Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1479 His Hand (Second Update)

"Are you sure you can do this?" Natasha Romanoff was collecting the small travel jars of toiletries scattered on the motel sink while talking to the command department through the headset. "Isn't this an act of betrayal, V?" she said. "Can the agents at the Information Processing Center hear our conversation?"

"Don't call me that, Agent Romanoff, and this little trick of sowing discord is too low-level. Wait until the FBI monitors you." Victoria Hand's tone was as serious as ever, "You know what I want to do. , no bullet or phone call is free. I can only assure you that the reason why the CIA was able to find you was not because we leaked intelligence, but because you have always been the target of intense searches by facial recognition systems. You Don’t you know how many rewards Homeland Security has issued for you?”

"I can't leave my sisters to you." Natasha Romanov turned on the faucet and disturbed the other party with the gurgling sound of water. The cold water droplets splashed on her neck, giving her goosebumps. She knew that the effect of this was limited. After all, Victoria Hand's technicians could not only determine her exact location through the surrounding sounds during the conversation, but nearby signal base stations were also the best means for positioning. What's more, Victoria Hand allowed her to leave the Tianjian space station so easily, so she must have confidence in tracking her. There is a rumor in the Yugoslav Federation that Victoria Hand knows the customers who enter the restaurant before they order food. What do you want to eat? Natasha Romanoff doesn’t think the behavioral pattern assessment system she knows can’t do this.

The water slowly heated up, forming a thin layer of condensation on the mirror above the sink.

"They don't have as good conditions as the Immortal City Academy. They have been tools all their lives." Natasha Romanoff looked at the blurry figure with red hair tied into braids in the mirror, pale due to lack of sleep and food. The cheeks are looming. "They never had free will. I found the clue and now I have to save them."

"I'm not going to argue with you about the difference between people who use tools, Agent Romanoff." Victoria Hand waved her hand as if to chase something away. "I took charge of your actions, remember?"

"Well, that's a really bad memory."

Agent Natasha Romanoff reached up and wiped a smear of water on the foggy mirror.

If you ignore her beauty, then this dusty cold-weather suit will be inconspicuous.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. was still under the jurisdiction of the Security Council, Victoria Hand had both the highest mission success rate and the highest agent casualty rate. Although Victoria Hand was promoted from the operations department to the command department, she did everything possible to achieve the success of the mission, and she was even more cold-blooded than a politician when she abandoned frontline agents. She even advocated issuing cyanide pills to frontline agents to use before being captured.

Fortunately, Nick Fury vetoed the proposal.

Even though she is so cold-blooded, Victoria Hand is still reused because she knows that nothing is more important than the mission. At that time, S.H.I.E.L.D. represented justice, and no one could represent S.H.I.E.L.D.’s determination to complete its mission better than her. Sometimes Natasha Romanoff would miss that kind of life, which was straightforward black and white of good and evil. No need to distinguish. But in today's world, kind people use violence to achieve justice, while real criminals use kindness and hypocrisy to harvest flesh and blood - if it were just indifference, Natasha Romanoff would not have any communication with her. But Victoria Hand does not enjoy this kind of power. Giving up an agent every time is a last resort. She also ensures that the aftermath of each agent is properly handled in her follow-up work. She will deliver on every promise she makes, just as she will explain the mission risks to every agent in Operations before she takes action.

If you exclude professional factors, then what she said is what she thinks and what she will do.

Such a person is worthy of admiration, she is as indestructible as steel and stone.

"I'm glad the mission in Budapest wasn't directed by you, V."

"I've never seen anyone retire from this business, and maybe you think you'll be the exception, but your and those girls' so-called free will is nothing more than selling themselves to someone else with a higher bid. You think in this world How many organizations can accept such a large number of agents and maintain their operations?" Victoria Hand's voice was as chilling as cold water, "There are not many such organizations, are they?"

"What do you want to say?"

"If I discover that they are conducting intelligence work against the emperor and his subordinates, my methods will not be so gentle at that time. Death will be the best gift for the interrogated person. You have seen the interrogation process in the Eternal City, We can dig out what we want from the brain, and interrogators are good at inflicting pain." Victoria Hand changed the subject, "You don't seem to have a good appetite. The breakfast provided by that hotel is not bad, a very classic American breakfast. The sanitary conditions are also good. I ordered one for you and it will be delivered in about three minutes. Judging from the gait analysis, you suffered a gunshot wound and probably lost too much blood. Now you are in urgent need of heat to maintain your body temperature. The temperatures in Alaska are not that mild.”

Natasha Romanoff looked at her bloodshot eyes in the mirror and let out a helpless chuckle. "Okay, I'll think about it." She winked. Drops of water dripped from her wet cheeks. It was dry here and she came in without any protection. "I hope to get enough intelligence, transportation and weapons. This is the first deal, I will give you what you have always wanted in the past."

As soon as she finished speaking, her mobile phone placed beside the sink began to vibrate.

"The address of the safe house and the contact information of the contact have been sent to your prepaid mobile phone. You can get enough medicine and weapons. As for the transportation, I have already paid for it. You only need to give the password." ." Victoria Hand did not mention at all how the Yugoslav federal intelligence agency obtained these things in the snow-covered land of Alaska, and Natasha Romanov did not want to ask. She only wanted to know whether those tools were reliable. . "Call back in an hour, unless you need a break."

"No need, I want to act as soon as possible."

"You're just a normal person, remember?"

Natasha Romananov turned off the tap and dried her cheeks with a compressed towel. The person in the mirror looked haggard and even had dark circles under his eyes. She had been following this clue for a week, during which she could only sleep two or three hours a day. The last time she slept was on a Greyhound bus, and she even dealt with a thief. "You've been around those golden supermen for so long, V, there are some things humans can do."

"I said, don't call me that." Victoria Hand cut off the communication and looked at the golden-armored giant behind her. The golden eagle wings spread out on the giant's temples, erasing all human facial features and carving the faces of the Praetorian Guards into fierce and noble birds of prey. "This is today's report, Amon." She handed the chip with the information stored to the Guards, "They are just some girls whose skills are not as good as Agent Romanoff. Does He have any arrangements for this?"

"Recruit, V." A smile as light as the breeze blowing on the lake appeared on Amon's face behind his mask, "We are short of manpower, and some agents who have been trained for a long time can fill this gap. Do you have confidence in commanding such a special service organization? ?”

"I'm afraid Agent Romanoff will not relinquish command." Victoria Hand shook her head calmly. In front of her, hundreds of screens mapped every important target at the same time, including bank surveillance cameras, cell phone cameras, computer cameras, and even home surveillance and driving recorders. This is a general overview only and is not intended for use by intelligence analysts. "And I don't think she would agree to let those girls undergo transformation. She is too sensitive about it and is unwilling to accept even the most basic amplification circuit. She is our only connection with that organization. If her command is removed Power means we lose those girls.”

"I understand. I'll tell the regent and he'll take notice."

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It should be updated continuously during the New Year.

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