Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1464 Chapter 1460 Enjoyment of Host and Guest (Two in One)

"If we want to talk about the origin of gladiatorial culture, we must talk about Rome. If we want to talk about Rome, what effect did the bloody stimulation of gladiatorial culture have on Roman society at that time... Gladiatorial culture has never disappeared in our lives, so everything makes The entertainment products that people are addicted to and the entertainment products full of sensory stimulation all adhere to the basic function of gladiatorial culture, which is to divert attention and dissatisfaction, making the recipient lose the ability to think about real problems. This kind of entertainment can be boxing, or Disco, it can be drugs like marijuana, anything can be a gladiatorial culture... If Wakanda opens up its borders, it will inevitably suffer cultural shock, because no one can refuse entertainment. Cultural shock will lead to all Everything, including politics, will be turned into entertainment, all seriousness will be eliminated, and the bottom line of social morality will be constantly exceeded."

He pointed to Steve Rogers in the audience.

"This is an example. He was a hero who made meritorious deeds in World War II. His experience was labeling and flattening. Captain America no longer exists as a human being, but as a consumable product. He has The historical heaviness and seriousness of the image are constantly being dispelled until it becomes a symbol that can represent the United States. An image that people can simply recognize and be extremely righteous. It is so righteous that it can make people forget the military-industrial complex’s relationship with the Third German Army during World War II. The bargain of empire, and all questions about the role of the United States in World War II are questions about this image. When Steve Rogers becomes the collective memory of generations, then the truth of history no longer matters, and the crimes of the past no longer matter. It is no longer important, even in the memory of some people, it was Steve Rogers who planted the American flag on the Reichstag in Berlin." He ended the discussion with a very classic line, "Look at the audience, they want blood, now They all became Romans.”

This was a small salon, not many people attended.

Since the emperor himself held a seat in the industrial aristocracy, some industrial aristocrats from the Golden Tribe also participated in the salon. After all, they usually had little work to do. In the eyes of the Wakandans, he is not black because he has blood from the Mesopotamia. Even though his slightly darker skin color can make him very different from the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon races, he will still be classified as a white person. , so T'Challa found Steve Rogers and others. What makes T'Challa embarrassed is that although Sam Wilson is a black man, this superhero has no feelings for African culture. If it were not for his idol to stay here, Sam Wilson would not continue to stay here.

T'Challa's first conversation with Sam Wilson wasn't all that satisfying. Although the latter remained polite and was surprised by the level of technology in Wakanda, the entertainment here was not his cup of tea. Sam Wilson only regarded his trip to Wakanda as a short trip, after all, the Yugoslav Federation was not very welcoming to him. On the contrary, James Buchanan, a decadent white man at the beginning, accepted a country cabin. After that, he completely integrated into the country life and removed the mechanical prosthetic limbs from his hands. He planned to concentrate on running his rural life and completely eliminate all Entertainment and violence. When Steve Rogers saw his good friend again, he could hardly believe that the guy in front of him, dressed in local attire and with a stubble on his face that looked like an ascetic, was his former comrade-in-arms.

Originally, the Wakandans brought these white people just to make the emperor, who was also a "white man," relax, but T'Challa had a very happy chat with Steve Rogers. Instead, it was Queen Mother Ramonda who met the emperor. The conversation was very pleasant. James Buchanan, in particular, even talked about what kind of crops he would grow on the land he was given next year, and T'Challa gave his own advice.

"A very interesting interpretation." Queen Mother Ramonda nodded. This was not a formal reception. The only participants were the Wakandan royal family, Steve Rogers and others who were on a "long-term trip" to Wakanda, the emperor, and a Praetorian Guard whom other Wakandans had never seen before. "Wakanda has never experienced such a period. The royal family attaches great importance to illegal drugs and cultural control. Violence and blood should be kept away from ordinary people's lives. You should understand what kind of dilemma Wakanda is facing. Now Wakanda The culture of decency is vulnerable and not everyone is open to it."

