Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1472 Information Exchange Meeting (First Update)

Lara Croft had heard of this restaurant.

When she rejected Oxford and went to the University of London, the chef of this restaurant had already become famous and opened this restaurant near Buckingham Palace specifically to entertain dignitaries - to be precise, New Money, which values ​​the Michelin rating Classy and middle-class restaurants, Whitehall civil servants and conservative politicians prefer to dine in clubs or at various receptions. The chefs and waiters there were the most professional people, familiar with every preference and taste of the guests - Lara Croft was very satisfied with the dinner. She does not value the so-called high-end friendly service. As a noble who has completely integrated into civilian life, she even needs to work part-time to earn tuition. The cost of such a dinner was enough for her to work for a long time, and it was difficult for her to be dissatisfied.

The only thing that made her feel uncomfortable was Athena sitting next to her.

Although the woman was smiling, knowledgeable, witty and Salomon's adoptive mother, Lara Croft had not forgotten the memory of her first glimpse at an art exhibition. That kind of supernatural phenomenon proves that the seemingly young woman in front of her - similar to the witch, she looks like she is in her early twenties but has a very mature temperament - has some kind of ability that she cannot understand. She no longer expressed surprise at this. After all, she had seen many things beyond her imagination at Kamathaj and the Oxfordshire estate. Ever since she learned that her father, Richard Crawford, had brought By taking away things that did not belong to the Crawford family, Lara Croft understood that her destiny was firmly tied to Karma Taj and Him.

As for how her father took away the resurrection ritual scroll from the heavily guarded Kama Taj Library, obtained relevant instructions and used it on his wife who froze to death in the snow-capped mountains due to a plane crash, that is another future story. The mystery is solved. Although Lara Croft suspected that the Supreme Mage, whom she had never seen before, was involved, due to the failure to obtain relevant evidence, even the butler Winston knew very little about it, and she was unable to clarify this matter. All the details of the past more than ten years ago. She could only speculate that Salomon might have met her father, Richard Crawford. After all, when she was at Karma Taj, she had also seen people from all over the world come to the front hall of Kathmandu, Nepal, to seek help. , and Kamal Taj generously accommodated the requests of the vast majority of people. If not desperate to the extreme, who would come to look for such a place that only exists in legends.

"You bought the entire restaurant's worth of wine?"

"It's a necessary process for security inspection. I definitely didn't tell you about injecting poison from the cork into the wine." Under the stern eyes of Bayonetta and Joan of Arc, he still couldn't control his hobby of telling stories. . In fact, when they met in the restaurant, Bayonetta put the muzzle of the gun into his abdomen and shot him three times. She installed a silencer and there was no bloodshed in the restaurant. Otherwise, this dinner would have been medically treated. It ends with the team arriving and the service staff all running away. It seemed that due to some kind of tacit understanding, he was able to tell the story here, and the witches did not mention the conflict that happened in the art gallery not long ago. "In some traditional cultures of the world's past, wine was a symbol of weakness, a symbol of the will surrendering to a soft bed, because at that time wine was sweet, very sweet. So some people think that wine is not the wine of warriors, but the wine of wealth. Blood. In a country that values ​​force, a ruler who drinks a lot of wine will be considered a fat man with a big belly and unable to mount a horse to fight."

Lara Croft was still listening carefully at first, but she reacted when she saw Athena's smile.

"This is definitely a story you made up." She was both angry and amused. Before that, she had regarded Salomon as a source of information for ancient secrets. He was also a scholar who was good at reconstructing the past using modern language and scientific perspectives. But now it seems that no one knows how many made-up stories they have heard in the past, especially the stories Salomon told Milia. Maybe they were just made up to trick children into going to bed quickly.

"The attitude of the Mongolians towards wine is definitely not disgusting. At that time, Pope Innocent IV commissioned the Portuguese Gabini to be an envoy to Mongolia. The envoy had tasted the wine of the Yuan Dynasty. It is said that Kublai Khan also liked it very much. Wine, and even asked for wine from wine houses as tax tribute. I also saw the ceramic bottles used by Mongolian noble soldiers to hold wine in Kit City. It can be seen that wine and kumis have the same status."

Salomon was not at all embarrassed that her story was exposed. Instead, she was very happy to say that the adventure was very helpful to her academic career. He stretched out his hand, and Wanda, who was talking to the witches, understood immediately - he handed this matter over to Wanda, who was very happy that she could participate in some daily affairs instead of just participating in combat missions. "The University of London will allow her to continue the course." Wanda's mental power sent words that no one else could hear. Just like this dinner, the witch and Salomon, Salomon and Athena, and Athena and the witch all communicated in ways other than sounds. Wanda said cheerfully, "No help from a check, just a little magic" - followed by nonsense about continuing suspended university courses, further studies in history and new archaeological projects, including a An invitation to a private ski resort in the Alps.

He said that he and the witch would not stay in the manor forever. After all, the British winter was damp and gloomy, which was harmful to health. However, he also said that this was just a vacation, not an unannounced archaeological adventure. Compensation for the first few deceptive adventures included several cars, a box of weapons, and a private jet, and the results were very satisfying for both parties.

"Every adventure you take can reveal an unknown past, and every time I can learn some secrets that even you cannot know. If you still have questions about my funding behavior, I can only tell you what I have gained. Far beyond your imagination," he said. "But this time, I just can't stand the British winter anymore."

"The Paititi people?" Lara Croft asked. "I don't want their lives to be bad."

"The Paititi people are still too primitive. I helped them move towards mechanized agriculture. At least they can grow food on a large scale on volcanic ash. When the time comes, I will purchase excess food and sell them more modern equipment at low prices. . In addition, there is a small fusion reactor." Salomon brought the topic back. "As far as I know, you brought back some collections from Paititi."

"Those are souvenirs! Most of them are small things from the pre-colonial era!" Lara Croft said with some embarrassment. She pulled out her phone to show the group photos she had taken of Paititi, including souvenirs she had stuffed into the cargo hold of her Gulfstream private jet. It was her bad habit to take some small souvenirs with her on every adventure, and she also discovered the Lost City's "Kit's Cross" and gave one of it as a gift to Salomon, where it now lies In the display case of the manor. "There is also a plastic penguin. Peruvian fishermen sometimes keep penguins as pets and take them on fishing boats to fish together. This proves that the Paititi people may have communicated with the coastal areas, so they regard the penguin as someone's A symbol of worship.”

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