Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1495 Moon War (7)

Aura jumped over the molten sawtooth on the ground that was once an airtight door, jumped over the orange-red spacesuit and the weird limbs wrapped in the spacesuit, and jumped over the lake-like bomb crater filled with pus and blood, like a ferocious female leopard. Chase the assault team ahead in the intricate and dark passages. Behind her were several girls who were also holding heavy melta weapons and wearing combat knives. They were all excited about this mission. The messy footsteps crossed the corner, and the warm golden light illuminated the vast uninhabited area. Aura knew that she had caught up.

"Break the door." Derrick gave the order calmly, and then Aura and the other two androids walked through the passage vacated by the formation of the Imperial Guards. The other androids and girls turned their backs to the Imperial Guards. They formed a protective formation, with their eyes fixed on the area behind them that could not be illuminated by the emperor's glory. Derrick Xian and the other Praetorian Guards had no objection to this behavior. "for how long?"

"You shouldn't have asked such a stupid question." Aura looked at her creator, not at Sir Derrick, who was holding the garrison spear and asking the question. Two other androids armed with heavy melta weapons were already facing the thick air-tight door, pulling the triggers to pour stellar heat into the special alloy created by the Inhumans. Derrick first looked at his boss Constantine, but the latter just shook his head. "I will serve, my lord." She looked at Hammurabi, who had cooperated many times, who immediately commanded another Janissary to join him in the communication channel to shoot at the melted air-tight door. "The second battle group has set off, and soon we will receive the first batch of ammunition supplies and heavy fire support."

"Thank you for your notice, Aura. The prerequisite for obtaining ammunition supplies and heavy fire support is that we complete the mission." The emperor's affectionate address did not stop the team. The thick, molten air-tight door was blown open by the bombardment, and a torrent of metal poured down like melted glacier snow. This is a three-level air-tight explosion-proof door that is far higher than any previous air-tight facility and is used to protect heavy industrial elevators and shield cores. "Keep moving forward, we cannot let Attilan restore the shield. Contact the Martian technicians of the Second Battle Group. According to the plan, we need to override the heavy industrial elevator and shield wheel unit. Constantine, let us continue towards the Gene Parliament go ahead."

She swaggered in front of several Inhumans wearing special equipment, who saluted her respectfully. The skin of this member of the Gene Council is suffocating, but she has become accustomed to disguising herself as others, including disguising herself as a female mutant with red cold-blooded animal skin and claws, and the huge corpse of the female alien was dragged by her Entering the ventilation duct - she has been following this female alien for a long time. From the Alpha primitive disguised as a job, to the youth management department to the clan attendant of the Gene Parliament, she has been approaching and contacting this alien step by step. Other members of the Gene Parliament - this identity lasted very short because the female alien was so big that after eating part of the flesh, she had to discharge other parts into the sewer, and then hid the remaining parts in the ventilation pipeline. She must use this identity to complete her mission before other mutants with equally high positions or perhaps a keen sense of smell smell the stench when they enter this bathroom.

"We did not find Decius, Mother Ivo." A very tall, blue-skinned male inhuman wearing tights said worriedly. This was barely worrying, because she couldn't read the male's similarly deformed mutant cold-blooded animal face. As aliens from the same clan, they all have the same epigenetic genetic traits. Under the concepts of genetic breeding and eugenics, such mutations are becoming more and more obvious, and their mutation abilities are becoming more and more stable. "Clan Matron Medusa issued an order requiring the Gene Council to gather. Matron Corradi swore to comply and called on other clans to go together to discuss measures to fight against foreign enemies."

"Where's the Kimillian clan?" her disguised Matron Eivor asked in a hiss-like language, "What do those long-skull bastards think?"

"No news." The blue-skinned male alien, who was obviously serving as a bodyguard and secretary, gripped the floor tightly with his claws. In the distance behind the glass curtain wall in front of them is the bustling business district of the Ghost Clan and Inhumans, but they are overlooking these civilians because the gravity here is in a different direction. At this moment, under the maintenance of the clan's internal security department, the clan civilians thought that the current situation was just a problem with the external maintenance project, and that the water and power outages would be solved soon. "But some gossip claims that the Kimilian clan intends to escape on a starship and has rejected Black Bolt and Medusa's request to reinstate the Force of Light."

"The military department is called this name, no wonder others don't want to participate." Facing the clan matron's humor, other ghost clan officials were at a loss. "But I don't think those nectar-sucking idiots from the Kimilian clan are going to do much good. Tell that to the Kree clan and those hairy murlocs from the Badoon clan, I won't leave my clan in a situation where we're at a loss. Situation. I will participate in the Gene Council, but don’t want my clan to sacrifice their lives for the royal family like those untouchables without much mutation. I am also one of Black Bolt’s consorts, and I have the same rights. As for Decius, just Putting it aside for the moment, we have no time to care about the fate of a dandy, it is not surprising that a coward can do anything."

Maybe I should put Decius' body farther away, she thought. Decius has an obvious urge to reproduce towards Mother Ivo, which she cannot understand anyway. But now that the bodies of the two mutants are placed in the same pipe, and they peel off their skins and hug each other tightly, maybe This is what Decius dreamed of.

Aparisha gradually discovered that the mutants she faced seemed to have increasingly similar genetic characteristics. At first, this feature only appeared in different forms and parts, and then this epigenetic pattern was repeated until it lost its human shape. Such deformities attracted the wrath of genetically modified warriors, because these creatures were a blasphemy to the genetic purity of the human race. He hung the long sword on the magnetic lock, skillfully replaced it with a new magazine, and at the same time crushed the deformed creature that kept shouting in an unintelligible language under the soles of his combat boots.

"This kind of thing is not worth wasting ammunition. It must have at least two hearts and three lungs." Adjutant Nelson heard his boss's cold joke. He rolled his eyes mercilessly, because Aparisha used genes again. The implanted organs of the modified warriors are a joke. "I hope I have obtained override authority now, Nelson! Otherwise, if I let the melta heavy weapons come in and destroy the console directly, the same result would be achieved."

"This is not funny at all." Adjutant Nickerson connected several data lines extending from the mechanical body to the towering iron-black console, while adjusting the signal relay device to allow other Mars technicians on standby in orbit to It can control the core generator set computer through him and the signal relay equipment. "The Rangers have followed the second battle group into Attilan. Wait patiently, my bandwidth can be higher."

Aparisha drowned her impatience in her throat, but anger still vibrated from her chest.

He walked out of the control room with several corpses, dragging the knee armor servo that kept making strange noises towards the open corridor. Here they met organized, uniformed mutants. These mutants with pale skin, slender limbs and narrow skulls have mouths like anteaters. This kind of creature that can manipulate energy brings Apalixia a new life. The biggest trouble so far was that the servo joint of his right knee was damaged in that battle. But fortunately, after Adjutant Nelson's rescue, the airtightness of the power armor and the movement ability of the servo joints were not greatly affected.

"The stench of witchcraft is exactly the same as we've encountered before."

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