Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1507 Chapter 1503 Moon War (19)

"I must remind you that this war is not fought in just one dimension."

Master Wang yelled at Hammurabi angrily, but the latter's expression remained calm.

"Perhaps you think that the Praetorian Order can solve the problem with explosive bombs and knives, but this is simply impossible. We don't know what rituals these mutants intend to perform, nor what the purpose of those rituals is. That is what Karma Taj knows Very little alien magic, we can't even dig out any useful information from the etheric sea, it's like someone is talking and we are on the other side of the planet, and it happens that the person is talking about the nuclear bomb code. Some are not Things in this war got involved and immediately chose to launch the nuclear bomb after hearing the code. Can you hear what I say, gold head? "

"I can hear that the diameter of your sound travels more than one meter, and my ears and sound capture device are very sensitive." Hammurabi lowered his head. Hammurabi always lowered his head when speaking to others, except the other praetorians and the emperor. "Do you think He doesn't know? He is analyzing alien witchcraft. As you said, it is something Kama Taj has never seen."

"Okay, just throw this alien star fortress into the sun, and all problems will be solved. He can do it, I assure you, this will never be a problem for Him." Master Xiao Wang Still sulking, "Facing the Dark Order fleet, this Star Fortress, which must undergo comprehensive repairs, will not play a decisive role. Don't look at me like that, Hammurabi, your expression is as if I know Attilan The future arrangements for the base are a very strange thing. He trusts me just as he trusts you. If you are willing to look more at Kama Taj's plans, you will find the manufacturing plan for the five void shield engines. .”

"The news you bring is very bad. Master Wang, you know that he cares about the Supreme Master, and your news will only make his thoughts more melancholy." Hammurabi said without hesitation, "The most important thing now is Facing the war of the Inhumans, He also knows this..." The shock caused by the dull loud noise in the distance spread rapidly downward from above, sweeping through assembly point D at an almost hurricane-like speed, including Hammurabi, Wang All conversations, including those between the mages, stopped briefly for a few seconds, and the frequent flashing lights at the assembly point also made the visibility here quite bad. "...You will see him in a bad mood, or in other words, an emperor with no emotions. That is the worst emotional expression for him. Get out of my way, my friends, I still have things to do."

"What about Kama Taj?"

"He doesn't want to see you now, and you have no authority to question His arrangements for the Attilan base." Hammurabi said calmly. He could feel the metal that was constantly vibrating slightly under his boots. He could imagine what kind of damage such tremors would cause after resonance at the bottom layer responsible for the operation of the entire Attilan. "Don't let me tear away the pretense of friendship, Master Wang."

The spell twisted in the smoky air, glowing a dizzying deep purple like a squirming maggot in a mire. The Kimilian clan wizard walked around the small circle formed by the nine kneeling slaves, swung the long leather whip with barbs in his hand, and made more tiny scratches on the scarred skin of these slaves with knives carved with symbols. bloody wounds. They are completely unaware of the pain. The slaves' necks are tightly locked with iron collars engraved with symbols. They vary in size but are just right. The metal spikes extending inward pierce the mutated skin, muscles, and perhaps bones of their humanoid shoulders and necks. and skin membrane. They are completely unaware of the pain. The deep purple light shines on the mutated and grown visual organs, carving painful scorch marks in the brain through nerve and electrical signals. The slave's heart beats along with the wizard's spell - this glimmer of light completely fascinated it. Sanity. It was just a glimmer of light, but it could ignite—I miss the passionate heartbeat that could ignite the cold void. I miss the cervical vertebra crushed in the palm of my hand, I miss the smooth feeling of the blood soaking into the palm, and I miss the pain of the scales cutting into the gaps between my fingers.

The wizard continued to whip the slave's back, extolling ancient wisdom that no one knew, forgotten by time. This wisdom is older than the Kree Empire, and the true meaning of certain syllables and symbols can only be fully understood by the oldest intellectual race in the universe. Even the Kree wizards who once taught the wizards of the Kimilian clan could only vaguely point out that this is a non-carbon-based, non-carbon-based, non-carbon-based, non-carbon-based species. A giant with blood and extraordinary spiritual power.

This is prayer.

The eleven small circles forming a large sacrifice make it possible for this wisdom to appear in the real plane.

Located beneath the Kimilian clan's royal hall, this giant cabin is decorated in a style that is completely different from other clans, and even the Kimilian clan itself. Weird statues, mysterious rituals, and increasingly terrifying legends have made all the Kimilian clan involuntarily stay away from this place full of weird stories. Even Matron Onomi has never seen with her own eyes this person who has always provided the clan monarch with her own eyes. Suggested coven settlement.

The violent tremors made the ground shake slightly with the coagulated blood, and the wizards spoke faster. The first slave was kneeling in knee-deep blood. Scald blisters bulged from under his scales. Transparent liquid boiled and exploded in his skin. Thick smoke billowed out from his semi-degraded eyes and mouth full of tiny teeth. Jiao's throat only had time to utter a word that he had never heard or understood before the dazzling firelight swept through his body in an instant - the firelight disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a mutilated and charred corpse - the first slave remained silent It fell to the ground covered with symbols, and the stench of burnt flesh and bones spread throughout the giant cabin along with the sound of falling to the ground. Thousands of scales on its body were scorched and curled up, like black fur balls.

"The best! The best!" The wizards of the Kimilian clan whipped harder, squeezing out more spells and saliva from their narrow snouts. The slaves opened their different mouths and shouted "The Greatest Good".

"The best!"

shouted the second slave. It has two humanoid faces growing on the left and right sides of the same head. They share a common brain and other organs, and have completely synchronized expressions. Now its third face is shouting "The Good". This new face grew between two twisted and painful cheeks. The long, narrow and deformed face had no respiratory system at all. The original skin could still be seen from the open mouth, but this layer of skin was now suddenly grown. The bones and cartilage of the ground stretched like a taut drum skin, making a loud sound that could shake the body.

"The Good!" it shouted a Cree word.

This word is the soul hell of some indescribable wisdom in the ether sea. Every word is crushing its sanity until its intelligence is broken into pieces, and the Cree bursts out in absolute chaos and is passed to the gene. Engineering and the creation of ancient intelligent races was a gift given by Terrigen's genetic engineering technology - the new face's vocal chords exploded as soon as he shouted that word. It exploded from the inside out, the deformed bones were slowly broken, the internal organs were turned from the mouth and cloaca to the outside, and the skin full of pus and blood stuck together - even so, it was still alive, and the painful wail came from that It came from inside the object, and the scattered internal organs were exposed to the air and kept squirming. At least it remained alive until the ecstatic wizards of the Kimilian clan arrived to sacrifice it.

"This is it?"

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