Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1441 Artificial Race (First Update)

"I smell blood."

The delicate white silk embroidered with gold threads was stained with blood and stuck tightly to Athena's wrist. She didn't care about the contaminated white nightgown, but continued to hold the slippery, bloody pieces of human liver with her bare hands and feed them to the three giant owls standing on the balcony. The animals pecked flesh from their bloody fingers while staring intently at the tall human standing behind their master. She was not affected by the charismatic charm of the visitor, but the three owls tensed their muscles and blew up their feathers, ready to flee at any time. A certain poisonous snake wrapped around her ankle had completely fainted at this moment, lying belly up on the floor. "I am glad that you can remember your work, my child. Those witches failed to destroy your will. The snake souls you gave me last time made me very satisfied. I am very curious. What are you planning to do next? Whose blood and soul do I offer?”

Athena didn't look back. Compared to the past, he looked even more radiant now, with supernatural power shining in his eyes. She fed the last bits of chopped liver to the owls before shooing them off the balcony with a wave of her hand. "You will come here every time before starting a war, but I don't want you to come to me only at this time." She picked up a handkerchief and wiped the blood on her hands. The flesh and blood used for feeding just now came from a cell in Latvinia, transported to New York through the smuggling port, and then prepared by local gangsters and stuffed into cryogenic storage boxes and delivered to their doorsteps. "It's been a long time since you've been living in my apartment. I got some food for you. The Boston lobster season is over, but it's also the time for horse poop and sea urchins, and I can make you a sea urchin pasta." "

"Attilan." The emperor stood still, "What do you know about Attilan?"

"Do you want Attilan's genetic technology?" Athena turned sideways and looked at the emperor standing like a shadow in the center of the room with her peripheral vision. She raised her toes and stepped over the venomous snake that was fainting or pretending to be dead, and walked step by step towards the emperor. "Or are you worried about the Inhumans joining the Dark Order?"

"Both, and worse is Attilan's Terrigen compound." The Emperor stepped out of the shadows, his expression softening. At this moment, he should have returned to the manor on the Pegasus super-heavy assault transport craft, but his inner boredom and anxiety about the future made him come to New York alone, because his adoptive mother's wisdom and acumen always inspired him. "I foresee that the Inhumans will release Terrigen to the earth, polluting the earth's ecological environment and increasing the probability of genetic mutation. This kind of thing is very likely to happen. Regardless of whether the Inhumans choose to fight against the Dark Order, I have never trusted that person. Help the mutants.”

"You are right to think so. The Inhumans are just slaves, slaves from beginning to end."

"There are as many as tens of millions of genetic mutations in the Inhumans. This is the result of rough statistics." The emperor frowned, "I can't imagine what tens of millions of mutants without any restraints, no common ideals, and wanton behavior will cause. Such destruction, how many of these mutants will awaken their spiritual power and then be attracted to another dimension is unknown. The few kind-hearted Inhumans cannot change their own dangers and their tendency to split in pursuit of their own independence. There may even be factions that want to defect to the Kree Empire. Maybe it would be better to start killing the Inhumans now, but I want to wait for other softer solutions."

"Compared to the Inhumans, I want to remind you of another hidden danger. I believe you have also noticed that the bloodline of the Lord of the Dark Order is related to an unnatural race that once existed on the earth. That unnatural race is also Created, genealogically speaking, they have similar characteristics to you, and artificial souls also have things in common with extradimensional creatures. They are far less powerful than you, but they are worth keeping you on guard."

Athena poured herself and Salomon a glass of wine, and the latter took it naturally.

As the culprit who made him develop the habit of drinking wine, Athena's own wine consumption was very alarming, but she has never been able to make Salomon develop a taste for wine that suits her taste. At first this made Athena very unwilling, because it was a sign that the emperor was out of control, and her desire for control could not be satisfied. But with various events that happened later, Athena realized that she could not truly control the emperor.

"The Olympus God System once discovered the similarity between that race and ours, so they negotiated to let them become the spokesperson of the Olympus God System. At that time, they had complete flesh and blood bodies and could do things for us that we could not do. That's why my name is both Athena and Minerva." Athena took a sip of wine and curled her lips, "It seems like a stupid deal now. None of us knew eternity at the time. We were deceived about our true mission.”

The creation process of the Eternals was no secret to the ancient race.

For the purpose of creating agents, the second descending group of gods used the souls of a large number of primitive humans to create and knead the Eternals. Although they are physically similar to humans, they are completely different in spirit and ability. It is worth mentioning that the creation process of the Eternals is exactly the same as the creation process of the Emperor, except that the Eternals use the souls of ordinary humans, while the Emperor uses a large number of spellcasters - it is difficult to say who comes first and who comes last. After all, the Emperor The exact time of birth is not the time of incarnation of the material universe - but what is certain is that the supernatural power endowed by the Eternals, as well as the strength of their own souls, are completely incomparable to the Emperor. Therefore, although the Eternals are called Eternals, they are not the true Eternals. If the body of the Eternals dies, they can only capture the consciousness of the Sea of ​​Souls through specific machinery and then reshape the body of the material universe, unlike true immortals like the Emperor who can rise from the ashes.

Even so, the Eternals are still very powerful for this planet.

"The Eternals, unnatural immortals." The emperor also took a sip.

This bottle of wine gave him a sense of familiarity. After seeing the label, he realized that it came from the underground cellar of an Oxfordshire manor and was produced at the French winery owned by the Countess of Sircaralia. He didn't know how this bottle of wine fell into the hands of Athena. Now it seemed that it was very likely that the two witches had a secret communication channel with Athena that he didn't know about. Athena might be hinting at something by displaying this bottle of wine. thing. After thinking for a moment, he took another sip silently. "I have started monitoring their whereabouts. The number found now is completely insufficient, and some informants have been silenced." The emperor said, "But the places where the bodies were found have pointed out the hiding place of the Eternals, and I intend to find them. Let’s do it after everything is done.”

"Good job." Athena nodded, "The matter of you transferring the body of the God Group from Antarctica has begun to affect the Eternals. Even if they actively hide themselves, their instinct will try to find their master. It won't be long before they They're going to find you, my dear, and they're going to want the god."

"Then I'll kill them."

"Perhaps they will recognize you as a compatriot." Athena seemed to point at the ground casually, but she actually pointed in the direction of Mars. She didn't need astronomical instruments to determine the direction of the stars. "What's worse is that they may awaken the god. Compared with the Inhumans, I suggest you deal with the Eternals first to completely solve your worries."

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