Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1455 Mars Training (First Update)

The strong wind carried rusty sand and dust and slapped it on the armor. The sound was like a dense rainstorm hitting a metal shack. He always fell into memories. The sound reminded him of the heavy rain he experienced in the slums during his childhood. The weather that day was as dark as now, and the gaudy neon sign of the motel in the distance flickered half-lit. Several rusty car rims and broken tires lay on the ruins contaminated by engine oil and plastic. Every drop of rainwater dripping from the roof gave off a cold rust smell. He lay on the window, far away from his mother who was vomiting and suffocating on the contraband and the sandwich that was also rotting. His eyes widened and he stuck out his tongue to taste the splashed raindrops, trying to fill his empty stomach.

He tasted the chemical smell of regenerated oxygen.

"If you can turn on the noise reduction function, then our tactical team communication channel will be much quieter." The cold voice in the earphones brought him back. It’s easy to lose focus during the endless march, especially on this damn, cursed red sand. There is no reference anywhere in sight, and the only thing that can lift people’s spirits is less than two meters. A giant thunderstorm that shimmers faintly in the red dust storm hundreds of kilometers away. They were not the mechanical geeks from the Forge of Olympus, and they saw Mars not as a holy land, but as a dull dusty planet. "If you lose focus, then I will give you a good beating." The team sergeant said in his characteristic dry, injured voice, "You are not allowed to lose focus during the Mars airborne training. We must rush to evacuate as soon as possible. point."

He let out a low roar, but still blinked and turned on the noise reduction function on the control interface to filter out the noise of the wind and sand. "The airborne landing forty-seven hours ago sent blood into my brain!"

"That doesn't make you any smarter, recruit Dideros."

The veteran sergeant didn't even look back at him. Compared to the other four team members, the sergeant's armor is obviously more gorgeous, and small decorations can easily reflect his status and military rank. But in this bad land, any gorgeous decoration will soon be covered with red dust. Fortunately, their weapons and armor are well protected from dust, and their cooling systems are not affected. "Today's mission, 7 hours, 400 kilometers." The veteran sergeant briefly repeated the indicators, "and as many kills as possible."

Even if they were mistakenly airdropped into the Storm Corridor, the mission indicator of completing a 400-kilometer march to the extraction point within 7 hours was not particularly difficult. The mission display interface of the helmet clearly stated the additional conditions of the mission - Olympus The Forge has produced many failed products or out-of-control servitors. The main task of this airborne march training is to complete the march while hunting down those out-of-control rangers and servitors who have become insane due to the huge number of implants - but according to The intelligence given by the command center showed that the giant storm was changing direction. Their team cannot slow down their marching speed, otherwise the storm that can overturn the armored vehicle is likely to cross the marching route and completely block the road to the evacuation point.

Satellite communications with the command center were not always smooth, and the impact of sandstorms was too great.

Dideros had met the veteran sergeant before he was reformed.

Led by the Emperor and the Praetorian Guards, the knights captured all NATO military bases in the Balkans and military installations in the former Yugoslav Federation within forty-eight hours. They held high the banner of unity and the Emperor's golden eagle and massacred all those who tried to resist. Like thunder that swept across the peninsula destroyed the emperor's enemies. That war produced a large number of prisoners of war, and he was captured at that time. Compared with officers, researchers, and missile operators who possess military secrets, ordinary soldiers like him are not ranked on the exchange list at all. The speaker used a very intuitive metaphor to describe those NATO soldiers who were deployed to overseas bases: If those officers who had attended military schools and mastered secrets were medieval knights, then ordinary soldiers were serfs, and no one would buy them with money. serf.

Dideros's predecessor was abandoned, and there is no doubt that the brutality and bloodlust with which the knights fought destroyed the sanity of many. Genetic modification completely erased all traces of the former NATO soldier, his body and mind being shattered and then reassembled to become stronger and more indestructible. He no longer takes drugs, drinks alcohol, or neglects training, and his loose personality has become as steely as a result of genetic modification and ideological indoctrination. He became better, stronger, smarter, and more aggressive. He began to understand things that he could not understand in the past. He began to understand the emperor's ideals and visions. He began to despise his past self, seeing that his past life was meaningless, and he renamed himself.

He came to Mars for training.

From atmospheric airborne, suborbital airborne to asteroid landing, Dideros received here the unbearable physical and mental training of all ordinary humans, just to fight against the Emperor's enemies, including those aliens who are about to come to this world. Prior to this, he had experienced the training of veteran sergeants in gladiatorial arenas and training grounds, and had slowly gained an advantage in no less than a hundred training and confrontations. But in the eyes of those knights with deep qualifications, their new recruits are still too immature. The experienced veteran non-commissioned officers can knock them to the ground within ten minutes with a chain sword.

"Our next mission is to land on the moon. There are out-of-control genetically modified monsters there, and the out-of-control armed servitors can be used as training." Another team member said. They kept moving forward according to the indicators in their helmets. The raised red dust reduced the visibility to less than ten meters. Everyone felt that their breathing was amplified and became clear and visible on this red planet abandoned by the world. Smell, except for the miniature display screen on the power armor that displays information such as the number and distribution of enemies, terrain, physiological data, and ammunition, everything is dimmed into an annoying red.

The rapid friction of micro-gravels releases electric charges, causing fine dust to be adsorbed on their ceramic armor. At the same time, the huge amount of electric charges also interferes with external communications to some extent. They don't always know where the eye of the storm is moving, nor where other teams are traveling. A huge sense of loneliness enveloped everyone. This training not only tested their physical fitness and tactics, but also tested their minds.

"The emperor has issued a combat preparation directive, so the Imperial Guards and the Apalixia commander will not give out training indicators for no reason. We may encounter guerrilla warfare there." Arashik said, "I used to work in Yemen. Experience is simply not enough.”

"There are also genetically modified monsters here, and there are especially many of them today."

The veteran noncommissioned officer laughed dryly, as if he was amused by the combat team member's joke. This fierce guy rarely expressed his emotions. Dideros only felt that his eardrums were scratched raw by the laughter that sounded like a raven. It was said that the wound on the veteran sergeant's throat was caused by a very winged creature. The human body was cut open. Dideros had seen the biological specimen named "Vampire". The sergeant killed a high-ranking member of that group. For this reason, the sergeant also had an appearance that he hated very much. Number. "Don't mythologize the Imperial Guards and the Emperor too much, recruits. The preacher told you that the Emperor is a human being, and the Imperial Guards are no different from us, except that they were transformed from children. A bunch of childish brats..."

"Huh... So we are more powerful?"

"Maybe it's the Custodes. I don't know, no one has tried it," the veteran sergeant said, "But I'm sure I'm better than you, Dideros."

"Me too," Arashik said. "I beat you four times."

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