Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1498 Moon War (10)

"Calm down, Aparisha!"

"I didn't lose control, Lieutenant." Aparisha gasped over the communication channel. He still waved the sword in his hand and cut open the deformed body in front of him. Such vigorous exercise could not make him feel tired. As long as the nutrient input device in the power armor can be used, the genetically modified warrior can fight for hundreds or thousands of hours without rest. Now he only feels anger, and he is enduring the anger. "Your mission."

"We have not been invaded. The communication interruption of the Archaeopteryx team is because this airtight door and the wall here have a signal blocking function. This is to prevent someone from manipulating the equipment here through radio signals. The ones who locked the door are the mutants here. Witch, the mutants here have higher authority, we don't know much about this system." Adjutant Nelson said in a tone that could freeze people into ice cubes, "If you can put down your sword now, take care of your bolter. , then I would be grateful."

"Mars technicians investigated the hibernating system... It was indeed an artificial intelligence, but it failed to meet the prohibition standards and was completely different from the standard code used by Attilan. However, they still uploaded a program to prevent the system from fully waking up. , because that program controls a spacecraft. A starship more than ten kilometers long, and that ship is now embedded in the middle of the Attilan base, and may make an emergency escape at any time!" Adjutant Nelson used a neural interface to transmit electrical signals. , the arm mechanical prosthetic arm converts it into specific instructions and puts the universal data interface into the space under the metal arm. He didn't want to take on the job, he was an experienced fighter, but Aparisha really needed a technician. You don’t need to have strong skills, just knowing how to use the tools is enough. "Do you have any clues about the alien witch?"

"The brothers' tactical eyepieces recorded images."

"Okay, upload it to me on the comm link. There is also the scout's video comm video, we need to plan the next attack."

Adjutant Nelson walked out of the control room and skillfully arranged for his team members to lay anti-personnel mines in the passage. He then uploaded the mine location markers to the combat system and manually turned off the control authority to avoid accidental contact by his own personnel after the battle. Although it is an anti-personnel mine, its function is still closer to the anti-armor target. They should be extremely vigilant against every enemy in Attilan Base and never leave them a chance to survive.

About thirty seconds later, Adjutant Nelson walked through the charred and broken dark passage to Aparisha, who was now bathing in the blood of the Inhumans, and where the emergency lights were barely illuminated, one could still see the water dripping from the ceiling. Blood was dripping down, and the floor was soaked with blood and internal organs. It was so slippery that it was impossible to stand firmly without using the magnetic function and the posture compensation function of the power armor.

"How many have you killed? These fragments are too small, I can't count them." Adjutant Nelson stared closely at the soldier who was compressed into a small ball on the ground. That wasn't a hallucination, that was a victim of witchcraft, an alien witch who failed to tap into their memories and instead killed their siblings in front of them. Randolph, a brave warrior who had killed more than a dozen wizards, hundreds of snakemen, and countless cultists, regretted that Randolph's war had come to an end. "Let's get out of this stinking place."

"Haha. It's so funny. Isn't there still half of the body over there?" Apalisha laughed dryly, "The shield unit and water plant in the white room. Two kilometers away, I bet with a bomb, there There are definitely no less than fifty mutants, and at least one wizard."

Nelson ejected two explosive shells from the magazine and handed them to Apalisha, who took them and stuffed them into the magazine.

"Remember what was said at the combat meeting? This battle may last more than two days. We must maintain high-intensity operations and clear out all targets that do not meet subhuman standards, such as the alien witch we encountered before. As for the look-alike If it's human, let it be decided by the Praetorian Order, the Genetic Research Laboratory and the Karma Taj Psychic Academy. I like this decision, it can save a lot of time." Adjutant Nelson checked his bolt rifle. From the beginning of the battle to now, he has only used two magazines, but for other knights, the ammunition consumption has exceeded 60%. After all, the combination of abundant firepower and the ability to fire without missing a shot, the knights can create Invincible offensive advantage.

This is how they got here. With a total of forty people (five people were damaged in the battle, thirty-five people remained), two assault teams, and a ten-person reconnaissance team cleared more than forty-two floors, including wizards, superpowers, etc. The mutants such as the mutants have to deal with all kinds of completely unseen technology and magic. The various damages on the power armor are proof of their battle.

But this is far from enough.

The intensity and weirdness of this battle far exceeded the wars they had experienced - enemies were everywhere they looked, and sometimes they didn't even know which phenomena were the abilities of which enemy. Fortunately, as the appearance of the enemies they encountered gradually became fixed, and the degree of genetic variation and epigenetic characteristics gradually converged, the enemies' abilities became less diverse. The Kimilian clan with white long skulls has slender limbs but powerful mental abilities, and their leader is usually a wizard; the ghost clan with lizard appearance is extremely strong and is not much inferior to genetically modified warriors. Their claws can even cut through metal, and their skin can deflect live ammunition. Weapon impact. In encounters one after another, the enemy's organization level has obviously improved - no matter how slow the Inhumans are, they should be able to react. The attack route of the assault team is very conspicuous. When important facilities fall one by one, even an idiot will be able to react. Aware of their next plan of attack.

The Second Battle Group has begun to control transportation equipment such as industrial elevators, and they can receive more support.

But in this base, there is very little room for fire support troops to perform, so most of the second battle group is the armored department. If possible, Adjutant Nelson would not mind using heavy artillery or rockets to strike the target area first, but the heavy artillery of the fire support force can only attack the upper floors of the Attilan base, compressing the mutants' space for movement, and using flames to squeeze those creatures into them on the muzzle of the gun.

Now they have to kill room after room and passage after passage until all threats are eliminated. They can only rely on the melta warheads of individual missiles to destroy high-value and high-protection targets. The firepower density has dropped directly by several grade. If a few armored vehicles could be deployed, their work would be much easier. Currently, only armored forces can keep up with them and complete the task of delaying the enemy's counterattack. Adjutant Nelson could imagine the spiers of the Attilan base burning with flames. He felt like he could feel the melta warheads melting the metal supports, the underground bombs blasting through the concrete, everything the mutants had built using sorcery and alien technology. Although the burning towers collapsed, they were buried under the ruins together, and finally turned into ashes on the moon.

It felt good, but he shook himself out of his carnage fantasies.

War requires reason, fighting requires anger.

"I suggest resupplying before moving on. The Second Battle Group has set up supply points and safe routes. We can call in transport drones to deliver ammunition. Now that the enemy is ready to respond, I suggest that the plan be updated. A few minor modifications - from the start of the campaign to now, we are converging into a thrusting sword, but the sword is not sharp enough. Weapons that cannot split armor are worthless - give armored units delayed attacks on waterworks Attack and hold, and then attack the core of the shield with us. I believe that the two forces operating together will make the speed a lot faster. We need more powerful firepower, and more flamethrowers. If we can't control there, Then no one can get those facilities." He said, "Malcolm is coming soon, and he will participate in the final battle. I know you and he are not on good terms, but I hope you can not give him easy access to him. Come and punch me."

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