Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1418 Internal Disputes (Two in One)

Lara Croft didn't take her words to heart. After all, this woman had said too many nonsense. Apart from reminding her to avoid the invisible cleaners at the beginning, she didn't seem to show any ability. The knowledge and ability to leave here. In contrast, she was now more focused on the stories recorded in the archives and on the hot cocoa that was about to boil from ice cubes and chocolate in the pot. "Would you like some cocoa?" she asked, "or would you like a bedtime story?"

"Have some cocoa." The woman sat up immediately. She still hasn't taken off her funny eyepatch, and her two absurd impressionistic eyeballs are moving around. Although she tried hard to reach out for the thermos in Lara Croft's hand, she seemed to have forgotten how she had stuffed her arms into the sleeping bag. After some struggle, she lay down on the ground again, "Let's have some bedtime stories too. I like to listen to stories the most."

"This is a horror story that happened in the Kingdom of West Francia and has some relationship with members of the Carolingian royal family. After this incident, Otto I, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, King of Germany and the Saxon dynasty of East Francia. West Francia After the fall of the kingdom, Pope John XII crowned the first Holy Roman Emperor in Rome, and the Holy Roman Emperor became the guardian and emperor of Rome and the supreme ruler of the Roman Catholic world.”

Once it comes to her professional field, Lara Croft seems to be in high spirits, completely ignoring the increasingly feeble breathing of the woman next to her. "But a few decades before that, in 911, the last Carolingian king, Ludwig IV, the child Louis, died, and here's the background you need to know before telling this story. This story It has a lot to do with the illness of Ludwig IV, the dispute between the Holy See and the East Frankish Kingdom, and Ludwig IV's announcement that John XII was involved in heresy, which involves the real heresy, which is this story The protagonist..."

She enthusiastically told stories using the information she had sorted out. It wasn't until the hot cocoa in the pot solidified again that she noticed that the woman next to her had stopped moving. Unrecognizable, she stretched out her hand and touched the woman's smooth neck. The cold touch made the woman sit up immediately, and then the buzzer also sounded.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it!" Lara Croft quickly waved her hand to explain, "I was just too involved..."

"Now is the time when my favorite TV show is airing." The woman shook her messy black hair with a somewhat regretful tone. She pulled her arm out of her sleeping bag, the plastic-covered child's watch beeping. "I missed the time when I could watch the show most clearly."

"You have a watch? Again?" Lara Croft planned to change the way of asking, "How many times has this watch rang since you came to this place from the closet like The Chronicles of Narnia?"

"What is The Chronicles of Narnia?" the woman asked curiously. She really didn't know what the Chronicles of Narnia was, and she certainly didn't know that the way she came from the cupboard to the library was so similar to the behavior of the protagonists of The Chronicles of Narnia that Lara Croft began to doubt Narnia. The Nia legend is fact not story.

"You don't have to worry about that. All you need to do is tell me how many times your watch has rung."

"There should be...twelve times!"

"You didn't bring any food or water?" Lara Croft blinked in disbelief. She spoke again to confirm, her expression very serious, and she even grabbed the woman's wrist and looked carefully at the children's watch. She didn't believe anyone could survive twelve days in this maze wearing so little clothing and without taking in any food or water. "The program you like to watch should only be broadcast once a day, right?"


"This is impossible!"

As soon as Lara Croft finished speaking, she smelled a strange smell. It definitely wasn't the smell of burnt chocolate, and she had extinguished the alcohol stove. It was a smell like damp dust, tattered linen, and tears mixed with gnashing hatred and futile rage—something I could never smell with my nose.—Lara Croft As soon as he thought of this, he immediately grabbed the woman's wrist and pulled her out of the sleeping bag. She was certain that the person attracted by the alcohol stove and the sound of conversation was definitely not the ghost cleaner from before.