"No one can stop entertainment, people need entertainment, and that's what gladiatorial culture is for. If you are deprived of entertainment after hard work, then what else can relieve the fatigue of work? Rock music and Coca-Cola will not hurt people, and the volume is too loud Only rock music and Coca-Cola with coca leaves can cause harm. The worst thing about gladiatorial culture is not that it makes the people pursue excitement, but that it makes the people and the ruling class also begin to crave bottomless sensory stimulation and blood. And they are eager to follow the corruption and indulgence. This is the situation that really requires vigilance. There is nothing wrong with correct entertainment in itself, but entertainment that has no bottom line and eliminates seriousness is wrong."

"Cultural control," Queen Mother Ramonda said. The security situation in Wakanda had been very good until the civil war after En Jadaka took the throne. The civil war initiated by Queen Mother Ramonda to win over the emperor and his army broke the appearance. When main battle tanks When the genetically modified warriors took to the streets with bolters and plasma weapons to support En Jadaka and establish the rules of succession for the Black Panther royal family, T'Challa's throne came at the cost of thousands of years of inheritance system. There will be no stable transfer of the throne in the future. Queen Mother Ramonda knew exactly what she had done, but in order to let T'Challa sit on the throne, she did not hesitate to destroy the legitimacy and legal principles of the Black Panther royal family.

At the same time, Wakanda's social security was also ruined.

Although the civil war was short-lived, many weapons fell into disuse as War Dogs fought with armies loyal to the Inheritance System and genetically engineered warriors. Even Wakanda must face threats to public security from civil society, which has also resulted in the severely weakened War Dogs organization having to work overtime to maintain social security and eliminate violent civil groups that sell contraband and control entertainment venues.

"The collapse of the Soviet Union has taught the whole world a lesson, and Wakanda has the ability to learn from the experience. But don't forget that the royal family can also be a culture in nature, a cultural symbol that the bourgeoisie makes up to show itself. Constitutional monarchy The most typical example is the controlled European royal family, which has even become a means and symbol of cultural export, among which the British Royal Family of Windsor is the most typical." He reminded, "When this kind of culture begins to prevail, then political demands, intentions and policies will no longer Free bread and more blood are what the people need to consider anymore. The royal family is only the legal basis of union and not the basis of rule."

Queen Mother Ramonda thought carefully.

The sharp conflicts in Wakanda's internal politics are no secret, and she is also thinking about ways to solve them. The solutions left by the kings who have sat on the Black Panther throne for countless generations in the past are not fully effective in Wakanda, which is now facing an open border. Queen Mother Lamunda knows that she must find new solutions to bring peace to the entire world. Wakanda's power is too secure - she supported T'Chaka's open policy only because she would support her husband unconditionally. Now that T'Chaka has died at the hands of outsiders, her son T'Challa has also suffered the fate of the throne. War and insecurity have become a stone weighing on her psychology, an insurmountable obstacle.

"Do you have any suggestions?"

"I will always stand on the side that is beneficial to the human race, and building a community with a shared future for mankind is my unshakable ideal. I need all the support from Wakanda, and I also believe that Wakanda will also take the future well-being of the human race as its own responsibility. "He did not answer directly, but this answer was enough to satisfy Queen Mother Ramonda. Everyone knew that the emperor did not care about Wakanda's ideology, and Wakanda's industrial production capacity was the most important. As the regent Victor von Doom said one time when he was drinking after get off work, the establishment of the Yugoslav Federation was probably a test for himself. As the first step to assume the continuation of humanity, he He must establish himself as a true ruler, and Wakanda is just another stepping stone.

Faced with such accusations, he just smiled and did not answer.

