Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1482 Multi-line Action (Part 1) (First update)

Amon hung up the communication, made a gesture to send the password to shut down the system, and strode out of the closed crimson level confidentiality room.

An officer in a black coat had been waiting outside the door for a long time. When she saw the Guards appearing, she immediately followed him, with the large-caliber bolt pistol at her waist firmly tied in the holster. "It just keeps coming, doesn't it?" Sophia said. There are very few mortals who can calmly joke with the Guards. Sophia from the Political Commissar Department is one of them. Due to some legend, many civilians in Kit City will recognize the Guards as accompanying the prophet. Golden angel. Although the emperor severely cracked down on religious superstition, after losing religion, Kit City found a new direction to unite its people, that is, to serve the emperor's new empire. "As far as I know, you've been on missions for over a week straight. Have you ever experienced sleep?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to induce sleep during this rotation cycle." Amon took the electronic seal on the data board and confirmed his mission. Even as an herald, he must personally use the weapons in his hands to perform tasks, such as maintaining the security of the trade routes of the Yugoslav Federation. "But overseeing the training of SHIELD agents and returning them to the United States is not a difficult job. My colleagues have completed most of the tasks. Sophia, I hope the soldiers you sent to the Lighthouse Base can complete their tasks."

"Don't worry, Agent Coulson is very well-behaved. If you ask me, he pays a little too much attention to S.H.I.E.L.D." Sophia brushed a strand of naughty red hair from under the brim of her hat, "I have read the information, S.H.I.E.L.D. The Bureau has few resources left to plunder. Aircraft carriers, bases, weapons of mass destruction, the things that have consumed so much of the U.S. defense budget over the years are all ours...the remaining agents don't need to pay much attention. Now the Beacon The base is almost emptied by us, and even if there is something we don't know about, Agent Coulson won't know about it."

"I hope you didn't starve the SHIELD agents to death."

"I'm not one of those Martians. Those guys who worship machines are really hard to understand. They seem to only need a simple supply of food to continue functioning, as if they have no taste buds." Sofia shrugged. Some low-security research work is carried out on-site at the Lighthouse Base, and some technical personnel from Mars and the Immortal City enter the Lighthouse Base to cooperate with SHIELD's technical department to a certain extent. Security work and coordination were divided into two parts, and Sophia could only hope that the Mars technicians would be more obedient. "Maybe not really. If SHIELD agents are allowed to eat Martian nutritional mud, then there will be riots at the lighthouse base in a few days." Sofia said, "Having said that, my team is ready to carry out the mission. They Waiting for you to show up on the tarmac."

"Sorry again, I wasted some time."

"Don't be nervous, there will always be a time difference when entering and exiting the atmosphere." Sophia raised her head and smiled, "It's not that difficult to attack the US military base in Yemen. You can take a nap on the landing craft. It doesn't take a few seconds to induce sleep. But you Think we can find the files we need there?”

"Maybe, no one will know what we are looking for anyway, everything in the port will be burned."

"The mission time limit is ten hours, very tight." Sophia pressed the elevator button, and the floating drone and the camera above the elevator captured her and Amon's appearance and the message sent by the signal transmitter implant carried on her body. Confirming her authority to summon the elevator. "Do you have any other tasks to perform next?"

"Yes, there are many tasks in the regency that require unconventional means to carry out." Amon said. While waiting for the elevator, Sophia said nothing. She stepped into the elevator and stood next to the Imperial Guard, staring straight ahead. Sophia didn't speak again until they took the gravity elevator to the apron and the two of them joined the ten-man team of the First Secret Regiment.

"Start the task timing now, compare the time, and confirm."

There were only a few people on the tarmac.

As an open apron, any safety standards in this port are extremely high. Amon nodded and walked up the ramp of the Pegasus assault transport ship. An armored vehicle for genetically modified soldiers was parked in the cabin. All soldiers present could be stuffed into it, and airdrop modules, fuel, missiles, etc. needed The items were all ticked on the data pad, along with the signatures and electronic seals of the quartermaster, ordnance department, and logistics officer. Although these departments are not exclusive to the Praetorian Order, Amon will still believe in the professionalism of those mortals and the rigor and efficiency of the entire system created by the regent.

He glanced at the ten mortals who were about to go into action. All the soldiers were quietly waiting for the order to be issued. He recognized the name, appearance and family background of every soldier, including pilots, who came from all over the world to train and build the beautiful world the Emperor had promised. After the combat meeting, they experienced a short induced sleep and woke up at the right time. Now they are full of energy and physical strength. The fully enclosed armor and weapons on their bodies have been overhauled and tested before the war to ensure that the information system and power system are not stable. Any glitches will occur.

Amon confirmed the mission details with them for the last time, and then passed by him one after another and boarded the gunship. This is not the first time these soldiers have performed a mission with him. Most of them have fought side by side with genetically modified soldiers more than once. They have even experienced the hellish battle on Fimbull Mountain, witnessing the entire area turned into a sea of ​​​​fire and the mountains capsized into Plains, watching the emperor fight with his own eyes. Amon knew that at that time he was still struggling in the alien training camp, standing out from hundreds of boys, even though he could no longer remember that time.

Amon paid due respect to these veterans who survived hell.

All mortals are confident because they have never seen a mission involving the Praetorians fail, whether it was a formal military operation or a special operation. He gave orders to the men of the First Secret Regiment, watching as the rigging secured them to their seats and the pilots started the engines. He nodded to Sophia, who was standing next to the air-tight door on the tarmac, who responded, and then the air-tight door closed completely, completely isolating her from the mission team. Artificial gravity is about to fail, and the decompression process is about to start. After a few minutes of complicated procedures and safety checks, the hangar will face the cold vacuum and deliver the team to the sky above the earth.

At the same time, evacuation ships and agents near the target location also began preliminary operations.

"See you in 72 hours, Commissar Sophia."

"This mission is very important." Victor von Doom said, "We will have the opportunity to find the location of US and British submarines in the Gulf of Aden and near the Red Sea. The Suez Canal will be an important trade channel for us. This channel is absolutely You cannot be threatened. Of course, this task is led by me. After all, you are still enjoying your hard-won family time, right?"

"Don't be so angry, Victor, I know you care about me."

"If you don't take it seriously, Milia will smash the sword on your head." Victor von Doom shook his head. Documents wrapped in brown paper were stacked on top of each other on his desk. The ones on the left are unprocessed files, and the ones on the right are processed files. There are far more files on the right than on the left. "According to the itinerary, you will return to the castle in two days. Have you evacuated the manor to the island base?"


"Then we can go to war without any distractions."

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