly difficult for her to completely peel off the polyethylene bionic muscle fibers and plastic outer skin. She is also full of anger at Nick Fury who is testing the emperor's secular identity.

She didn't put herself in the coffin and jumped out to stab Nick Fury at this moment, which is considered as her obeying the order. But this does not mean that she will not do some unnecessary things. For example, when Nick Fury was receiving data, it seemed that Life-Model Decoy started some program, and the dry straw stacked under the bionic body began to emit light smoke visible to the naked eye. Suddenly the light smoke turned into an open flame, the black scorch marks spread among the yellow straw in the blink of an eye, and the almost invisible blue firelight instantly surrounded the entire body of Life-Model Decoy.

Nick Fury subconsciously took two steps back and tore off the data cable. He immediately ran away, and thick smoke poured out from the open container behind him. A faint fire gradually lit up the dock at night, and then the fire began to spread, and the thick smoke that could be clearly seen in the dark gradually rose.


Cursing, he walked quickly to the dock, untied the cables that bound the boat, jumped on the speedboat docked at the private dock, started the engine and fled the scene quickly. Life-Model Decoy's body does not have high temperature resistance, at least not this body. All electronic components and data will be swallowed up by the fire. Even the New York Fire Department cannot find out anything about Life-Model Decoy from the wreckage. Mark of. Although the complete information was not downloaded, the documents in Nick Fury's hands were enough to point out the location of the Dark Order's fleet, and to attract the attention of the defense ministers of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, rather than treating it as a tyrant in the Balkans. Crazy babble.

When the fire at the pier attracted the attention of the dockmaster who was docking yachts nearby, the speedboat on which Nick Fury was riding had already sailed upstream from the East River into Newtown Creek south of Long Island City. Then he disappeared into the slum without any surveillance again, taking the equipment that stored important information to get rid of any form of information tracking. When he passed the last camera, he did not hesitate to gesture towards the camera with a middle finger—— He thought that someone was watching him, and had a clear view of his behavior of going to the dock to collect data tonight - he had long been accustomed to this, and few people in this world could do this, but this did not mean that he was happy Let those who observe him know his next whereabouts. He is the King of Agents, the true King of Agents, and this is no joke title.

He believed that the emperor valued himself.

This is the truth, but it is not as important as expected. The emperor did not track him at all, nor did he monitor or monitor him through any cameras. Neither the Sisters nor the Praetorian Order received relevant orders, and all intelligence agencies only maintained minimal tracking of Nick Fury, and then devoted their data resources and computing power to more important things.

"I summoned you here for the winter of Finbul!" The aging one-eyed man stood in front of the wooden house and shouted loudly. The wooden house built on the flat grassland at the foot of the mountain is now covered by the heavy winter snow. The fresh green grass that can support the sheep has all died and entered the next cycle of life. Winter in Scandinavia came early this year and was very cold. It was so cold that residents had to pay large heating bills. However, volcanic activity in Scandinavia has become more frequent, seemingly at any time. All have a tendency to erupt. "This winter will never end!" he shouted. "Badr has been dead for many years. This day is long overdue! Baldr is my best hound. He is cruel and useful."

"I'm not here to listen to your prophecy!" The emperor looked at the old guy with beard and hair covered with snow indifferently. Even though he was wearing a gray and black cloak, the blizzard kept pouring into him. The Emperor's arrival melted the snow, and light and fire shone on his armor, burning the supernatural snowflakes. "Where is Frigga?"

"I told her the truth about Baldr's death." The old man blinked his remaining eye. "I told her who told Hoder the secret of the mistletoe. I have hidden this secret for many years. Frigga always wanted to know the answer, so I told her."

"You promised the Supreme Mage to stay as peacefully as possible while staying in Midgard." The emperor stretched out his hand and caught a snowflake. "I smell the smell of death here. This is not what you should do."

"As much as possible, but not necessary, and this is not what I do. The Finbul Winter has an impact on the nine realms. Your battle with Quetzalcoatl is just one of the lifelines that triggered the Finbul Winter. Don't blame yourself too much. ." Odin said with a smile, "Now you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

"You wanted to force me to fight with you, so you sent Frigga away?"