"Can you deal with the devil?" She loaded her HK45 as she ran. For safety reasons, she had removed the magazine of the pistol that used 45ACP ammunition from the holster on her thigh, and did not leave a bullet in the chamber. After all, there was a crazy woman lying next to her, and she had to go out. Ensure the most basic safety. Compared with her, this woman is very thin, and Lara Croft believes that even if there is a conflict, she can gain an advantage through physical combat. Now she regretted it. The bullets of the pistol coated with refined silver were very slippery, as if they were coated with a layer of oil. She even dropped a bullet.

"Or are you actually not a witch?" She led the woman back and forth between the bookshelves. Without any destination, she just went to the place where she couldn't smell the smell. She also looked back frequently to make sure that strange woman would not be left alone. When she finally loaded the bullets, she and the woman had arrived at a place where even the candlesticks above their heads were extinguished. The huge books were like barriers going straight into the invisible darkness. They didn't even know how high the ceiling here was.

"I'm a witch! I just forgot the spell!" the woman yelled, "Don't breathe, be careful of the dust demon!"

"Seraph serum!"

"This is impossible!" Master Hamil shook his head. He stood in front of two carved wooden doors, blocking Hammurabi's footsteps. Even though he knew that he could not stop the Imperial Guards, he still wanted to explain something here. "Our yield is less than 1%, and the inventory is not large enough. This is the closest thing we have to a panacea. We must have a few copies just in case. The Mystic Mage family will never agree with your idea. .These seraphim serums are the life-extending potions second only to First Honey Flower and Red Dragon Wet Mercury. If you use these shares that belong to them, no matter what kind of power the Lord has given you, the Mystic Mage Family will Against you."

"Have I not given them anything better?"

"But you didn't give them the real panacea. People are greedy, even mystics."

Master Hamil glanced at Master Xiao Wang beside him. This time, the Supreme Master left Kama Taj for too long. If the Supreme Master had not handed over the power to Salomon before leaving, Salomon then distributed part of the power to Master Hamil, Master Wu Guiyue and other direct descendants of the Supreme Master. And many armed forces have been arranged to control various important places in Kamal Taj. Otherwise, this power dispute will be more intense than expected, and even a bloody conflict is not impossible.

The only person in Kama Taj who can create the Philosopher's Stone is Salomon. This is a height that no one else can reach. Even if there is a mystic by his side, it is impossible to imitate his movements, spells and formulas. He came up with the Philosopher's Stone, because alchemy is a technology related to the soul, and other mystics cannot compete with him in terms of soul height.

Wizard Hamil knows what this means.

The remains of the Philosopher's Stone in Paracelsus are also found in Kama Taj, and the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone created by Salomon in the laboratory of the Immortal City are also found here. You only need to compare them once to know the difference between the two. The difference is that the latter has gone quite far in the path of alchemy and arcana, and no one except the Supreme Mage can keep up. But Salomon couldn't waste all his time making the Philosopher's Stone. In fact, the only Philosopher's Stone he completed independently was Dinah. The other Philosopher's Stones were actually creations where the ether and precious metals separated from the Reality Stone reacted with his soul. It was impossible for him to put all his magic into it to create immortality. Medicine - There are many kinds of elixirs in the world. Although they have different effects and different methods of use and emergencies, the principles are basically the same and they are very rare - even Kama Taj only keeps one copy of Otkid's Elixir. ), so the existence of Seraphim serum is very precious.

"If you go in," said Master Hamil, "leave the holy sword outside."

"You know, I can kill them without a holy sword."

"This is just a matter of attitude. I don't believe you don't understand such simple political tactics." Master Hamil sneered. "Kama Taj can connect to the Internet. I know the political games you are playing in Latvinia. Those companies The Lord is much harder to deal with than those old guys.”

Salomon glared at him, but the old guy didn't give in.

"Hammurabi, stay outside. King, come in with me."

Master Hamil moved away and opened the door to the meditation room for Salomon. "And your firearms must not bleed." He said, "At least not until the Supreme Mage comes."

