Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1449 Records of the Eternals (Part 1)

"Please do not break the rules and regulations, this is for your safety."

In Wanda Maximoff's impression, Dinah is a gentle and professional person. He can arrange all the itineraries and needed things in the blink of an eye, and is very patient in listening to other people's opinions, but at this moment Wanda was startled by Dinah's cold attitude. Except for the two witches, no one can give her instructions. To be precise, the instructions of the two witches will be overridden by her higher-priority instructions. Before the Imperial Army's genetic alchemy secret was perfected and experiments began, Dinah accompanies Him on his campaigns and carries out secret missions issued by the Supreme Mage - no matter what the original purpose of this Hormonkulus is, she is essentially a humanoid weapon with great power and never tires. Dinah managed to remain polite because that was what He asked.

She walked toward Wanda Maximoff, speaking softly so as not to scare the fragile old man by the door.

"As long as the ceremony is performed correctly, all evil spirits and impurities will be driven away, and we will ensure the physical and spiritual safety of all guests. This time is very short, and we have performed it many times, so please stay in the living room. This will happen in a few minutes. It will be over." She looked at the witch, but not for help. The tense atmosphere in the air did not affect the relaxation and leisureliness of the two witches. Bayonetta waved her hand to signal Dinah and Wanda to calm down.

"The aftermath of this kind of thing is that there will be a lot of dust on the manor."

The sound of the champagne being opened startled Wanda.

Bayonetta took the champagne glass that had just been filled and shook it carelessly. She and Joan of Arc had no interest in dealing with extradimensional spiritual entities that were so weak that they could be crushed to death with their fingers. She didn't like Salomon reading those dangerous books here, nor did she like crushing those bugs with her bare hands, but now Kamal Taj's situation needed to be stable, so she couldn't give any objection. The Kama Taj Library relies on tens of thousands of spells to avoid the invasion of extra dimensions. Reading magic books in a secular manor is just asking for trouble. After all, the manor's extradimensional defense system is impossible compared to Kama Taj. So powerful. If there's one good thing about it, it's the beautiful roses and lilies that bloom all year round in the glass conservatory. Under the influence of supernatural forces, those rose and lily plants grew and iterated at an astonishingly fast rate.

Bayonetta asks Dinah to pass a glass of champagne to Wanda.

Seeing that nonchalant attitude, even Lara Croft relaxed. Although what had just happened was frightening, being asked to stay in the drawing room for a few minutes did not undermine any rights. Bayonetta warned pointedly, "He is much more powerful than you, Wanda. There is no need to ask for trouble."

"You always come to my door when I'm busiest, Victor."

He sat on the ground and turned the pages of a huge book, carefully avoiding the old lacquered text and ink drawings on the pages from falling off due to his movements. This is a magic book written in the Middle Ages. The magic books at that time were more like storybooks to a certain extent, using true or false stories to elicit secrets that the caster knew, such as the place and place where the devil works. Folklore and more. Therefore, reading magic books is a very difficult job. Not only must you find out the key spell-casting methods from the complicated and boring irrelevant information, but you must also confirm that this kind of witchcraft is not dangerous. But this time is different. He focused on a folk legend in this book. Due to the limitations of painting techniques at the time, portraits before the Renaissance were images without perspective, but for him, simple and crude paintings and eloquent words were enough. Athena revealed the abilities and characteristics of the Eternals. He, who is well-read, subconsciously recalled the books he had seen. Even when he read this book for the first time, he did not know the existence of the Eternals. This book The absurd records in the book still impressed him deeply.

It was a description of the court jester. The magician who wrote the book used vivid words to describe the short court jester in local folklore who had served in noble families for several generations. There are rumors that the noble family has lost its heirs, the castle is in ruins, the servants have fled, and the financial situation is deteriorating. When the last bloodline of the noble died of illness on the bed, any local villager would hear the cry of the clown in the abandoned castle. The magician believed that the clown was a summoned demon, and the local nobles were fighting for wealth or something. The reason why he summoned it, and then after the death of the heir, because he completely lost the ability to control the demon, allowed the demon to wander in the world. The magician who wrote this book actively searched for traces of the demon after that. Finally, after staying in the castle for a long time, the harlequin demon appeared again and taught the magician his knowledge.

"What happened?"

"I just want to tell you that the census information system has been completed." Victor von Doom sighed. The lack of grassroots departments in Latvinia forced him to handle more official duties. The man who originally agreed to share the official duties hid in the manor and read old books. "The Department of Justice has used that system to catch child trafficking organizations across Kosovo and Romania, rescuing thousands of people. I know you want to get that place clean and tidy as quickly as possible, but do this slowly."

"You definitely didn't come to me for a human trafficking organization, Victor."

"This is the only thing I'm telling you in advance so that you can control your emotions. Going to Kosovo to kill people will not help solve the problem." Regent Victor von Doom's worries are well-founded. The Balkans Protectionism is prevalent in the country, and directly arresting those criminals is likely to lead to a counterattack from the local people - those who do not know the truth will be organized by local people with great fame and financial resources (such as gangsters, parliamentarians) to launch demonstrations and fight with the Ministry of Justice When a conflict breaks out, the separatists will blame the government's lies for all the evil deeds done by those criminals, and then demand independence. The emperor's final resort is to agree to independence and then send troops to conquer. Under such threats, Latovini Only then did Asia successfully take over the Kosovo region and began to drastically eliminate criminals and officials related to drug smuggling, gun smuggling, and human trafficking. At the beginning, he also considered the consequences of handing over two departments with law enforcement and judicial powers to Victoria Hand, but the situation at the time did not allow him and the regent to formulate a perfect system.

Regent Victor von Doom took two steps forward. The illusory human figure passed through the table beside him and lowered his head to look at the huge book on the stall floor, which was half a person's height. He was very curious. There were very few books that he could read regardless of the danger. "It seems you really don't care. What's grabbing your attention?"

"The Eternals, the master of the Dark Order has the blood of the Eternals." He said to the regent. Victor von Doom was very calm when he heard the news, because there are always worse things happening in this world, and the bloodline of Dark Overlord Thanos is not too bad. He knew the Eternals earlier than He did. After all, He had already graduated from Kama Taj and left the Himalayas at that time. "Athena did not directly disclose the location of the machine used by the Eternals to resurrect the dead, but we cannot but consider the possibility that Thanos could be resurrected using that machine. Although he is only an interstellar pirate, for the entire human race, darkness The Order is still too powerful... The Dark Order is a word directly translated from Cree and Shia, I didn’t give it such a stupid name.”

Please vote! I write it with a headache, I really can’t do it anymore.

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