Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1394 Chapter 1390 Sez Spell (Two in One)

The unique landscape has led to high land prices. The Asgardians who can live in this area are all middle-class civilians, and the vast majority of them are Asgardian craftsmen. These craftsmen are responsible for processing and producing raw materials, providing sculptures, stones, processed metals, weapons and armor, and cloth for the Golden Palace and even the entire Asgard realm. Therefore, they have considerable wealth, broad knowledge, and considerable respect for the Asgard gods. familiar. The economic laws of Asgard are completely different from those on Earth, because the productivity and production models of the two are far different.

Asgard's handicraft industry is extremely scarce and highly valuable because of the existence of magic technology. This is something that is currently impossible to happen on earth. When the machine melts the steel, pours the molten iron into the mold, or is stamped and plasticized by the machine and other scientific processing methods, a blacksmith always has to send it to the furnace, and then put it on the anvil while beating it with the gods of the Aesir tribe. The name is suitable for blessing, and complex runes are carved on the metal. At this point, a weapon, a pair of armor, and even a plow are completed, and the Gador runes carved on the surface of the object by the blacksmith - that is, the runes - are combined to turn the magic power contained in each text into a totem. The product cannot be known by the other party when used - it can achieve effects that ordinary artifacts cannot. For example, weapons will lead warriors to victory, plowshares will bring good harvests to crops, etc. This is the real reason for the longevity of Asgard's handicraft industry, and those families who master the exclusive Gador runes will also thrive for this reason. It declined, and many handicraft families related to it were born and shared other markets outside the Golden Palace.

These "well-informed" civilians are the middle class of Asgard. At first, they just thought that the emperor and the imperial guards were the Vanir gods they had never seen (because the emperor and the imperial guards all wore golden armor) or He is a god with giant ancestry (because of his height of three meters). But the clashes in the street still shocked these civilians. They couldn't see clearly the movements of the Guards or Heimdall. Everything happened in an instant, and the sharp sounds of limbs and weapons pierced the air. The chirping squeezed their eyeballs and eardrums.

The battle between the Warner Protoss and the Asa Protoss has become a legend and absurd history. These civilians only heard about the battle between gods in the stories told by the old people when they were young. Although these Asgardians advocate the violent Thor, when the conflict really unfolds in front of them, these civilians will not think about how much they have advocated Asgard's war against the colonies in the past when they fled.

Amon and Hammurabi did not stop their attack.

A bomb ripped open Heimdall's armor and smashed into a nearby resident's house. The explosive warhead easily blew off the wall pillars, and several stone bricks were violently smashed into the sky. The defensive Gador runes protected the integrity of the armor, but the kinetic energy brought by the warheads still made Heimdall, who was only wearing portable armor, very uncomfortable. The continuous shooting of the two Guards made Heimdall even more uncomfortable. Da pushed out forcefully and smashed into the wall damaged by the bomb, almost breaking his ribs.

Unless the emperor personally calls to stop, is willing to accept Heimdall's proposal, or is sure that Heimdall has lost the ability to fight, Amon and Hammurabi will never stop attacking. Although Heimdall was included in the list of gods by Asgard, the powerful strength and size of the Praetorian Guard still caused him a lot of trouble in a short period of time. The wingspan of the Praetorian Guards and the size of the weapons they use are all much larger than Heimdall's greatsword. They can swing their guard spears much faster, and the slight buzzing from the power armor's servo is even more intense. Give the Praetorian Guards powers far beyond their physical limits. Heimdall once again barely used his giant sword to block the halberd swung by Hammurabi, and he stumbled back two steps, but Amon quickly connected with the attack - a battle between the two Janissaries. The effect of cooperation is far from being as simple as doubling the frequency of attacks. Amon used his halberd to block Heimdall's path of wielding the giant sword. Hammurabi immediately stepped forward and used his shoulder armor to knock away Heimdall's other hand trying to hold the giant sword. At the same time, he would flash with electricity. The halberd tilted downwards and stabbed Heimdall's knee, forcing the latter to take a big step back and give up the weapon.

"I'm looking for cooperation!"

Heimdall had to drop his greatsword.