First the first shot, then the second shot.

Then Lara Croft dropped the pistol, then dropped the backpack, dragging the woman and continued running forward.

The pistol has no effect. Even if she uses refined silver bullets, what she just did is no different from shooting a swarm with a pistol. It is even stupider. What kind of person would think of using bullets to deal with a cloud of gray mist? Lara Croft shook her head, holding the signal baton in her hand while holding the woman who was still breaking her fingers trying to recall the spell. She took advantage of the corner and passed a rough rock wall to rub and ignite the signal rod. The red fire suddenly lit up, and the thick fog following them suddenly shrank as if it had been pricked by a needle. The rich adventure experience made Lara Croft realize something. She suddenly stopped and poked the burning signal stick straight into the thick fog.

Lara Croft recalled the past, an anatomy class she had experienced in high school.

When she gently touches the dissected frog with a metal rod, the bioelectricity causes the frog's muscles to contract and its legs to twitch. The scene in front of me was exactly the same as that time. The thick gray fog suddenly shrank like a frog stimulated by bioelectricity. Only now could Lara Croft see what was stalking them - a giant fog that filled every corner from the rough stone floors to the high ceilings - the fog creature. A faint white light glowed where the clustered bookshelves touched, and static electricity occasionally appeared. Lara Croft felt her scalp numb. She didn't know if she was hallucinating because she saw the appearance of every dust demon.

It was a cluster composed of countless extradimensional creatures that were too small to be seen. From the appearance, it looked like a large gray fog. Extradimensional creatures do not have the concepts of mass, volume, etc., but powerful extradimensional creatures can undoubtedly squeeze more of their spiritual power from the gap between reality and illusion - only those extremely weak extradimensional creatures, Only those creatures whose life course is like a mayfly in the eyes of creatures in the real universe with time scale will appear like dust in the material universe.

“N’okii, no, it’s N’ooi!”

Lara Croft ignored the meaningless spell of the woman next to her. She lunged forward like a sword, and the red flames pierced the cluster of ashes. "Now, stand behind me." She pulled the woman behind her, then faced the dust and fog, and slowly backed away, "Are you sure you still remember the spell?"

"Of course I remember, I'm a witch!"

"You better remember, ma'am." Lara Croft took a deep breath. This was the rare time they had to breathe freely. "Otherwise we're dead!"

At this time, a steel statue next to them activated. Originally, Lara Croft thought it was just a decoration installed in the library, but the industrial-looking statue was taking heavy steps, the giant cannon on its shoulders made the sound of loading, and its pincer-like arms stretched forward. Straight forward, the metal barrel of an unknown purpose emitted a dazzling, scorching white light, and strode towards them with agility that the Boston Dynamics robot could not match.

"Do you recognize this thing?"


"We're dead!"

When Salomon and Master Xiao Wang left the meditation room, Master Hamil immediately looked to see if there was blood on their hands and clothes. When it was confirmed that they were no different from before entering, Master Hamil breathed a sigh of relief, and Hammurabi also removed his finger from the power switch of the garrison spear. There is no warrior more powerful than the Praetorian Guard in the material universe. Hammurabi believed that he had the ability to rush into the monastery and kill those who opposed the emperor. However, the emperor then extended his hand to Hammurabi and sent the guards to The spear is held in his own hand.

Master Hamil originally wanted to ask about the outcome of the negotiation, but now he doesn't want to ask, because Master Xiao Wang's expression said everything. The garrison spear weighs about 120 kilograms, and the weight of the explosive bomb loaded into the magazine can be ignored for the time being. The sharp blade of the garrison spear is used to cut armor rather than flesh. No human being can withstand such a blow. attack.

"They packed the crazy woman into the library." Master Xiao Wang looked around and found that no one was willing to speak, so he had no choice but to speak. "What's worse is that they let the library's defenses go a little bit."

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