Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1458 The so-called cockfight (second update)

Lorelei von Rhein, any common sense would tell you that this is a fake name.

Although they both belonged to the intelligence department, this was the first time Natasha Romanoff knew that the woman who suddenly appeared was an Asgardian. Therefore, the intelligence system on the earth did not have any information about Lorelei von Rhine. The first thing Natasha thought of was the Lorelei Reef located in the Rhineland-Palatinate state of Germany. It was the most dangerous section of the nearby Rhine River. Legend has it that there was a beautiful witch named Loreley on the top of the reef. Lelei used her moving and beautiful singing to lure passing ships into distress. Lorelei von Rhine's beauty was indeed as beautiful as the legend. When she stood in front of the porthole facing the irrelevant void, she never Look frightened and helpless like other ordinary people.

Natasha Romanoff watched her, monitoring her through the optical signals, until several girls in power armor followed her, until she left the porthole and headed for the port elevator. This convinced Natasha Romanoff that He was coming to the space station, and Lorelei von Rhine had the authority to share intelligence with the Sisters and have direct access to the ruler of the space station. Although Natasha Romanoff didn't know where this Asgardian came from and whether it was related to the German folklore, she still understood that his power had expanded beyond the earth. Maybe there was a huge force across the galaxy. The organizational network has been built, but other people on Earth know nothing about it and believe that this space station is the limit.

She had not deceived Countess Katarina Karkov, and she had no idea why her next move would be directed to the moon, or what on the moon could cause Him to focus his attention there. Everything is a mystery. Natasha Romanoff's intuition tells her that maybe this matter is related to the SHIELD Coulson team that came to the space station not long ago, but she has too little information. It is impossible to analyze the connection at all.

He trusted this Asgardian far more than she or the Countess, which made Natasha laugh at the latter's show of power struggle again. As far as she knew, after Countess Katarina Karkov was put under house arrest by the emperor, the haute couture brands she had frequently purchased from had initially issued condemnations. However, the countess appeared in public and showed that she worked for the emperor. Those luxury brands Brands have cut ties with her due to political reasons.

Now that the video of the countess’s academic salon on the space station is being played on the earth, those luxury brands immediately joined in, begging the former to wear haute couture clothing to attend the academic salon on the space station, because those brands can no longer find haute couture clothing that can be worn on the space station. Space people. Countess Katarina Karkov seems to be happy to see those luxury brands return to her arms, regardless of the past. She used to give money to those luxury brands, but now the situation is completely opposite.

Based on the market prices of those items, if Countess Katarina Karkov were to acquire all those luxury goods such as clothing, shoes, jewelry, and handbags, it would be equivalent to more than one million euros a year out of thin air. Although her income is not as good as the money she once squandered, it has greatly improved her current relatively poor economic situation and allows her to maintain the luxurious life she used to live by exploiting the people at the bottom and selling arms without spending any money. . And when those meaningless payloads arrive at the space station, their value will increase several times. Whether it is Countess Katarina Karkov or luxury brands, they can get what they want.

The countess seemed completely unaware of how disgusting her behavior would be to him. Instead, she kept flaunting her loyalty to the emperor. It seemed that everyone turned a blind eye to Countess Katarina Karkov's wanton spending, and also continued to show off her loyalty to the emperor. In tacitly approving and even encouraging this behavior, it is as corrupt as the transactions that go on every minute in politicians’ homes around Washington, D.C. It seems that without the control of the strict regulatory system established by the emperor and regent on the earth, power rent-seeking and political brokers will reappear. Countess Katarina Karkov is the largest political broker and once again becomes the former one. The queen of the social scene and the banker of the conspiracy table.

"When did those knights come?"

The figure that appeared on the monitor surprised Natasha Romanoff. The large-scale appearance of genetically modified soldiers meant that the war was about to begin. She originally wanted to contact the quarantined members of Coulson's agent team, but the surveillance equipment captured a large number of genetically modified warriors wearing power armor. Those genetically modified warriors could have entered the exclusive residential area through another road, but in At the request of some people, it appeared in front of many foreign researchers with great fanfare. The tall stature and majestic power armor almost frightened the foreign scientists who regarded the space station as a paradise and a holy place for scientific research. It was not until the genetically modified warriors took the elevator to re-enter the closed military residential area that ordinary people recovered.

Faced with her question, the agents of the Legal Department in the surveillance room were unable to answer, because the surveillance equipment here could only monitor living areas, which are the residential areas responsible for housing scientific researchers and SHIELD agent teams, military ports, cargo ports, and The monitoring room of the nuclear fusion reactor is at a lower level and is not under the management of the Legal Department - to be precise, it is not within the management scope of Level 1 to 7 Legal Department agents - the higher-level agents are the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Former national security agents, after being integrated by Victoria Hand, were assigned to guard those really important positions and accepted the management and surveillance of the sisterhood.

"Put me through the commander's line. I want to ask Tita what she wants to do."

"It's not me." Tita's cold reply made Natasha Romanoff unable to continue. "It's Lorelai. She thinks that this can effectively prevent the conspiracy among outsiders, or promote the conspiracy to happen. She is Yes, I agreed, because you can't always find those spies who are trying to find His secrets. We have given you the list of suspected targets, but you still can't do it, and you allow that Jew to do it in public You have failed in your mission by criticizing the emperor's attitude towards religion."

"Everyone has freedom of religious belief."

"If that Jew knew who he was criticizing, he might gouge out his own eyes. If you read Our Lord's "Unified Truth", you will understand how absurd your ideas are. I don't want to be with fools When discussing philosophical issues, you have proven with your own experience that you are too short-sighted to understand the freedom of reason." Tita didn't bother to get angry at her. At this moment, she was wearing a helmet and walking towards the port hangar surrounded by escorts. She needed to take an aircraft back to Earth to participate in the preparations for the next war.

"The Jew who keeps shouting is not an important person. Throw him out of the airlock and he will shut up. But He won't do that, so I won't do it either. Now you are too weak and some insidious and despicable rats are here. Drilling deeper and deeper into this space station, and we are waiting for you to do it. This is our test for you." She said bluntly, "Now your operation is ready, and you are terrible at it. The performance is amazing, and if you still hope that you can accept this gift, then I hope that you can complete even one mission before He comes."

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