Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1500 Moon War (12)

"Hurry up, you lazy idiot!"

"But, Mistress Evo..."

"Shut up! I'm not interested in listening to that bitch Medusa's chatter. It's nothing more than the power of the untouchables, the power of the Alpha primitive and other nonsense!" Ghost Clan Mistress Evo clenched her fists, and the thick muscles under her scales Bulging. She took great pains to urge her untouchable slaves to put on her armor. As the bottom of Attilan society, civilians who have not experienced mutation or whose mutant genes have not been stimulated by Terrigen Mist are only higher than the Alpha primitives in terms of class. Even civilian clans that have always advocated equality will work on the surface. Treat these people as slaves. Because they have lost the noble Kree genetic engineering products in their inheritance, they are indulgent, promiscuous, disgusting creatures, unable to maintain the great mutation.

"Tell me, how prepared is the army?"

"Except for the standing armies that are trained to fight other clans...I mean, clan defense forces."

The dark brown lizard man opened his mouth and stuck out his deformed tongue, fearing that he would be punched on the head in the next second. But the attack never came, and Matron Evo didn't seem to care about the guard's gaffe. Previously, the production base of the Alpha primitives was captured, but other clans except the civilian clan were not in a hurry. Even if this meant that the people on earth discovered Attilan and took military action, the Gene Parliament was not without means to deal with it. After all, the outermost layer If the shield is breached, it will only allow the invaders to enter Attilan. The Inhumans' excellent mutation ability is enough to deal with it.

It wasn't until everyone discovered that the Earthlings who came to attack Attilan seemed to be a little different this time, that the Gene Council reluctantly united to fight against the foreign enemies and regain the lost production facilities to maintain stability. But now the Gene Council has lost most of its production facilities starting from the 70th floor. The sewage treatment system has been paralyzed. Residents can only drink dirty water when they turn on the tap. The industrial power grid was destroyed, and food factories and gene farms were completely shut down. No fresh food would be sent to the upper floors by freight trains and elevators. Even the elevators going to the ground floor for repairs were controlled, and no military or engineering personnel could be dispatched. This is a problem that all clans have to face. No matter what disputes there are in the past between clans, they must unite according to the original intention of their ancestors to establish the Gene Parliament.

"We have also recruited young adults from the clan. They have undergone simple training and know how to obey instructions." The guard said, "Each ghost clan warrior can be compared with ten people from other clans."

"That's enough. Get away, you useless thing!" Mistress Evo was angry at the pariah who was clumsy in wearing armor, and punched the slave in the face. The shattered bones were like dozens of sharp knives cutting through tissue. The life of this untouchable was killed in an instant, and the man died completely without even uttering a cry. The nearly crushed skull exposed the brain tissue to the air, but no one cared about the life of this lowly creature, including other slaves. "Find another slave to come over. I don't have the patience to let the civilian clan or the villain clan and the Centaur clan set off before us!"

"Yes, Mistress Evo." The guard pointed to another slave on standby, "You, come here! Mistress Evo, there is one more thing...Mother Medusa seems to want to pull you into the command communication. Channel. She claims that it is perfectly legal and you cannot object, based on the recent War Information Sharing Act."

"How could I let you serve as my bodyguard!" Mother Evo let out a long sigh, her hot breath condensing into mist in the air. The slave obediently stretched out his hand and performed the work that the previous slave had left behind and failed to do, repairing the power armor data interface that had not been used for a long time. "Okay, let's connect to the communication channel. I can't wait to hear the pleas of those weak clans. Especially Medusa's hypocritical cry. Will she miss the slums where she came from? Will she move her noble Are your ass going there to save the untouchables?”

"At this moment, the spies are reporting that the Attilan alien counterattack troops are being deployed, luring the enemy troops into our ambush circle. Due to structural problems, we are unable to use fire support troops. All victory depends on the genetically modified warriors' own abilities and We use our technology to fight against thousands of mutants. There are less than a thousand of them, and it will be a massacre." Regent Victor von Doom patiently explained the complicated schematics to the ambassador. The meaning of each mark. There is no top-secret information here, it is just a move of the army logo on the map, and even the map does not mark the generator set and other information - the regent Victor von Doom agreed that the ambassador should keep in touch with the country because the latter requested to communicate with the country. The astronomical system kept in touch and confirmed that there was indeed a fleet staying in the lunar orbit. Although the ambassador wanted to know how the regent obtained this map and how the spies provided real-time feedback, now he could only listen patiently to the regent's explanation of the war. situation, because this is the only known record of mankind fighting against aliens on a large scale.

"Street fighting and security warfare are the wars that most test the quality of soldiers. Since the Gulf War, all countries have realized the role of informatization. The United States' long-term security war in the Middle East has even led the NATO military tactical manual to develop in the direction of security warfare. However, security warfare The premise is that one of the parties has long-range firepower and information superiority. It is an asymmetric operation. There is no space for gunboats and artillery support in the space base, and the maze-like terrain will also have many impacts on the supporting troops. Nowadays, genes The tactical regulations for transforming warriors are plans compiled and modified by the emperor himself. With powered armor and informationized combat systems, these warriors can cope with the most difficult combat environments and the bloodiest battles, and fight to the death until all enemies are killed. .”

This was a peaceful demonstration. The ambassador thought. "Why show me this war?" he said. "Your country's ambitions towards Greece are obvious. Even the Greek and Turkish governments are increasing military spending and negotiating with NATO."

"Mr. Ambassador, have you studied the theories of the dependency school? From the perspective of critical and sociological research on state relations, the dependence school is worth studying, because some of its theories can completely correspond to the actual international relations. We all know it We must fully understand the difference between the territorial expansion of feudal dynasties and the expansion of markets by capitalism, which is why there are so many independent movements actively promoted by capitalist countries in the global free market environment.”

Regent Victor von Doom poured another glass of wine.

War makes people thirsty, and even those who are bystanders will not feel much relieved.

“In the world system theory, the boundaries of territory in the free market are meaningless, only the boundaries of market share are meaningful. For countries that refuse to accept the rules of free market exploitation, capitalist countries will usually use violent methods to forcefully open the market and hinder the industrialization process. , I believe your country has a deep understanding of this. This is one of the reasons why small countries with small territories and poor resources cannot rise. I need to emphasize again that there is no methodology in this world that can be applied to all aspects. That is idealism. product. As a politician rather than a politician, I must be clearly aware of the complexity of reality, otherwise I will never find a solution to the problem. But at the same time, I must also realize that the world is not rational, and Hayek has I have given a reminder that arrogance and ignorance are the biggest obstacles to survival. We must think from the perspective of truth and underlying laws rather than morality."

“There are not many scholarly leaders left in the world.”

"Oh, flattery can come later. Let's put aside law and morality and talk about reality." The regent said with a smile, "It is not difficult to find from my statement that the biggest problem facing small countries is that big countries can use money that they cannot refuse. Violence forced the market to join the exploitative economic system dominated by big powers. So now we have nuclear deterrence and the ability to refuse to be violently opened to the market. At the same time, we have advanced technology that far exceeds that of capitalist society, and we can also avoid falling behind. Enter the middle-income trap, skip the production technology blockade, and become a high value-added producer in the manufacturing industry. In this case, victory is irreversible. I have dispersed many partnerships in the EU free trade market, the Netherlands has cheese, and Italy has the same With cheese, in the absence of the NATO forces being able to stand up to the Emperor, egoism will allow them to divide themselves.”

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