Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1445 Threat Theory (First Update)

"Girls, look how far his taste has fallen."

Jeanne looked at the data pad and gave a sly smile. Salomon did not stop them, but stuffed a piece of meat into his and Milia's mouths. Even the Cheshire Cat got a small piece of fat, which was something Milia would not eat. "You've done a really thorough job investigating this party planner." Joan showed the data pad to the others at the table. "Is there anything worthy of attention about her?"

"No, except that she lived a long time." Salomon held the cigarette between his teeth and drank the meat into his stomach with a sip of wine. Immortality is already very special, but for this manor, his actual biological age has long been countless due to frequent travels across galaxies, and the two witches are also over 500 years old.

"Approximately born in the period of Sesclo."

"Late Neolithic, 7510 B.C. to 6190 B.C." Lara Croft held up a fork wearing a barbecue. If there was any advantage to recuperating here, it was that she would no longer be concerned about the existence of the immortals. Surprised. There is a lot of knowledge here, and she can absorb it as much as she wants. She took a closer look at the photo. "There is now evidence that the Greek immigrants from Sesklo came from Asia Minor. They have black hair and high cheekbones, which are very consistent with the racial characteristics of Anatolia. If this is true, it means that this woman lived for almost 10,000 years ?”

"Finally someone understands that I am dealing with official business." Salomon clapped his hands, startling Milia. He hurriedly comforted the girl sitting on his lap, and then stretched out his finger to ask Dinah to pour a glass of whiskey for Lara Croft. This manor does have many exquisite rules, but they are for the guests to see and not for the manor owner himself. The rules will give people a sense of distance and can set off the unattainability of the manor owner. Salomon himself does not need those Annoying rules. ,

"I like this." Lara Croft drank two whiskeys in one gulp. She put the Iberian ham from the appetizer on the fried bread cubes and stuffed them into her mouth. This way of eating is not necessarily delicious, but it will definitely make people feel satisfied. The relaxed atmosphere at the table completely infected her. "I am also interested in your official duties." Lara Croft swallowed her food. "I have never seen anyone who has lived for such a long time. Divine source?"

"No, the Holy Source is just a by-product of the Philosopher's Stone." Salomon said, "You can find the method of making the Philosopher's Stone through the Red Dragon Path in my library, and there is also an alchemical dictionary for reference. As long as If you can learn it, then you can also create the philosopher's stone. Wanda?"

"Huh?" The red-haired witch looked up from the plate.

"I think after dinner Miss Crawford will need some information on the Red Dragon Path, the wet manufacturing kind."

"How important is this woman?" Bayonetta interrupted the topic that was about to go off track. Although she hated Salomon for bringing business to the manor, especially to the dining table, if there was a business that was so troublesome that Salomon needed to handle it at the dining table, it meant it was a big trouble. If he is in trouble, it means there is trouble in this manor, and Bayonetta will never allow anyone to destroy her peaceful life.

"The Celestial Clan."

It was quiet around the table, except for Milia and the Cheshire Cat, who were still chewing their food. Even though the library of the Shadow Witch is not as rich as Kama Taj, as well-read witches, Bayonetta and Joan of Arc have also read relevant documents. Even Wanda Maximoff, who was immersed in enjoying the food, stopped. When she was at Straker Castle, she had heard about the first, second and third comings, which were disasters beyond human imagination. Part of the human race became extinct simply because the Celestials regarded humans as a genetic research project to study the impact of the First Coming - to be precise, Salomon's expectations for the human race were also based on the First Coming. On the basis of Advent, he determined that the human race had unlimited potential to become a race that surpassed all races in the galaxy and became the destiny.

When Salomon explained to her why the existence of gods is harmful and unhelpful, the group of gods is the best example: If a god is truly omniscient and omnipotent, then worship and prayer will be meaningless, and superstition can only prove human weakness and fear. . Human beings need faith, but what they need is their own courage and unity, faith in reason and sacrifice.

"She is one of the tools of the Celestial Clan and the guardian of the Celestial Clan's genetic engineering." Salomon took a deep drag on the cigarette and then put it out in the ashtray. He picked up a gummy and popped it into his mouth, clearing the sweet taste of the herbal ointment from his tongue. "I discovered and tracked her many years ago, trying to figure out her purpose and thoughts, but now I see that she deserves attention. She and her kind."

"Why are you paying attention to this now?"

"Because their deformed, exiled, and mutilated kin are leading the Dark Order to Earth." Salomon said the information he got from his adoptive mother. He did not reveal all the truth, and some of the deeper, more subtle information was known only to himself. He is worried that the Eternals are related to himself in time travel. To be precise, if the Eternals have been hiding in human society or secretly guiding the development of mankind, then the Eternals must be related to him. "The Eternals are not complete immortals, they just live longer, but they have a way to resurrect themselves. A technology that we know little about, capturing specific souls from the etheric sea and instilling them into specific bodies. .”

"Rite of Incarnation," Bayonetta said. "Not exactly technology."

"Maybe, we don't know the attitude of the Eternals towards the exiled people." Salomon looked serious. The atmosphere around the table is still the same, but it is no longer as warm as before. "In any case, destroy that tool, completely cut off the resurrection ritual of this race, and cut off the possibility of the dark overlord's resurrection. I must kill them before they summon their masters, because we don't have the power to deal with their masters now. Past battles Because the gods die and never come back again, our probability of winning is very low.”

"Why doesn't she summon their master now?" Jeanne asked, "if that's what the Eternals want to do."

"I don't know, and I don't care. I just need to know that she has the ability to do this. There is no need to consider whether she and her kind want to do this. A few kind-hearted Eternals cannot do it for the sake of self-satisfaction." I feel like sacrificing any five innocent lives, any sacrifice that is meaningless for the continuation of the human race is a waste." The perfect lips spit out cold words, and the atmosphere on the table changed accordingly. Lara Croft didn't know what the Eternals were and what the Celestials were, and she didn't even know about the era when the gods walked the earth in the conversation, but she could still hear some resistance and hatred from those words. .

She had witnessed the war fought by those warriors in Paititi, a war that humans could not afford.

"No matter what the Eternals think, they will never be able to fight against their masters. Since eradicating the threat in advance is what we should do, I will not let the lives of human soldiers be spilled on a meaningless battlefield."

"Do you need help?"

"Not now, I think you have some more important battlefields to deal with." Salomon said, "The Supreme Mage has not returned yet, and Kama Taj's defense is empty. I need your power, dear witches, our enemies. It’s slowly infiltrating the world, and Kamal Taj needs you.”

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