He had no intention of fighting, and the Imperial Guards also held back. The two sides maintained a strange tacit understanding.

The reason why Heimdall appears here is entirely because the emperor's appearance is completely in line with the prophecy made by the evil witch named Gullweg of the Warner Protoss. Heimdall knows that he must get the help of the emperor - that name The Heizr witch Gullveig, who is composed of gold (Gull) and power (veig), also known as the "Shining One", was the trigger of the past war between the Aesir and the Vanir.

The Sez spell she used was a very unique Warner magic. The main users of this magic were the women of the Warner. When casting the spell, the witch sat alone on the stone platform, surrounded by a group of assistants. After the magic begins, the caster enters a state of selflessness, and those around him can't help but feel sexual pleasure pouring out of their bodies like a tide. Her spell allows Asgardian women to experience extreme sexual pleasure without a bottom line, which makes people's hearts corrupt.

A series of subsequent actions by this powerful witch made Odin extremely dissatisfied.

The Aesir had thrown her into the fire three times and burned her, but she was resurrected three times, even causing Odin to throw Gungnir to declare war on the Vanir. But since the reconciliation between the Aesir and the Vanir, the use of Seth Sorcery has been restricted in accordance with the terms. Heimdall knew that even Odin himself was an excellent Seth Sorcerer. Such a ban only targeted the Vanir, especially the Vanir. It’s just the witch Gullvig.

But in the countryside where Asgard's official institutions are unable to provide public services, medical authority and prophecy are still controlled by the "Vara" and "Wolva" of the Vanir, that is, the "staff-wielding women" who can perform Sez witchcraft. . Witch Gullwig was restricted to Vanaheim in accordance with the terms, but recently, Witch Gullwig blatantly violated the contract between the two groups and appeared in the Golden Palace and began to publicize her prophecies. No high-status Vanir protoss stopped her, because no one except Frigga and Odin, who were also proficient in the Sez spell, had the ability to do so. Those Asa and Vanir nobles with important responsibilities might be able to pass the administrative They drove her out of the palace, but now the nobles were feasting and enjoying the antics around Odin, and had no time to pay attention to a witch who had lost her influence.

Amon clamped the blue-flamed blade of the garrison spear onto Heimdall's shoulder armor, ready to chop off the head of this famous "god" at any time. Due to the emperor's education to the guards, all the guards were quite disgusted with the arrogance and superstition of the Asa and Vanirs who claimed to be gods. This disgust was not concealed when facing Odin, let alone just Heimdall. What is truly noble is not blood, but ideals. The Imperial Guards did not see any grand aspirations in the Asirs, only the desire for power.

This is undoubtedly extremely contemptible.

"I need your help, Elkunirsa!"

After Heimdall surrendered, he shouted an ancient name. This name caused the emperor to order the Praetorian Guards to stop the attack, because this name belonged to the emperor's past and future. "It seems that Wu Ni and Fu Jin told you a lot of things." The emperor stared into Heimdall's eyes, and he realized that the Asgardian in front of him might have already known the fact that Odin was still alive. The Sorcerer Supreme told him that there were not many people who knew that the name belonged to him, and Odin was one of them. "I won't provide any help. The Asgardians will have to survive Ragnarok on their own."

"You want Ragnarok, and I want your power." The owner of Shiminyog, the Heavenly Mountain, spat on the ground, "Then help me, help Thor solve this evil conspiracy. God of Mischief I don’t know what kind of disaster my actions will cause, but I know that evil must never set foot on the land of Asgard again.”

"This has nothing to do with me."

"You are one of the few people who can fight her." Heimdall said, "I also know that you refused to enter Nilfheim to marry her and share the power of the dead. What do you think she will think after knowing this news? Nilfheim Mu and Asgard are not closed forever, there is always something going from here to there.”

The Emperor had no patience and continued to talk riddles with Heimdall.

"I'm going to get what I want."