The emperor took a deep breath and looked around. When he received the alarm from Cassilios, he had a rough guess. Although the Supreme Mage was not on Earth, he decided to go to Scandinavia alone to see what the long-dormant Odin wanted to do. What. "Are you too anxious? There is no help for you here!" he said, "Your Gangnir is in my hands. You exchanged Gangnir and Dropnir for the opportunity to trade, and now you Want to break the contract?"

"I have other weapons besides Gangnir." Odin took out a scarred black ax from behind. It was a weapon forged on Earth—forged in an electric furnace, milled by machinery, and the store logo hadn't even been removed, looking like some kind of artifact that would be sold to tourists—as he picked up the axe. After whispering a few words, the runes climbed onto the metal surface like knife carvings. "Some things want to kill me, and now they are here. The seal between the passages between Nilfheim and Midgard is gradually failing, and I can no longer seal those things. I can't let Frigga stay here anymore, this The matter must be settled." He raised the axe, "For me, this thing is enough. You'd better summon Gangnir. I think that girl has accumulated enough energy. Why suddenly In such embarrassment, do you think I will come to settle a score with you for recruiting the dwarves of Svartalfaheim?"

The emperor looked at the snowdrift on the side. In his memory, this place was a plain, with the flaky rocks of the Scandinavian mountains still firmly on the mountains, blocked by rows of birches on the other side of the mountains. There was more than one such snowdrift, and the two wolves raised by Odin were still digging at the snowdrift happily while they were talking.

"Yes, troll." Odin turned the ax in a circle, and a blue glow shone on the ax blade. Obviously, this isn't the first time he's done this. Two wolves tore a piece of frozen, rashy meat out of the snowdrift. Even in the snowstorm, the fishy smell was still pungent. "Now is a good time for the trolls. They can move around in this lightless morning without turning to stone. I have killed more than a dozen trolls, but they still keep appearing. I need you to block them. A passage between Nilfheim and Midgard, any method will do.”

The emperor stared closely at Odin's one eye. He knew that Odin definitely didn't ask him to come here to deal with such trivial matters as trolls. There is a small town with no more than 200 residents within a radius of dozens of kilometers. The road from this cabin to there is flat, except for a frozen stream, and it is still unobstructed even if there is a mountain barrier. The so-called worry about trolls harming humans is nonsense. The emperor never believes that Odin would care about the safety of the human race. Although they are from the same family, the Asgardians consider themselves an advanced race, and Odin's arrogance is even more Let him call himself God.

However, the emperor did not dwell on this issue for too long. Before setting off, he had conducted divination and asked the three goddesses of fate. Combining divination, his own reasoning, and the Eye of Agamotto's peek at the timeline, he didn't think his action would be too dangerous. At most, it could be regarded as another futile resistance by Odin in the face of Ragnarok. .

"Hamurabi, Amon." The emperor called to his praetorian guards.

The two Imperial Guardsmen, who had been waiting on the clouds for a long time, swooped down in their aircraft, as vigorous as goshawks chasing their prey. The emperor raised his palms high, lightning condensed, extended, and finally erupted on his fingertips. A golden spear entwined with lightning appeared in his hand. Today's Gangnir is very different from the past. The Z-pulse power facility used to test materials under extreme temperature and pressure conditions was used by the emperor to awaken and cast this long gun. The high temperature of 3.7 billion degrees Celsius allowed this gun to be made. Long rejuvenated. The emperor's most trusted craftsman, Rodan from the outer dimension, participated in the recasting of Gangnir. From then on, the gun had a new name and a new owner.

Gangnir's original owner greatly admired the spear. "You'll use it better than I can," he said. "That's where it really comes into play."

"I agree to your conditions, but there will be no next time." The emperor looked at Odin, "Don't think that I don't know what you want to do, and don't think that Kama Taj didn't record those unknown secrets. Ragnarok is already here Walking in, this is an inevitable fate, no matter what kind of struggle you make, it will be useless..." The engine of the hoverbike moved from far to near, and finally stopped on the snow behind the emperor, "Today we will hunt together. Hammurabi, Amon, we will penetrate the veil between reality and illusion to hunt the trolls and drive all threats back to Nilfheim.”

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