"That civil war had a great impact on Wakanda, and many people had a bad impression of the Yugoslav Federation." Queen Mother Ramonda nodded, then raised her glass to the emperor, expressing her desire for reconciliation. Will - Wakanda's culture and race can be traced back to ancient Egypt. There have been historical records of wine and other alcohol trade through the Red Sea ports. The history of Wakanda drinking wine, beer and sorghum light wine is closely related to humankind. History is as old as ever - from now on, the painful memory of that civil war will not be the political correctness in Wakanda, and all mistakes will be blamed on En Jadaka and the vibranium dealer Klaw who colluded with him. Julius. Defend vibranium and defend Wakanda, the Yugoslav Federation will be the hero who helps Black Panther T'Challa defend Wakanda.

"Perhaps you would be interested in attending an informal dinner to really give people a sense of what the Federation of Yugoslavia is like? You know, Wakanda knows so little about the outside world. Maybe I should ask Shuri to come back from the Federation of Yugoslavia, She and you must have quite a bit in common.”

He nodded and raised his glass in response.

"I will set up a charity organization in the name of the industrial aristocracy to provide job opportunities for the families of victims of the civil war." He said, "The order of Wakanda needs to be promoted in Africa to bring peace to this continent. We cannot sit back and watch this happen. A continent has fallen into poverty, ignorance and violence, even if that means we have to use violence to solve our problems."

Queen Mother Ramonda laughed because this meant that the emperor supported her idea.

Just investing in building factories or sending medical personnel does not make much sense. The chaotic political situation in Africa and the rampant brutal warlords are the biggest obstacles to investment in Wakanda and the Yugoslav Federation, and those brutal warlords and tyrants are in Wakanda. After Da starts investing, it may be supported by European and American countries again, becoming the biggest obstacle for Wakanda to absorb African resources - the attack has already occurred, and many good deeds performed in the name of Wakanda have been stopped by bloody massacres, and the plague While bullets are the god of death that haunts this continent, drugs, religion and ignorance are the shrouds of Africa. When Wakanda tries to save these people, there will always be people wearing moral cloaks who try to stop it.

If Africa could be made an Africa for Africans only through war, then the Emperor and the Yugoslav Federation would be supportive and invest more in Wakanda's industrial production. As a country that does not rely much on industrial and agricultural scissors for industrialization, the emperor's promise is very powerful, and everyone knows that the emperor himself does not mind using war to solve problems. Everyone in the world knows that the emperor's next goals are Macedonia, Greece and Constantinople. The smoke of war has quietly ignited, and Wakanda must also compete for enough resources to survive the coming winter.

"We will build a scientific, rational and secular Africa, a united Africa."

"I think this cause needs some allies who are willing to see a stable Africa." He said, "Did you know that the lenses used in the Yugoslav federal-standard laser rifles come from natural diamonds, which are found in the Balkans? There’s not a lot of added value on the peninsula.”

"You know, Wakandans are afraid of your eyes." Queen Mother Ramonda suddenly said another thing. When the emperor met with the Wakanda nobles, the emotion shown by the vast majority of the Wakanda tribe's nobles when facing the emperor was not the common reverence, but the rare space. He once told Shu Rui about this matter, and Queen Mother Ramonda naturally learned of this situation and treated it as some kind of after-dinner joke to alleviate the fear of Wakandan people talking about the emperor.

"In Wakanda, the Black Panther Priest usually only chooses people with dark eyes, because they have Bastet's obsidian eyes. The Black Panther Priest can use those eyes to watch the war and blood cleanse the world, watching To judge the dying people... I know what outsiders think of Wakanda. Wakandans are not superstitious. The belief in the Black Panther God has been integrated into our lives and systems and will not cause any obstacles to the development of science and technology. .You have Bastet's eyes, but the Wakandans are afraid of you not just because of superstition, but because of the temperament you display." Queen Mother Ramonda narrowed her eyes, "What is your name? No one knows what you look like, and no one knows. Wakandans cannot pronounce your name. Only gods have such power. This is Wakanda's long-standing concept..."

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