In Heimdall's eyes, an illusory black crow grew out of thin air on the emperor's arm. After whispering, the crow flew away. He knew that this was some kind of magic that transmitted the sound to the ears of a specific person. Gadore runes based on runes. If the emperor did not use magic to cover up the supernatural light he emanates, then when he comes here, all the wizards in Asgard will feel the heart-rending pain, and even nobles without psychic talents will discover it intuitively. He exists, but under the cover of magic, only Heimdall, who has special eyes, can accurately detect him and even track him here.

"I'll give you what you want."

"Wotan once said so, until I made the offer." The emperor shook his head. Heimdall was very stubborn when he tried to negotiate terms. Although it seemed that the master of Shimin Yog was very weak now, the emperor knew that if Heimdall had the chance, he would definitely use his sword to force him to provide assistance, so he had no idea in his mind. A hint of mercy. "I want a lot of things, and they are all things you have no power to give." The emperor gave him a look of pity. From beginning to end, Heimdall was Odin's tool, and the father of the gods used him more harshly than Baldur, Tyr and other hounds. "You will not die today, Heimdall. When your death comes, you will remember my warning to you."

When Heimdall came to his senses, the Emperor and the Praetorian Guards who were supposed to be standing on the street were all gone. He closed his eyes, but he could no longer see Asgard's figure in golden armor. The civilians were still fleeing in panic, and it seemed that he had not been unconscious for long. His fingers that touched the Horn of Galar around his waist became hesitant. After a while, he sighed and gave up on blowing the horn - when the giants broke into Asgard, he had to blow the horn. To warn the Asgardian gods - the emperor from Midgard is as dangerous as the giants, and even the size is almost the same, easily reminiscent of the giants in the primitive realm.

But Heimdall did not blow the Galar Horn in the end, because he knew that he would get no response at all until Thor solved the problem. The group of soldiers who had just returned from the colonies were unable to stop the Midgard Emperor, and Heimdall did not want Thor to be distracted at this time. Someone will soon spread the news about the situation here. He must leave as soon as possible to avoid the attention of some caring people. He looked at the palace complex hidden behind the golden city wall, and the Rainbow Bridge that stretched from the sky to the Golden Palace like glass. Now a power struggle is taking place in that golden palace.

Not everyone wants to go back to the harsh era of Odin's rule. There will always be people who want to lie on the corpse of the empire and enjoy power and wealth. Even the once brave generals and passionate idealists will change over time. and corruption in power.

Heimdall didn't want Thor to fail.

When Thor's hammer smashed a dagger trying to stab his waist and the hand holding the dagger, Thor realized that he was alone and helpless. Even the dwarf in the comic was wielding a Thor made of pig iron and iron sheets. Hammer, show off your power on the stage. The Father of the Gods, the King of Asgard, and the Lord of the Nine Realms looked indifferently at the conflicts that broke out between many guests and Thor. The former was dissatisfied with Thor's sudden intrusion and drove away many beautiful and unpoke-minded people. The little Asgardian girl wasted a lot of sweet, exotic berry wine.

The conflict broke out in the most direct way. But when the first drop of blood spread along with the splashing bone residue and flesh foam, and the painful wail of the assassin, most people broke out in a cold sweat, because the intense emotions caused by the surge of hormones began to cool down. The Father of the Gods, who was sitting high above the guests, observed the conflict below with great interest, paying no attention to the splatter of blood. Until Thor kicked the body in the way with his war hammer and angrily stepped up the stairs towards him, the father of the gods still calmly ordered the beautiful girl to put sweet berries in his mouth. .

The girl's hands were shaking. Not everyone could remain calm after witnessing the bloody scene.

"Where is Gungnir, father." Thor, the God of Thunder, stood in front of the chair of the Father of the Gods and asked condescendingly, "Have you given up your power?"

"Have you not been to the throne room, child?" drawled the All-Father. "Gangnir is there."

"I hope so." Thor lowered his voice, and the surface of Mjolnir in his hand flashed with electric light. He saw many things in the Fountain of Urd, and the Norn goddesses revealed to him the past and the paradoxical future. He saw the coexistence of death and life of the Father of the Gods and Queen Frigga, and saw the machinations that had been deceiving him. "Now you must summon Gangnir."


"This is for your life."

Thor raised his war hammer high and suddenly brought it down with the fury of thunder.

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