Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1493 Moon War (5)

She squirmed in the ventilation duct like a dark, soft snake.

The narrow ventilation duct forced her to contract her ribs and change the position of her internal organs. The tights made of synthetic materials also deformed along with her limbs that ordinary people should not have, allowing her to squeeze the organic parts of her body through the gaps between the metal plates. In the complex running through insulated energy pipes wrapped in black rubber. Through the ventilation grille, she heard the rapid and nervous chatter of the group of creatures dozens of meters below. The chatter stopped as the building experienced a brief tremor, and she stopped moving momentarily to avoid the possible deformation of the metal that would trap her in a section of pipe where no ventilation grille existed.

She knew that the conversation between the two men meant that her disguise had been exposed. The layer of human skin she had peeled off had rotted and stinked in the high temperature. Even if she had hidden it in the ventilation duct leading to the transformer room, that was seven standard Earth days ago, and the stench of the decaying biomass was extremely unpleasant. But she didn't care because she had already used that identity to get what she wanted.

This isolated colony of mutants developed its own civilization, all of which was completely different from Earth, but before she could sneak into the base with the help of a weak solar wind, the regent instilled in her the writing and language of this place. As for why the regent can understand the language of this mutant population, this is not a question she needs to answer.

As the vibrations stopped, the conversation started again, this time more nervous and impatient. The long and narrow skull wrapped in scaly skin was shaking, and the tongue and teeth like cold-blooded creatures were spitting out - these mutants had no reason not to Impatient, the Emperor's fire support troops are bombarding the metal city, and she despises these disgusting creatures, with such visceral hatred that she can't help but curl her fingers - she can control this emotion from psychological indoctrination, not only Because the status of the two mutants was too low, their positions and authority were unable to obtain more information, and it was also because the two mutants had already notified the security department of the Attilan base to report the strange murder they discovered.

Mutants with special abilities were coming, and she had seen what some of them were capable of.

But she could not rule out that the Attilan security department had discovered the identities of those who had disguised themselves several times before. She was also not sure whether the massacres she carried out using the same method could mislead the direction of the investigation. She was not even sure that the security department blamed those cases on internal personnel. Crime or invasion by foreign enemies. The only thing she can do now is to find the next target, use that appearance to disguise herself as the target, and then continue to approach the next target until she finally completes the mission. This was a mission that she only learned about after the memory infusion. She only knew that the target of this mission needed to be investigated and interrogated before it could be locked. Other than that, she knew nothing else to prevent mind readers from digging out relevant information from her brain.

The war had begun and she had to move faster.

The thrust of the engine was like a heavy hammer, pressing the knights tightly against the fixed frame. Aparisha tensed her muscles to resist the strong acceleration of gravity. The holographic image in the helmet's eyepiece is derived from data from the command level communication network, and also has such features as the team leader's eyepiece camera feed, medical data compiled by all knights, and a low-resolution image of the ship's exterior as he watches the sensor penetrate the giant smoke cloud. The regiment depicted the pyramid-like tiered structure of the Attilan base. Hundreds of tall towers extended from the basic tiered structure. Then, under the bombardment of the fire support troops, they broke off and fell with the mountain rocks they developed together.

The shiny metal walls were getting closer and closer, and the distance was shortening rapidly.

The collapsed gray mountain was filled with a huge amount of dust. The rocks embedded in the metal armor wall were peeled off layer by layer by the explosion. The thin air prevented the explosion sound from spreading. The metal structure hundreds of meters high collapsed in silent mime. The explosion was explosive. The gas eruption caused by the decompression momentarily pushed away the diffuse dust, but was immediately overwhelmed by more explosions. The Attilan base is over twenty kilometers in diameter

In the sky above the Attilan base that was gradually reduced to ruins, the vector engine of the assault transport boat dragged a long tail flame and plunged into the sea of ​​ashes below. The fire support force's fire control radar servo system controlled the firepower with microsecond accuracy, and there were several brief gaps in the light spots flying toward the Attilan base like meteors. Although the driver of the assault transport boat could not see clearly what was outside the gray cloud through the armored glass.

However, relying on the guidance of the synchronized command system on the battlefield, all assault transport boats are like fish swimming in flowing water. In the dust waterfall that is enough to obscure the external environment and block the engine inlet, they pass through the dense firepower with pleasing discipline, courage and tacit understanding. Net, pounced on the mountain and metal cut open by the fire support troops - this is undoubtedly a shocking scene worth remembering for a lifetime. Hundreds of steel-black giant birds of different sizes spread their wings, and the reverse thrust engines that were lit around the hull were like stars surrounding the ship. They maintained their formation and crashed into the metal exterior of the Attilan base that was destroyed by artillery like a death-eating raptor. wall.

Long-range sensors from sky carriers, sky battleships, and bombing drones combined to map out the metallic city's weak forces, and fire support units further weakened these weaknesses, stripping away the thickest outer armor plating and exposing structural weaknesses. . Aparisha blinked hard, switched the data link, and transmitted the sound to the ears of the other nineteen genetically modified warriors behind her.

"The hunt is about to begin, brothers! Impact is imminent!"

As a dazzling flash of light erupted from the bow of the ship, hundreds of assault boats were loaded into the instantly molten metal debris. The screams of the genetic warriors were instantly echoed by the deafening screams of melting, stretching, and tearing metal, as well as the cavity of atmospheric leakage. The roar was submerged, the landing claws cut into the metal and concrete like blades, and the roar of the reverse thrust engines spit out tongues of fire amid the violent vibrations of the hull. The seemingly endless, deafening assault finally stopped. With the sound of metal scraping and a brief and violent explosion, tactical symbols lit up on the display above the bow.

"Get ready to open the door!" Apalisha shouted. The explosive bolts of the ramp plate exploded in the molten metal, and the fixing clamp was immediately retracted. Aparisha unlocked the bolt pistol and long sword locked at her waist, and rushed into the dim passage with flashing red warning lights. He didn't need to look back to know that the assault troops followed his steps closely onto the passage, their magnetic boots firmly attracted to the ground. "Free fire!" He pulled the trigger and killed the Inhuman armed force who fell to the ground due to violent shock. Air continued to leak from the passage cut out by the assault boat. The piercing siren and the ominous red light in the passage were frightening, but Aparisha still cut off the circulating oxygen supply to the power armor and smelled the smoke through the helmet's breathing filter. With the smell of fire. Atmospheric composition: Standard. Air pressure: 0.75 standard atmosphere.

The tremors continued. With the hearing of the genetically modified warrior and the sound capture device in the helmet, Apalisha clearly heard more than twenty explosions coming from above, below, left and right, all of which came from the assault transport craft.

"Open the tactical map and seize the target!" According to the map's guidance, the core power generation unit is only nine kilometers away from them in a straight line. The twenty teams participating in the task of seizing the core power generation unit will meet on the road and return to his command. The tactical chart in Aparisha's helmet shows that this command team is the fastest advancing team. "Our mission will determine the outcome of the war!" he said. "Today the emperor leads us, and we must make him proud of us! For unity!"

"For unity!"

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